
Implementation Details

JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries links your Salesforce customer data with company or person data records at SCHUFA to enable credit rating inquiries. Depending on your business setup and requirements, you can base the operation on Lead, Account, Contact or Opportunity.


Credit rating by SCHUFA is a paid service. Before you can use JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries, you must close a corresponding contract with SCHUFA.


The following concepts are important for understanding the functionality:

The operation is centered around usual customer-relevant data in Salesforce – depending on your approach, Lead, Account, Contact or Opportunity. The app adds custom fields to these standard Salesforce objects in order to show the relevant data and enhances the user interface to enable the relevant actions.


If required, you can make the functionality available on custom objects, too.

Schufa Inquiry

The Schufa Inquiry represents a single inquiry for an account and holds all credit-rating data retrieved from SCHUFA. The produced PDF file is linked with the inquiry.

Credit rating-relevant objects

(1) A lead, account, contact or opportunity (or custom object record) can relate to multiple inquiries. With a new request, the app creates a new Schufa Inquiry record and attaches it to the lead, account, contact or opportunity via a master-detail relationship.

Once the inquiry data is fetched and attached to the relevant parent record, it will remain in this context and will not be available in related records. If you decide, for example, to fetch credit ratings for leads and later convert the leads into accounts, the inquiry data will not be available on the accounts.

(2) Via a lookup relationship, the lead, account, contact or opportunity is linked to the most recent Schufa Inquiry record. With every new inquiry, the lookup is updated to the newest one. This makes sure that users are presented up-to-date credit-rating data when viewing their customers' data.

(3) SCHUFA produces PDF documents for the requested credit-rating reports. These documents are saved using Salesforce's standard Files functionality. That is, the PDF file is stored as a Content Document record and linked to the related Schufa Inquiry record via a Content Document Link record.

Monitoring and Follow-Up Reports

Your business may require to continuously monitor the relevant information on your customers. To this end, your users can request follow-up reports.

If configured for a lead, account, contact or opportunity, JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries sends the corresponding requests to SCHUFA and writes new inquiry records if new data is available. While monitoring is active for an inquiry type, users can request other (single) inquiries in parallel.


SCHUFA does not support follow-up reports for companies that are recorded as branch offices. If users try to enable the monitoring service for a company branch, JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries displays a warning and suggests requesting the information for the related headquarters.

Feature Codes

With every request, SCHUFA requires a feature code, a unique identifier for the type and reason of the request. When ordering an inquiry, users must specify a legitimate interest, which the software "translates" to a feature code.

For company inquiries (B2B-type requests), there is a fixed list of legitimate interests – and hence, feature codes – defined.

For consumer inquiries (B2C-type requests), however, there are various criteria that determine the scope of available legitimate interests – in particular, the industry in which an organization operates. That is, a specific combination of an industry with a legitimate interest makes up a specific feature code.

You can configure the available legitimate interests for your selected industry. For details, see Configuring Feature Codes.


Additional Fields on Standard Objects

JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries adds new custom fields to the standard objects Lead, Account, Contact and Opportunity. Depending on your approach, they provide an overview of the most recent inquiry information on the relevant record. The app refreshes the fields' content when new inquiry data is retrieved from SCHUFA.


If required, you can make the functionality available on custom objects, too.

Label Description
Current Score The company's current Schufa score (credit rating index).
Current Score Date Date of the company's current Schufa score rating.
Current Score Risk Quota The company's current credit default rate as determined by Schufa.
Fetch Time Time of the most recent inquiry import.
Insolvency Application Date Date of the insolvency application as recorded by Schufa.
Insolvency Status Code Codified insolvency status as determined by Schufa.
Owner First Name The first name of the company owner, used to extend the search to the person database if the company search has returned no result.
Owner Last Name The last name of the company owner, used to extend the search to the person database if the company search has returned no result.
Schufa ID Unique company identifier in the Schufa company records.
Schufa Inquiry Lookup to the most recent inquiry for the account. Can be empty if no inquiry has been fetched previously.
Schufa Inquiry Status Status of the most recent inquiry for the account. Can be idle (currently no inquiry running), running (inquiry in progress but still without result), readyshort (short inquiry is ready to be imported), readylong (full inquiry is ready to be imported), readyCompact (compact inquiry is ready to be imported).

Schufa Inquiry Record Types

JustOn SCHUFA Inquiries provides two record types for the Schufa Inquiry object:

  • Business for B2B requests
  • Customer for B2C requests

Each record type is supplemented by a dedicated page layout, which includes the context-relevant fields.

