
Which Salesforce user license is required for JustOn?

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To work with JustOn software, users need a Salesforce user license – in addition to the JustOn license.

Salesforce user licenses determine the baseline of features that users can access. Salesforce provides different standard user licenses, which are intended to cover specific requirements.

For JustOn, the following Salesforce license types are possible:


This license type is designed for users who require access to standard Salesforce CRM features as well as any installed application, like JustOn Billing & Invoice Management.

JustOn recommends to use the license type Salesforce as the standard one. It generally allows users to access any standard or custom app, while applying permission and roles to specifically control the data access.

Salesforce Platform

Generally, this license type is designed for users who need access to custom apps only but not to standard Salesforce CRM features.

Be aware, however, that JustOn Billing & Invoice Management is a "custom app", but still includes some functionality (like file uploads to cloud storage services) that requires specific permissions, which are only available with the standard Salesforce license.

So JustOn recommends to assign the license type Salesforce Platform only to users who will never work with these specific JustOn features or any standard CRM feature.

Salesforce Integration

From Salesforce's point of view, this license type is not intended for human users. It is designed for system-to-system integrations, that is, for accessing data through an API. The Salesforce Integration license does not allow working with Salesforce or custom app data or features via any user interface.

You can use Salesforce Integration licenses for (technical) users who exclusively use tools like the Data Loader or the Salesforce Workbench to access data or features.

Related information:

Standard User Licenses in the Salesforce Help
Enabling Access for New Users