Business Entity Fields
This JustOn Configurator package provides additions to the business entity. It adds a number of commonly used fields to the custom setting as well as the corresponding custom placeholders.
For details, see Business Entities and Custom Placeholders.
System preconditions:
- JustOn Billing & Invoice Management installed
- Permission set
JustOn Additional Fields
created (Enabling Access for New Users, step 2) - State and Country Picklists enabled
Deploying package
To deploy a configurator package:
- Log in your target Salesforce org.
In the same browser session, open the JustOn Configurator.
If the link does not work, copy the URL
. -
Click Salesforce OAuth2.
This connects the JustOn Configurator with your current Salesforce session using your current credentials. Make sure that you are connected with the intended user and org.
Open the relevant tab.
- Scroll down the list to find the relevant package.
Click Deploy.
This deploys the configuration as described to your org.
Back in your Salesforce org, make sure to add the deployed components to permission sets as necessary.
Deployed Artifacts
The package adds the following artifacts:
- Business Entity fields
Field Data Type Description CommercialCourt__c Text (255) The location of the relevant commercial court. Email__c Email The business entity's email address to be printed to the invoice. Fax__c Phone The business entity's fax number. RegisterNumber__c Text (50) The business entity's commercial register number. Web__c URL The business entity's website. - Custom placeholders
Name Field Render as Source BusinessEntityCourt CommercialCourt__c TEXT BusinessEntity BusinessEntityMail Email__c TEXT BusinessEntity BusinessEntityFax Fax__c TEXT BusinessEntity BusinessEntityRegisterNumber RegisterNumber__c TEXT BusinessEntity BusinessEntityWeb Web__c TEXT BusinessEntity
Post-Deployment Tasks
- Make sure that the relevant users can access the new Business Entity fields.