Schufa Inquiry Fields

Label Description
Account Links to the associated account.
Active Activates the request for follow-up inquiries, false by default.
Bank Code The bank code of the company's or person's bank account as recorded by Schufa.
Bank Name The bank name of the company's or person's bank account as recorded by Schufa.
Begin Insolvency The date of the insolvency.
BIC The bank identifier code of the company's or person's bank account as recorded by Schufa.
Birth Date Birthdate of the person as recorded by Schufa.
Birth Place Birthplace of the person as recorded by Schufa.
Business Purpose The company's business purpose as recorded by Schufa.
City City of the company's legal address as recorded by Schufa.
City City of the person's address as recorded by Schufa.
Company ID The company's unique identifier in the Schufa company records.
Company Manager Birthday Birthdate of the company manager as recorded by Schufa.
Company Manager First Name First name of the company manager as recorded by Schufa.
Company Manager Last Name Last name of the company manager as recorded by Schufa.
Company Manager Salutation Salutation of the company manager as recorded by Schufa.
Company Manager Schufa ID Schufa ID of the company manager as recorded by Schufa.
Company Name The company's registered name as recorded by Schufa.
Contact Links to the associated contact.
Country Country of the company's legal address as recorded by Schufa.
Country Country of the person's address as recorded by Schufa.
Court City Relevant court for the insolvency proceedings.
Credit Limit Recommended credit limit as determined by Schufa.
Credit Limit Currency Currency of the recommended credit limit.
Credit Limit Recommendation Gives a description for the proposed the credit limit.
Email The company's email address as recorded by Schufa.
Employees The company's number of employees (min-max) as recorded by Schufa.
Equity Amount of the company's current liable equity as recorded by Schufa.
Equity Currency Currency of the company's liable equity.
Equity Year Year of the company's current liable equity calculation.
Fax The company's fax number as recorded by Schufa.
Feature Code Identifier for the type and reason of the current request.
File Reference File reference of the insolvency proceedings as recorded by Schufa.
First Name The person's first name as recorded by Schufa.
Foundation Date The company's foundation date as recorded by Schufa.
Gender The person's gender as recorded by Schufa.
Hint Gives special information on the credit worthiness.
IBAN The international bank account number (IBAN) of the company's or person's bank account as recorded by Schufa.
Inactive Deactivates the request for follow-up inquiries, true by default.
Industry Code The company's industry code as recorded by Schufa.
Industry Type The company's industry type as recorded by Schufa.
Inquiry Reason Identifier for the type and reason of the current request.
Inquiry Time Date and time of the current inquiry.
Insolvency Application Date Date of the insolvency application as recorded by Schufa.
Insolvency Status Code Codified insolvency status as determined by Schufa.
Insolvency Status Description Shows a description of the state of the insolvency.
Last Name The person's last name as recorded by Schufa.
Last Public Notice Displays the information of the last public notice.
Last Public Notice Date Date of the last public notice.
Last Public Notice Description The type of the last public notice.
Last Score Change Date of the company's current Schufa score rating.
Lead Links to the associated lead.
Legal Form The company's legal form as recorded by Schufa.
Legitimate Interest Reason for the current inquiry's creation.
LEI The company's legal entity identifier.
Liquidation Date Date of the company's closure after an insolvency procedure as recorded by Schufa.
Monitoring Cancel Date The specified cancellation date for the follow-up service.
Monitoring Canceled Indicates whether the follow-up service is canceled.
Monitoring End Date The specified end date for the follow-up service.
Monitoring Start Date The specified start date for the follow-up service.
Newest Inquiry Specifies whether this inquiry is the newest one. Relevant with the follow-up service.
Old Score Value The company's previous Schufa score.
Opportunity Links to the associated opportunity.
Parent Entity Name of the parent entity as recorded by Schufa.
Pdf File Link to the credit-rating report (PDF file) as produced by Schufa.
Phone The company's phone number as recorded by Schufa.
Previous Inquiry Links to the preceding inquiry. Can be used to monitor the credit rating history.
Child relationship: followinginquiries
Provider ID The company's provider ID as recorded by Schufa.
Register Court The company's relevant register court as recorded by Schufa.
Register Number The company's trade register number as recorded by Schufa.
Risk Quota The company's current credit default rate as determined by Schufa.
Score Name of the current inquiry as set by Schufa.
Score Description Short description of the current inquiry as set by Schufa.
Score Range The person's current Schufa score (credit rating index).
Score Range Description Gives further information on the score range.
Score Text Additional information of the current inquiry as set by Schufa.
Score Value The company's current Schufa score (credit rating index).
Secondary Industry The company's secondary industry as recorded by Schufa.
Status Code Codified insolvency status as determined by Schufa.
Status Date Date of the current insolvency information as recorded by Schufa.
Street Street of the company's legal address as recorded by Schufa.
Street Street of the person's address as recorded by Schufa.
Type Type of the current inquiry request.
Unlimited Unlimits the request for follow-up inquiries, true by default.
VAT ID The company's VAT ID as recorded by Schufa.
Website The company's website as recorded by Schufa.
Zip Code Zip code of the company's legal address as recorded by Schufa.
Zip Code Zip code of the person's address as recorded by Schufa.