
Sales Order

API Name: SalesOrder__c

Label API Name Type Description
Sales Order No. Name AutoNumber
Account Account__c Lookup(Account) The account that is associated with the sales order.
Billing City BillingCity__c Text(40) The copied Billing City. Will be used for the Recipient Address field.
Billing Country BillingCountry__c Text(80) The copied Billing Country. Will be used for the Recipient Address field.
Billing Postal Code BillingPostalCode__c Text(20) The copied Billing Postal Code. Will be used for the Recipient Address field.
Billing State BillingState__c Text(80) The copied Billing State. Will be used for the Recipient Address field.
Billing Street BillingStreet__c Text(255) The copied Billing Street. Will be used for the Recipient Address field.
Contact Contact__c Lookup(Contact) The contact that is associated with the sales order.
Shipping City ShippingCity__c Text(40) The city of the shipping address of the related account.
Shipping Country ShippingCountry__c Text(80) The country of the shipping address of the related account.
Shipping Postal Code ShippingPostalCode__c Text(20) The postal code of the shipping address of the related account.
Shipping State ShippingState__c Text(80) The state of the shipping address of the related account.
Shipping Street ShippingStreet__c Text(255) The street of the shipping address of the related account.