

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | I | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W



Standard Salesforce object for customers, see Accounts

DE Account

FR compte

account metric

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that displays the recurring revenue or growth/churn rates for recurring and transactional items over all subscriptions of an account

DE Account-Metrik

FR métrique de compte

account statement

Report that shows the billings and payments of a given account for a specific time period, in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management based on statements that summarize the account's balances

DE Kontoauszug

FR relevé de compte

accounts receivable

Group of processes and mechanisms in JustOn software for tracking and managing payment requests

DE Forderungsmanagement

FR créances clients



In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for tracking debits and credits for each account (invoices, credits, payments, refunds and others)

DE Saldo

FR solde


Group of processes and mechanisms in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management for managing information about products and services to be billed

DE Billing

FR billing

booking detail

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that represents a record in an accounting ledger, aggregated in booking periods and intended to be transferred to bookkeeping systems like DATEV, SAP or Microsoft Dynamics, produced from invoice line items when generating bookkeeping data for invoices, balance changes when generating bookkeeping data for payment balances, or items when generating preliminary bookkeeping data for unbilled revenue

DE Buchungsvorschlag

FR écriture comptable

business entity

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a custom setting that represents a company or company subdivision and that can hold billing-relevant information to be used when creating invoices

In JustOn Cash Management, an object that represents the legal entity or organization "doing business" and that holds data that is required for processing collections

DE Geschäftseinheit

FR entité commerciale


cash metric

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that displays a business's expected cash flow, tracking subscription amount changes

DE Liquiditätsmetrik

FR métrique de liquidité


Return of money, usually initiated by the payer – rejecting a debit, for example, see Chargeback Handling

DE Rückbuchung

FR rétrofacturation


Statement about money a seller owes to a buyer, in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an invoice with a negative amount

DE Gutschrift

FR avoir

credit balance

"Free" amount of money on a debtor's account that is not used to settle a receivable, see Credit Balances

DE Guthaben

FR crédit


(Variable) payment for rendered services or sold products, in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management set up as a percentage rate on the relevant item, see Commissions and Commission Tiers

DE Provision

FR commission


deferred revenue

In accounting, money received for goods or services not yet delivered; to be recorded as a liability until delivery, at which time it is converted into revenue (revenue recognition)

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports revenue deferral using specific revenue recognition rules, which produce separate booking details – for the deferred revenue and for the future revenue bookings

DE passive Rechnungsabgrenzung

FR produits constatés d'avance

deposit invoice

Specific invoice type, used to request advance payments

DE Anzahlungsrechnung

FR facture d'acompte


Group of processes and mechanisms to help tracking and claiming outstanding payments, in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management based on configurable dunning statements

DE Mahnung

FR relance



In JustOn Cash Management, an object that represents a payable amount of money and is based on a legally binding statement that originally produces the payment request – like an invoice, installment, order, etc.

DE Posten

FR poste


Any type of costs that a company incurs to do business, in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management implemented as an object that represents the payable (typically, incoming invoices, travel receipts, etc.) and that holds all relevant information about the payable costs, such as amount, payee, IBAN or payment reference

DE Aufwand

FR dépense

expense item

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that represents an individual item of an expense, holding the fiscally relevant information like tax rate and tax code, and all accounting-relevant information, including G/L account, center and cost object

DE Aufwandsposition

FR ligne de dépense


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a mechanism to output invoice data or payment data for external systems

Exporting invoices to CSV or booking details to CSV for accounting systems

Exporting invoices or account balances to SEPA XML (transfer orders) for banks

DE Export

FR exportation


future payments

Payment provider-specific option for pre-authorizing and executing recurring charges (or other subsequent payments) without the need to repeatedly prompt users for card or account numbers

DE automatische Zahlungen

FR paiements futurs


generic invoice run

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an operation for generating invoices from any accordingly configured objects, bypassing the subscription

DE generischer Rechnungslauf

FR chaîne de facturation générique



A sale model where the money due is payable in a series of individual payments, a.k.a. staged payment plan

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports staged payment plans for invoices using specific installment configurations.

DE Zahlplan

FR versements échelonnés


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for the documented payment request as created per account with an invoice run

DE Rechnung

FR facture

invoice criterion

Condition for distributing the invoice line items to multiple invoices when using subscriptions or the generic invoice run

DE Rechnungskriterium

FR critère facture

invoice line item

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for a single billed product as included in an invoice

DE Rechnungsposten

FR ligne de facture

invoice run

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an operation that creates invoices based on the products, their prices and, if applicable, any transactions as defined in the subscription, or based on an accordingly configured objects

DE Rechnungslauf

FR chaîne de facturation


Group of processes and mechanisms in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management for generating invoices

DE Fakturierung

FR facturation


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for a product that is to be billed as part of a subscription

DE Posten

FR item


Short for individual value adjustment, an accounting procedure for devaluing receivables (also known as allowance for bad debts)

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management implements IVA for invoices using specific bookkeeping data.

