
Enabling Opportunity Billing


This document describes the legacy opportunity-to-invoice run, which is no longer actively supported.

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management still provides this functionality for compatibility reasons with existing projects. For new projects, however, JustOn recommends to consider the opportunity a generic object and to set up opportunity billing using the generic invoice run. For details, see Billing Arbitrary Objects.

JustOn allows for creating invoices from opportunities. To this end, JustOn allows for configuring the standard opportunity object to hold the required invoicing data using the ON field mechanism. With custom filters, you then define which opportunities to include in the invoice run.

The opportunity products will figure as invoice line items on the created invoices.

Creating invoices from opportunities

Enabling opportunity billing involves the following mandatory tasks:

Optional setup steps may include:


Note that for opportunity billing to work, your opportunities must include opportunity products, which will figure as invoice line items on the created invoices.

Adding Invoicing Fields to Opportunity

In order to hold the required invoicing data, you must add new fields to the Opportunity object.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Opportunity object.
  2. Create the following new fields as required.

    Mandatory fields

    Field Label API Name Data Type Description
    Invoice Run ON_LastInvoiceRun Lookup (Invoice Run) Shows the last invoice run that has processed this opportunity
    Last Error ON_LastError Text (255) Shows possible errors occurred during the last invoice run

    Optional fields

    Field Label API Name Data Type Description
    Email Contact ON_EmailContact Lookup (Contact)
    Formula (Text)
    Shows a related contact
    Gross Invoice ON_GrossInvoice Boolean True if a gross invoice is to be generated
    Email Invoice ON_EmailInvoice Boolean True if the invoice is to be be sent via email
    Print Invoice ON_PrintInvoice Boolean True if the invoice is to be be printed

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.


You can add more fields using the ON field mechanism.

Creating Opportunity Filters

To define which opportunities to include in the invoice run, you create custom filters.


At least one filter is required.

  1. Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.

  2. Click Manage in the row of Filters.

  3. Create opportunity filter(s) as required, following the examples below.

    For opportunity filters, a condition is mandatory.

    For help about creating filters, see Filters.

Example filters
Name Target Condition
Closed Won Opportunity StageName = 'Closed Won'
Closed Won Germany Opportunity RecordType.Name = 'Germany' AND StageName = 'Closed Won'

Assigning an Invoice Template

Optionally, you can define an invoice template to the opportunity or, in the same way, to the corresponding account. JustOn tries to use the template defined with the opportunity first and falls back to account. If the field is not available or empty, the default invoice template will be used instead.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Opportunity object.
  2. Create the new field for the invoice template as shown below.

    Field Label API Name Possible Data Types
    Invoice Template ON_Template Lookup (Template)
    Formula (Text, ID)

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

Creating Lookup Relations

For reporting purposes, you may want to display the parent-child relations between

  • an opportunity product and its corresponding invoice line item
  • an invoice line item and its originating opportunity

using Salesforce's related list functionality (see Work with Related Lists on Records in the Salesforce Help). To this end, you need the corresponding lookup relations.

To create a lookup relation from the opportunity product and its corresponding invoice line item:

  1. Navigate to the fields list the Opportunity Product object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    Field Label API Name Data Type
    Invoice Line Item ON_InvoiceLineItem Lookup (Invoice Line Item)

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

To create a lookup relation from the resulting invoice line item to its originating opportunity:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Invoice Line Item object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    Field Label API Name Data Type
    Opportunity ON_Opportunity Lookup (Opportunity)

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

Managing Opportunity Product Behavior

When creating invoices from opportunities, each opportunity product will result in an invoice line item if the following criteria are true:

  • the opportunity product has not been billed before, that is, it is not part of an Open or Paid invoice
  • the service date is not set or it is between the period start and the period end of the invoice run


The fields Service Period Start and Service Period End are not filtered against the invoice run period. They are just copied to the resulting invoice line item.

