
How to repeat SEPA exports?

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When exporting SEPA XML bank transfer orders, you can set the option Create Payments. This makes JustOn create payment balances on the invoices, which sets the invoices Paid, or reverse balances for the exported balances to offset their amount. Enabling this setting prevents multiple exports using the Force Export option.

Now your business may, however, require to repeatedly export SEPA XML for testing or review purposes. Here is how to proceed:

  1. Export the SEPA XML bank transfer orders without setting the option Create Payments.

    This produces the intended SEPA XML files but does not create payment balances or reverse balances, leaving the status of the original invoice or balance unchanged.

  2. Review the produced SEPA XML files.

    Find the exported SEPA XML files in the target as defined by the selected export configuration, or, if not specified, on Salesforce's Files tab in the group Owned by me.

  3. In case of issues, correct the source files or the export configuration.

    If necessary, repeat the preliminary export applying the option Force Export, and review the result.

  4. If everything is correct, export the SEPA XML bank transfer orders again, this time selecting the options Force Export and Create Payments.

    This produces the intended SEPA XML files and creates payment balances or reverse balances, setting the original invoices Paid or, respectively, offsetting the original balances.

Related information:

SEPA Export
Exporting Bank Transfer Orders