
Business Entity

API Name: BusinessEntity__c

The business entity holds all information regarding a legal entity doing business.

Label API Name Type Description
Business Entity Name Name Text
Cancellation CBS CancellationCBS__c Picklist Is applied when an entry gets canceled.
Picklist values: Future Settlement, Prepared Refund, Direct Refund
City City__c Text(255) City of the legal address of the business entity.
Company Name CompanyName__c Text(255) Legal name of the business entity.
Country Code CountryCode__c Text(10) Country code of the legal address of the business entity (ISO 3166).
Country Country__c Text(255) Country of the legal address of the business entity
Postal Code PostalCode__c Text(20) Postal code of the legal address of the business entity.
Preferred Bank Account PreferredBankAccount__c Lookup(BankAccount__c) The bank account that is the preferred target for financial transactions involving this entity.
SEPA Creditor ID SEPACreditorId__c Text(35) Issued by local authority (e.g. Bundesbank) and part of a SEPA mandate. Is used for example with direct debit.
Street Street__c Text(255) Street of the legal address of the business entity.
Tax ID TaxId__c Text(255) The VAT ID of this business entity.