The fields of the opportunity product and its corresponding product are mapped in the following way:

Source Object Field Invoice Line Item Field Description
OpportunityLineItem Description Description__c will fallback to Product2.Description if empty
OpportunityLineItem Quantity Quantity__c
OpportunityLineItem List Price OR Sales Price UnitPrice__c Depends on discount calculation
OpportunityLineItem ON_UnitPrice__c UnitPrice__c Use the ON field to override the sales price. If present, the automatic discount calculation is disabled.
OpportunityLineItem ServiceDate, ON_ServicePeriodStart__c, ON_ServicePeriodEnd__c ServicePeriodStart__c, ServicePeriodEnd__c Use the ON fields to set the service period fields explicitly. If these fields are not available or empty, the service date is used. If the service date is empty, it will fallback to the period start and period end of the invoice run.
OpportunityLineItem ON_Sequence__c Sequence__c
Product2 ON_QuantityUnit__c Unit__c
Product2 Name Title__c
Product2 ProductCode ProductCode__c
Product2 Family ProductGroup__c


The tax rate and the applied tax rule are determined by the corresponding account and the Product2 object.

Calculating Discount Amount for Opportunity Products

For calculating discounts, there are two options.

(A) If all of the following conditions are true

  • SalesPrice < ListPrice
  • SalesPrice >= 0
  • Quantity >= 0

apply the following settings:

Invoice Line Item Field Setting
UnitPrice__c ListPrice
Discount__c empty
DiscountAmount__c -Quantity * (ListPrice + SalesPrice * (Discount - 1))

This results in a calculated discount amount.

(B) If the mentioned conditions are not true or if the opportunity product is scheduled (see Working with Scheduled Opportunity Products), apply the following settings:

Invoice Line Item Field Setting
UnitPrice__c SalesPrice
Discount__c Discount
DiscountAmount__c 0

This applies a percentage discount.

To make copying the sales price the default behavior:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Opportunity Product object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    Field Label API Name Data Type
    Use Sales Price ON_UseSalesPrice Checkbox (default: true)

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

You can also control the discount amount calculation on the opportunity level. To do so, create the following new fields on the Opportunity object and the Opportunity Product object:

Object Field Label API Name Data Type
Opportunity Use Sales Price ON_UseSalesPrice Checkbox (default: true)
Opportunity Product Use Sales Price ON_UseSalesPrice Formula (Opportunity.ON_UseSalesPrice__c)


Using the custom field formula ON_UnitPrice__c on the opportunity product has the same effect as setting the checkbox Use Sales Price.

Enabling Opportunity Product Selection

You can set up an option to individually select opportunity products to be billed. When enabled, JustOn creates invoice line items only for the selected opportunity products.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Opportunity Product object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    Field Label API Name Data Type
    Is Billable ON_IsBillable Checkbox

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.


JustOn creates invoice line items out of opportunity products only if the checkbox field ON_IsBillable does not exist or, if available, is marked.


When using opportunity billing and if the ON_LastInvoiceRun__c field of the opportunity is already set, you must start a new invoice run in order to consider new opportunity products after activating the checkbox ON_IsBillable. If you do not want to create a new invoice run, you must clear the Invoice Run field of the opportunity.

Working with Scheduled Opportunity Products


Product scheduling must be enabled.

Note that the Product Schedules Settings are accessible in Salesforce Classic only.

To enable product scheduling:

  1. Click to enter Setup, then open Product Schedules Settings.

    In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Feature Settings > Sales > Products > Product Schedules Settings.

    In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Build > Customize > Products > Product Schedules Settings.

  2. Enable Quantity Schedules, Revenue Schedules or both.

  3. Click Save.

    For details, see Enable Product Schedules in the Salesforce Help.

Each opportunity product schedule will result in an invoice line item if the following criteria are true:

  • the opportunity product has not been billed before, that is, it is not part of an Open or Paid invoice
  • the schedule date is set before the period end or equals it

The fields Title__c, Description__c, ProductCode__c and ProductGroup__c are populated as described in the opportunity product field mapping table.

The service period is set as follows.

