
How to deactivate a license?

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If business demands change or staff leave, you may need to disable JustOn users. Depending on whether the user stays on Salesforce or not, there are two ways to do so:

  • If the user leaves your organization, you usually deactivate the user.

    Deleting users may result in orphaned records and the loss of critical business information. This is why Salesforce allows to deactivate users instead of deleting them. For details, see Deactivate Users.

    Deactivating a user will "release" the user's license for JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and make it available for another user.

  • If the user stays on Salesforce but will no longer use JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you remove the user's JustOn license.

    To do so:

    1. Click to enter Setup, then navigate to Apps > Packaging > Installed Packages.
    2. Click Manage Licenses in the row of JustOn.
    3. In the Licensed Users sections, click Remove next to the related user, and confirm the operation.

    This will "release" the user's license for JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and make it available for another user.


Unusing a user license does not immediately affect your license charges. License fees and terms are related to the original contract. Consequently, you may terminate licenses within the notice period of the main contract (see Terms of Use).

Related information:

Terms of Use
How to enable access for new users?
How to get additional licenses?