
Bank Statement

API Name: BankStatement__c

A bank statement holds summarized data for a particular bank account at a specific date.

Label API Name Type Description
Bank Statement Name Name Text
BIC BIC__c Text(11) The BIC of the associated bank account.
Bank Account Name BankAccountName__c Text(255) The name of the associated bank account.
Bank Account Owner BankAccountOwner__c Text(255) The name of the bank account owner as reported by the bank.
Bank Account BankAccount__c Lookup(BankAccount__c) The related bank account.
Closing Available Balance Indication ClosingAvailableBalanceCDI__c Picklist The indication for the closing available balance.
Closing Available Balance ClosingAvailableBalance__c Currency(13, 5) The absolute closing available balance for the reported time frame.
Closing Balance Indication ClosingBalanceCDI__c Picklist The indication for the closing balance.
Closing Balance ClosingBalance__c Currency(13, 5) The absolute closing balance for the reported time frame.
Date Date__c Text The date range for display purposes.
From Date FromDate__c Date The from date of all items as reported by the bank.
IBAN IBAN__c Text(34) The IBAN of the associated bank account.
Job Id JobId__c Text(255) The internal job id.
Last Closing Balance Indication LastClosingBalanceCDI__c Picklist The indication for the last closing balance.
Last Closing Balance LastClosingBalance__c Currency(13, 5) The last closing available balance for the reported time frame.
Opening Available Balance Indication OpeningAvailableBalanceCDI__c Picklist The indication for the opening available balance.
Opening Available Balance OpeningAvailableBalance__c Currency(13, 5) The absolute opening available balance for the reported time frame.
Opening Balance Indication OpeningBalanceCDI__c Picklist The indication for the opening balance.
Opening Balance OpeningBalance__c Currency(13, 5) The absolute opening balance for the reported time frame.
Proprietary Bank Account Identifier PropBankAccountIdentifier__c Text(34) The proprietary bank account identifier of the bank for this bank account used as fallback for business cases without available IBAN.
Raw Statement RawStatement__c LongTextArea(131072) The raw contents of the Stmt XML tag for debugging purposes.
Reported Currency ReportedCurrency__c Text(3) The currency iso code as reported by the bank. Useful for single currency orgs.
Sequence Number SequenceNumber__c Text(255) A unique number used to help identify gaps in the data retrieval, which indicate missing bank statements and bank statement items.
Closing Balance SignedClosingBalance__c Currency(16, 2) The booked (signed) balance of the account at the end of reporting period (CLBD), the sum of the opening balance and all transactions in the reporting period.
Statement Id StatementId__c Text(255) External Id, built from IBAN and the ID given from the bank system.
To Date ToDate__c Date The to date of all items as reported by the bank.