
How does JustOn calculate the invoice line item price?

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Except for net or gross, there are numerous other parameters that control an invoice line item's price. The calculation is fairly complex – so which data comes into play at what stage?

Think of a three-tier calculation process.

Unit price and quantity information


First, JustOn multiplies the unit price with the provided quantity information and, in case of recurring items, with the billing factor. This makes up the position price.

  • The unit price can be a fixed amount, an aggregated value, or an individual price determined by some custom condition – that depends on your invoice line item source data. For commission pricing, however, the given unit price is multiplied with the commission rate before proceeding.
  • The quantity is taken from the invoice line item source data as well. You either propagate a given value from the order, quote, subscription, etc., or have aggregated some usage data count. If your business usually handles very large quantities, you can use a custom factor to produce "manageable" quantity values.
  • The billing factor is a multiplier that is relevant with recurring items, where JustOn must consider the billing period (the time interval after which the item is subject to the invoice run), given in a billing unit. For example, the billing unit Month combined with the billing period 3 results in a billing factor of 3, that is, the recurring item is invoiced every three months with the price multiplied by three.

    The recurring item's billing period determines the resulting invoice line item's service period.

Discount information


Once the position price is determined, JustOn deducts the applicable discounts:

  • The item-based discount is individually applied to an invoice line item, based on a given percentage or fixed amount.
  • The order discount amount is the invoice line item's "share" of the order discount, which originally reduces the (net) subtotal of the complete invoice.

Deducting the discounts results in the position price discounted.

Tax information


Unless you use gross invoicing, JustOn finally adds the applicable taxes. You can either:

  • Feed a precalculated tax from an external system, or
  • Have JustOn internally determine the calculated tax based on the discounted position price and one or more tax rates – most probably determined by tax rules.

This calculation produces the position total gross price, which, in turn, becomes part of the invoice's grand total.


By default, JustOn uses two decimal places for the invoice line item calculation. With multiple currencies enabled, you can configure the number of decimal places for each currency individually.

Related information:

Invoice Line Item Fields and Formulas
How to control net or gross invoicing?
How does JustOn determine the billing behavior for recurring items?
How to control the invoice service period?
How does JustOn handle taxes?
Tax Calculation