
How do subscription period, item period and invoice (run) period map?

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You can define subscription start and end dates, start and end dates for subscription items, as well as start and end dates for invoice runs. So how do these dates play together? Which date decides whether an item is invoiced or not?


The basic rule is: an item is subject to invoicing if its period is – at least partially – within the subscription period and the invoice run period (and if it is not yet invoiced, of course).

That is:

  • An item start date or next invoice date may be before the subscription start date or before the invoice run start date – as long as its end date is within the subscription period and the invoice run period, it is going to be invoiced.
  • An item end date may be after the subscription end date or after the invoice run end date – as long as its start date or next invoice date is within the subscription period and the invoice run period, it is going to be invoiced, too.
  • If both start date/next invoice date and end date of the item are outside the subscription period or the invoice run period, the item will not be invoiced.

For recurring items, in addition, the billing period and the billing unit specify the interval after which an item is considered in the subsequent invoice run. Based on this data, JustOn determines

  • the billing factor, which is to be applied to the resulting invoice line item – as a multiplier for the specified price, and
  • the start date of the next service period – the (earliest) date on which the recurring item is invoiced again.

Remember that the billing types Recurring Prorated and Recurring Prorated AVG support the partial calculation of months defined as the billing period – according to the actual number of days.

Subscription, item and invoice period mapping

If the periods do not match, JustOn will not create invoice line items and, consequently, no invoices. In this case, the following information is displayed:

No invoice created, because there have been no line items created.

Related information:

How does JustOn determine the billing behavior for recurring items?
How to control the invoice service period?