DE EWB (Einzelwertberichtigung)

FR dépréciation


margin scheme

Taxation approach where merchants pay taxes on the difference between the sale price and the purchase price of the goods

Using the Margin Scheme revenue recognition rule, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management produces separate booking details for the defined margin and for the position total minus the margin, see Margin Scheme-Based Bookings

DE Differenzbesteuerung

FR taxation sur la marge

multiple party billing

Marketplace model, invoicing the same products to multiple parties, set up in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management using recipient-specific billing configurations on the same source data

Billing products to merchants and buyers

DE Mehrparteienabrechnung

FR facturation multilatérale


number range

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that represents the groups of unique numbers for invoices, dunning reminders, subscriptions or SEPA mandate references, defined using counters

DE Nummernkreis

FR tranche de numéros


ON field

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a custom field used to copy specific values to subscriptions and items or, respectively, invoices and invoice line items during subscription building and invoice runs

DE ON-Feld

FR champ ON


Standard Salesforce object for potential and closed deals, see Opportunities

DE Opportunity

FR opportunité


Short for organization, the segregated instance of Salesforce with a defined set of licensed users, represents the virtual workspace that includes all data and applications of an individual business

DE Org

FR organisation



In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for a single installment payment as part of an installment payment plan

In JustOn Cash Management, an object that represents a money transfer and tracks its status

DE Zahlung

FR paiement

payment entry

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for a registered payment operation intended to meet an open invoice amount, can be acquired importing bank statements from CSV files

DE Zahlungseintrag

FR encaissement

payment instrument

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management and JustOn Cash Management, an object that holds credit card or bank account information, used for the automatic payment collection or SEPA payment order export

DE Zahlmittel

FR instrument de paiement

payment matching

Operation that compares registered payments with open receivables/payables as a preparatory step for the assignment

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management matches payment entries to existing invoices and dunning statements, and JustOn Cash Management matches bank statement items or payments with entries.

DE Abgleich

FR rapprochement

price book

Standard Salesforce object for a list of products and their assigned prices, see Manage Price Books

DE Preisbuch

FR catalogue de prix

price tier

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a means to specify multiple prices for an item, each being valid for a defined quantity range

DE Preisstaffel

FR tranche tarifaire


Standard Salesforce object for physical items and services to be sold, see Products Concepts

DE Produkt

FR produit

pro forma invoice

Specific invoice type, used as preliminary invoices with a quotation, for customs purposes, or to give an example of the charged prices

DE Proformarechnung

FR facture pro forma



Single instance of an object, that is, one of multiple accounts, subscriptions, items, etc., see What's in a Database

DE Datensatz

FR enregistrement


Return of money initiated by the payee, for example, settling a credit, see Refund

DE Rückerstattung

FR remboursement



In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the mechanism for offsetting non-related invoices and credits of an account

In JustOn Cash Management, the mechanism for relating open entries with payments

DE Ausgleich

FR règlement


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object for the dunning statements that document outstanding payments as created per account with a statement run

In JustOn Cash Management, a stand-in object for a legally binding document or declaration that produces a payment request – like an invoice, installment, order, etc.

DE Beleg

FR document

statement run

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an operation that creates both dunning notifications based on the open invoices of an account and account statements based on the balances of an account

DE Beleglauf

FR chaîne des documents


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that represents the billing plan for the contracted chargeable consumption of products or services

DE Fakturierungsplan

FR souscription

subscription builder
In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a mechanism for automatically generating subscriptions, which helps businesses managing a large or variable (increasing) number of subscriptions
subscription metric

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that displays the recurring revenue or growth/churn rates for recurring and transactional items of individual subscriptions

DE Fakturierungsplan-Metrik

FR métrique de souscription


tax delta

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a special invoice line item type used to offset tax rounding differences

DE Steuerausgleichsposition

FR delta taxe

tax detail

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an object that stores the individual tax information of an invoice line item for one of multiple applicable taxes

DE Steuerposition

FR détail taxe


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the layout model for generating a PDF copy of an invoice, dunning reminder or account statement

DE Vorlage

FR modèle


In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, an (intermediate) object for chargeable usage data

DE Transaktion

FR transaction

transaction builder
In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a (background) mechanism for converting usage data to billable items


unbilled revenue

In accounting, an asset that represents revenue not yet invoiced

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management can generate preliminary bookkeeping data for future revenue based on active subscriptions.

DE Umsatzabgrenzung

FR revenus non facturés

usage data billing

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, a mechanism for generating invoices from custom objects that represent product consumptions (volume or traffic data, service coverage, etc.), aka metered billing, usage-based billing or pay-per-use

Itemizing and billing usage data

DE Verbrauchsdatenabrechnung

FR facturation des données de consommation


value aggregation

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, mechanisms for aggregating invoice and invoice line item fields on related object records

DE Werteaggregation

FR agrégation des valeurs



JustOn Jira Connector object that stores Jira worklog and Jira issue data

DE Arbeitsprotokoll

FR journal de travail


In accounting, the reduction or removal of an asset's value

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports invoice write-off using specific balances that count against the invoice balance.

DE Abschreibung

FR remise de dette