
Integrating Payment Provider

JustOn Cash Management can integrate your Salesforce org with payment service providers (PSP) in order to exchange payment information – namely, to provide your buyers the option to pay their purchases (represented as entries) via the payment page.

Administrators use Payment Provider records to configure and activate payment providers for business entities. The system then retrieves active configurations in order to interact with the PSPs.

The configuration holds both feature configurations like future payments and provider-specific data like access keys. The same PSP may be configured multiple times for a business entity, but you can create only one active payment provider setting per business entity and payment provider. Before creating a new setting for an entity/provider combination that already exists, you must deactivate the existing setting.

For details about setting up the payment page, see Configuring Payment Page.

Creating Payment Provider

To create a new payment provider configuration:

  1. Click to access the App Launcher, and select Setup Cash Management.
  2. Open the Payment Providers tab.
  3. Click New.
  4. Specify the configuration details as necessary.

    Field Description
    Name The name for this configuration record.
    Business Entity The business entity for which this PSP configuration is applicable.
    Type The payment service provider for which this configuration is applicable.
    If the intended type is not available, you may have to add it to the picklist beforehand.
  5. Click Save.

    This creates the new payment provider record.

    Note that the PSP configuration is not functional until you specify the provider-specific data.

Modifying Payment Provider Data

Payment provider data involves

  • Standard data

    Information available for all payment providers, like name, active flag, etc.

  • Provider-specific public data

    PSP-specific public information like account IDs, hostnames, etc.

  • Provider-specific secret data

    PSP-specific secret information like API keys, passwords, etc.

To modify payment provider data:

  1. Open the payment provider record you want to modify.
  2. Click Edit Provider Data.

    This launches a screen flow that shows the provider-relevant input fields (based on the Type field of the payment provider record).

    1. Modify the standard information as necessary.

      Field Description
      Name The name for this configuration record.
      Business Entity The business entity for which this PSP configuration is applicable.
      Type The payment service provider for which this configuration is applicable.
      Active Enables/disables the PSP for payment users.
    2. Modify the provider-specific public information and secret information as necessary.

      For details about individual payment provider integrations, see

  3. Click Next.

    This completes the screen flow, saving the specified information as required, and returns you to Payment Provider detail view.

    Once the provider-specific data is complete, the PSP configuration is fully functional and available to payment users.

Deleting Payment Provider

Deleting a payment provider configuration removes the relevant payment provider from the system, together with the associated payment methods, saved secrets, etc.

To delete a payment provider:

  1. Open the Payment Providers tab.
  2. Click and select Delete next to the payment provider record you want to delete.

    This removes the complete payment provider configuration.

Enabling Payment Provider Types

To enable specific payment provider types, you may have to add the required Type values manually if you have upgraded JustOn Cash Management from an older version. To do so:

  1. Click to enter Setup, then navigate to the object management settings of the Payment Provider object.
  2. Click Fields & Relationships.
  3. Click the name of the Type field.
  4. In the Values section, click New.

    Add the relevant payment provider, like Mollie, Adyen, JustonTestPayments, each in a new line.


  5. Click Save.

    This saves the specified type values as required.

    For details about modifying the values of picklist fields, see Add or Edit Picklist Values in the Salesforce Help.