Field Value Description
ServicePeriodStart__c OpportunityLineItemSchedule.ScheduleDate
ServicePeriodEnd__c OpportunityLineItemSchedule.ScheduleDate
of the next schedule - 1 day
If there is no next schedule, the period end is used instead

Quantity__c and UnitPrice__c will be set based on the type of the schedule:

Quantity-based schedules

Field Value
Quantity__c OpportunityLineItemSchedule.Quantity
UnitPrice__c OpportunityLineItem.UnitPrice

Revenue-based schedules

Field Value
Quantity__c 1
UnitPrice__c OpportunityLineItemSchedule.Revenue

Quantity and revenue-based schedules

Field Value
Quantity__c OpportunityLineItemSchedule.Quantity
UnitPrice__c OpportunityLineItemSchedule.Revenue


Invoice line items with a quantity of 0 will be deleted.

Optionally, you can enable the display of

  • related invoices in the opportunity details
  • related opportunities in the invoice details

using Salesforce's related list functionality (see Work with Related Lists on Records in the Salesforce Help).

To add the related invoices list to the opportunity page layout:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Opportunity object.
  2. Click Page Layouts.
  3. In the row of Opportunity Layout, click Edit.
  4. Add the following Visualforce page to the page layout, then click Save.

    Visualforce Page Business Logic
    OpportunityBilledAt Lists created invoices on the opportunity

    For help about modifying page layouts, see Managing Pages.

To add the related opportunities to the invoice page layout:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Invoice object.
  2. Click Page Layouts.
  3. In the row of Invoice Layout, click Edit.
  4. Add the following Visualforce page to the page layout, then click Save.

    Visualforce Page Business Logic
    BilledOpportunities Lists billed opportunities on the invoice

    For help about modifying page layouts, see Managing Pages.

Miscellaneous Options

Enabling Single Invoice Generation per Opportunity

It is possible to generate single invoices per opportunity on the same account. To this end, you need new custom fields on the Opportunity and Invoice objects.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Opportunity or Invoice object, respectively.
  2. Create the following new field.

    Object API Name Data Type Description
    Opportunity ON_CreateSingleInvoice Boolean true if a single invoice is to be generated
    Invoice ON_InvoiceSeparately Boolean Will be set during the invoice run

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

Enabling Gross Invoice Generation

JustOn can generate net invoices, gross invoices or mixed net/gross invoices. This behavior is controlled using the checkbox Gross Invoice on the invoice line item.


You can set the checkbox Gross Invoice on the invoice line item as of JustOn 2.50.

To enable the setting for opportunity billing, you need the ON field ON_GrossInvoice on the Opportunity Product object.

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Opportunity Product object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    API Name Data Type Description
    ON_GrossInvoice Boolean true if a gross invoice is to be generated

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

Adding an Invoice Generation Button

Optionally, you can enable manual invoice generation from an opportunity using a button. Adding a new button for manual invoice generation involves two steps:

  • Creating the button
  • Adding the button to a page layout

To create the button:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Opportunity object.
  2. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  3. Click New Buttons or Link.
  4. Create the following button, then click Save.

    Detail Value
    Label New Invoice
    Display Type Detail Page Button
    Behavior Display in existing window with sidebar
    Content Source Visualforce Page
    Content NewInvoiceFromOpportunity

    For help about creating buttons, see Managing Buttons or Links.

To add the button to the page layout:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Opportunity object.
  2. Click Page Layouts.
  3. In the row of Opportunity Layout, click Edit.
  4. Add the new button to the page layout, then click Save.

    For help about modifying page layouts, see Managing Pages.

Optionally, opportunities can be transferred to a new stage once the opportunity products have been invoiced. To enable this feature:

  1. Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.

  2. Click Manage in the row of Global Settings.

  3. Click Edit in the Default row.
  4. Specify values for the data fields Billed Opportunity Stage Name and Not Billed Opportunity Stage Name, then click Save.

    Global Settings Data Field Use Case Example Value
    Billed Opportunity Stage Name Is set if all opportunity products have been invoiced, and the invoice is set Open. Billed
    Not Billed Opportunity Stage Name Is set if the related invoice has been (partially) canceled.
    Depending on your business scenario, you can choose to use a new, dedicated stage, or to use the stage that originally triggers the invoice creation (as set as the filter condition).
    Not billed
    Closed Won

    The opportunity stages will be updated each time an opportunity-related invoice is updated.

Next steps:

Executing an Opportunity Invoice Run
Creating Invoice From an Individual Opportunity

Return to JustOn Administration.