

API Name: Entry__c

An entry is used to hold all relevant information with regard to a certain amount of money owed to or requested by a business partner (debtor, creditor). The entry is always created from a source called statement.

Label API Name Type Description
Entry Name Name AutoNumber
Account Name AccountName__c Text(255) The original name of the account that is related to the entry.
Account Account__c Lookup(Account) The account (debtor or creditor) to which the entry relates.
Outstanding Amount Amount__c Currency(16, 2) The amount that is not yet paid, the difference between the total amount (open amount) and the paid amount (assigned amount). Is 0 if the entry is balanced.
Assignment Key AssignmentKey__c Text(255) A unique key used to relate an entry with a statement.
BP Number BPNumber__c Text(255) The identifier of the business partner associated to this entry, i.e., debtor number or creditor number.
BP Type BPType__c Picklist Indicates the type of the associated business partner, i.e., debtor or creditor.
Picklist values: Debtor, Creditor
Business Entity BusinessEntity__c Lookup(BusinessEntity__c) The legal entity of your organization associated with this entry.
Cancellation Distribution Url CancellationDistributionUrl__c Url Publicly accessible web link to the cancellation document, usually a PDF file.
Cancellation ID CancellationId__c Text(255) The unique external identifier of the document that justifies the entry cancellation.
Cancellation No CancellationNo__c Text(255) The unique number of the document that justifies the entry cancellation.
Cancellation Reason CancellationReason__c Text(255) The reason why this entry has been canceled.
Contact Contact__c Lookup(Contact) Contact information of the associated customer. Can be used for contacting the debtor/creditor.
Credit Approval CreditApproval__c Picklist Indicates the approval status for entries of the type Credit. Can be used to establish approval processes for credits (outgoing money). Unapproved credits are ignored by all payment processes.
Picklist values: unapproved, approved, restricted
Error Message ErrorMessage__c LongTextArea(32768) Error message in case of a SEPA validation error or entry cancellation.
Exclude From Payment Run ExcludeFromPaymentRun__c Checkbox When selected, excludes an entry from the payment run. It is either set automatically for invalid entries, or can be selected manually to exclude eligible entries.
Expected Amount ExpectedAmount__c SUM(EntryItem__c.ExpectedAmount__c) The amount that is expected from payments that are already initiated but not yet transferred.
Has Errors HasErrors__c Checkbox Indicates that the entry has SEPA validation errors.
Initial Amount InitialAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The original amount of this entry. Positive for outgoing, negative for incoming.
Last Notification LastNotification__c LongTextArea(32768) The most recent notification that was sent to the associated contact.
Locale Locale__c Picklist The locale to use for formatting when sending customer notifications relating to this entry.
Picklist values: en_US, en_GB, de_DE, de_AT, de_CH, fr_FR, fr_CH
Open Amount OpenAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The overall total amount (after applying reductions). Positive value if it is a debit, negative value if it is a credit.
Payable Amount PayableAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The amount currently payable, the difference between outstanding amount and expected amount.
Payment Assignment Key PaymentAssignmentKey__c Text(255) The payment assignment key is used to filter eligible payments for automatic settlement. This is relevant for prepayment or cancellation scenarios.
Payment Date PaymentDate__c Date The date on which the last associated payment was made that set the entry status to Balanced.
Payment Link PaymentLink__c Url Link to the payment page to be used to pay the entry. Is updated when a user or automatic process requests a payment link for the entry.
Payment Reference PaymentReference__c Text(255) Describes the purpose of the related payment (in many cases, an invoice number or customer number).
Payment Run Exclusion Reason PaymentRunExclusionReason__c Text(255) Details on why the entry has been excluded from the payment run.
Requested Bank Account RequestedBankAccount__c Lookup(BankAccount__c) The bank account that should be used for SEPA transactions.
Requested Payment Instrument RequestedPaymentInstrument__c Lookup(PaymentInstrument__c) Restricts the payment process to this particular payment instrument. It must be related to the selected account.
Requested Payment Method RequestedPaymentMethod__c Picklist Indicates the requested option to make the payment. This is not binding for the payer, but can be used to support further business processes.
Picklist values: SEPA, Bank Transfer, Credit Card, Online Payment
Requested Payment Provider RequestedPaymentProvider__c Lookup(PaymentProvider__c) Restricts the payment process to this particular provider.
Service Period End ServicePeriodEnd__c Date End of the effective service period for this entry.
Service Period Start ServicePeriodStart__c Date Start of the effective service period for this entry.
Assigned Amount SettledAmount__c SUM(EntryItem__c.Amount__c) The paid amount currently assigned to the entry for the purpose of settlement.
Statement Date StatementDate__c Date The effective date of the original statement (e.g., invoice date).
Statement Description StatementDescription__c Text(255) Gives a quick overview of the original statement. This is treated as an internal note.
Statement Distribution URL StatementDistributionUrl__c Url Publicly accessible web link to the statement document, usually a PDF file.
Statement ID StatementId__c Text(255) The unique external identifier of the original document that justifies the entry.
Statement No StatementNo__c Text(255) The unique number of the original document that justifies the entry (e.g., the invoice number or order number).
Statement Payment Due Date StatementPaymentDueDate__c Date The due date for paying the entry, usually derived from the statement date.
Statement Type StatementType__c Picklist Indicates the type of the original document that justifies the entry (like invoice, installment, order).
Picklist values: Invoice, Order, Installment, Credit, Refund
Status Status__c Picklist Indicates the current status of the entry (open, balanced, canceled).
Picklist values: Open, Balanced, Canceled
Title Title__c Text(255) Descriptive name for the entry, which is used in communication with the customer (on the payment page or in customer notifications).
Type Type__c Picklist Indicates whether the entry represents a receivable (Debit) or payable (Credit).
Picklist values: Credit, Debit