
Payment Provider Integration

JustOn Cash Management can integrate your Salesforce org with payment service providers (PSP) in order to exchange payment information – namely, to provide your buyers the option to pay their purchases (represented as entries) via the payment page.

For details, see Integrating Payment Provider.

Payment Workflow via Payment Provider

In broad strokes, payment requests are processed as follows:


JustOn Cash Management prepares payment
JustOn Cash Management encrypts the involved entries and publishes the payment page it to the buyer.
Buyer executes payment

The buyer selects a payment service provider or payment method and releases the payment transaction.

JustOn Cash Management creates a Payment record with the status Pending and an Entry Item record with an Expected Amount.

Payment provider captures amount

The payment service provider captures the payment amount in the buyer's bank and notifies JustOn Cash Management about the result.

JustOn Cash Management creates a Payment Notification record that represents the capture result.

  • The Payment Notification record has an Amount value set.
  • The Payment record's Status is set Collected and its Collected Amount is registered.
  • On the Entry Item record, the Expected Amount is deleted and an Assigned Amount value is set – which is transferred to the related Entry record as Assigned Amount.
  • With the Open Amount completely covered, the Entry record's Status is set Balanced.
  • The Payment Notification record has an empty Amount.
  • The Payment record's Status remains or is reset Pending.
  • The Entry Item record keeps or is restored its Expected Amount.
  • The related Entry record's Status remains or is reset Open.
Bank transfers money
The buyer's bank transfers the captured amount to the payment service provider. Subsequently, the payment service provider passes the amount to the merchant's bank.


Collecting payments via PSPs and, consequently, settling the corresponding entries does not involve bank accounts.

The money transfer between the banks does not alter the payment and entry status or the settlement result.

Payment Page

JustOn Cash Management includes a payment page. It provides your buyers the option to pay their purchases (represented as entries) via integrated payment service providers.

In order to invite your buyers to pay, you publish a link to your payment page. This payment link looks like

where :link-id encodes the relevant entries and :tenant represents your organization.

For details, see Configuring Payment Page.

Text Customization

Depending on your requirements, you can modify or translate the texts to be displayed on the payment page. To this end, JustOn Cash Management provides the custom Salesforce object Payment Page Configuration.

Payment page configurations hold customized texts or translations for payment page texts. Once payment page configuration records are available for a given locale, JustOn Cash Management retrieves the texts when loading the payment page.

Additional Pages

Your business may require to publish payment-relevant information that does not "fit" in the text components of the payment page. To support this, you create additional custom pages that are linked with the payment page. You can use this, for example, to attach your terms and conditions.

JustOn Cash Management implements support for custom pages using the Salesforce object CMS Page. Once CMS Page records are available for a given locale and set Active, JustOn Cash Management produces a list of links to these custom pages in the payment page footer when loading the payment page.

Clicking a link opens the page in a modal window. Closing this window returns the user to the payment page, ready to continue the payment process.

Refund via Payment Provider

For payments facilitated by a payment service provider, the provider is the leading system. Any modifications to the payment will synchronize with JustOn Cash Management, updating both payment and refund records accordingly.

Usually, PSPs place refund requests in a queue for processing, which may take some time. Once executed, JustOn Cash Management will be notified via a webhook. Subsequently, JustOn Cash Management creates a refund record, with the Open Amount in accordance with the refunded payment (see Refund Amount Values). In addition, JustOn Cash Management will reduce the Open Amount and the Collected Amount of the related payment (see Payment Amount Values) in accordance with the refunded amount.

Currently, JustOn Cash Management supports refunds in response to payments made via Adyen only. For details on initializing a refund via the Adyen dashboard, see Refund a payment.

With respect to refunds via Adyen, the possible responses ("webhook events") are mapped to the refund statuses as follows:

Webhook Event Refund Status Adyen Description
success = true
Refunded Adyen's validations were successful and we got the refund request to the card scheme.
success = false
Rejected Adyen's refund validations failed.
success = true
Failed This can happen a few days after the refund request was submitted: the card scheme can still reject the refund.
success = true
Reversed This can happen for some payment methods, for example, if the shopper's bank account is no longer valid and the funds have been returned to Adyen


Refunds in response to payments made via Mollie require manual processing to produce the intended results in JustOn Cash Management.

For details on initializing a refund via the Mollie Dashboard, see How do I refund a payment?.

For details on processing Mollie-initiated refunds in JustOn Cash Management, see Handling PSP-Initiated Refunds.