
How to share files with non-owners or unlicensed users?

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Salesforce Files is the default target location for storing

  • produced PDF files for finalized invoices, dunning reminders and account statements,
  • exported invoice and bookkeeping data CSV files, and
  • exported SEPA XML files.

If not configured otherwise, the produced files are accessible on Salesforce's Files tab in the group Owned by me of the user who has created them. Certain business use cases, however, require to share these files (or other attached files) with users who do not own them or with users of your Salesforce org that are not assigned a JustOn license.

To this end, you

  • Create a dedicated library to be shared
  • Add the relevant users as library members
  • Create a File Distribution setting to redirect the document output to this library

Here is how to proceed:

  1. Log in to your Salesforce org as the user under whose credentials the files are produced.
  2. Create a new library.

    1. Navigate to Files > Libraries.
    2. Click New Library.
    3. Specify the relevant details, then click Save.
  3. Add the relevant users as library members.

    1. Open the new library and click Manage Members.
    2. In the Add Members field, specify the relevant users.
    3. In the Access field, select the intended library permission for the selected users.
    4. Click Add.

    The relevant users must be assigned the system permission View All Data and the app permission Query All Files.

  4. Create a dedicated File Distribution setting.

    1. Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.

      In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.

      In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.

    2. Click Manage in the row of File Distribution.

    3. Click New.
    4. Specify the details as necessary.

      The Backend field of the record must be set to Folder.

      Field Example Value Description
      Name Folder Z A unique name for the custom setting record. Can be referred to using the Target field of an Export Settings record.
      Active true Specifies whether to use this distribution target or not. Only active distribution targets are considered.
      Backend Folder Specifies the distribution target. Folder enables the library/folder-based backend.
      Path Library 2/Folder Y/Folder Z Specifies the complete path as set up in Salesforce Files.
      Use Case empty | Export Specifies the intended use case for the distribution target:
      empty for storing PDF files (invoices, account statements, dunning reminders)
      Export for exported invoice/booking details CSV or SEPA XML files
    5. Click Save.

Related information:

How to control the file output?
Storing Files in Salesforce Libraries and Folders
Salesforce Files in the Salesforce Help