
How to exclude accounts or invoices from the dunning run?

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Certain circumstances may require to postpone the payment due date for invoices. This suspends applicable dunning procedures for the specified time.

As an alternative to the due date deferral, you may consider excluding specific accounts or specific invoices from being subject to the dunning process – using a so-called dunning block.

This involves the following steps:

(1) Create a custom checkbox, like, for example, PreventDunning, on the Account or Invoice object that defines whether to exclude (if true) a given record from the dunning run. Depending on your requirements, you can have this checkbox selected manually by a user, or automatically via a formula, for example, that can check a record for certain criteria and consequently select (or not select) this checkbox.

(2) In each dunning level configuration that you intend to apply, add a condition that evaluates this checkbox and consequently determines whether to exclude the current record:

PreventDunning__c = false

Following the example, JustOn excludes an invoice from the dunning run if the checkbox is selected (true) and the condition therefore yields false.

Related information:

Managing Object Fields
Configuring Dunning Levels