

← About Invoices

Invoices are the statements that document your payment requests against your customers. They relate to a sale transaction and indicate the products or services, quantities, and agreed prices for the products or services you have provided to a buyer.

General Invoice Concepts


Usually, invoicing is subject to specific international or national rules depending on where the seller and the buyer are located.

For details, see, for example

A typical invoice contains the following information:

  • a unique identification number
  • the date of the invoice
  • name and contact details of the seller
  • tax or company registration details of seller, if relevant, like ABN for Australian businesses or VAT number for businesses in the EU
  • name and contact details of the buyer
  • a full description of the goods or services provided
  • the date of the supply if different from the invoice date
  • the unit prices of the goods or services provided
  • applied taxes, if relevant, like GST or VAT
  • the total amount charged, including, if relevant, a tax breakdown

Depending on your business requirements or any national specifics, you can provide additional information on your invoices. Common additional information may include:

  • a purchase order number (or similar tracking numbers requested by the buyer to be mentioned on the invoice)
  • payment terms (including payment method, payment due date, details about charges for late payment, etc.)
  • in countries where wire transfer is the preferred method of settling debts: the bank account number of the seller and, usually, a reference code to identify the payer, like the KID for Norway or the Finnish Reference Number

Invoices in JustOn

Invoices are the statements that document your payment requests against your customers, relating to a sale transaction and indicating the involved products and prices.

For every generated invoice and its invoice line items, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management stores records in the database of the Salesforce Platform. These records are the single source of truth – they hold all legally relevant information. See the PDF files, which are produced by default, merely as readable images of this data.

Managing Invoice Runs
Scheduling Invoice Run
Manually Creating Invoices
Editing Invoices

Invoice Statuses

According to the business needs, invoices have different statuses.

  • Draft: New invoices have the status Draft. You can check draft invoices for correctness and edit them as necessary.
  • Open: If you approve of a draft invoice, you Finalize it. This sets the status to Open, making the invoice effective, that is, due for payment (and unalterable).
  • Paid: With incoming payments that make up for the due amounts, open invoices become Paid.

    An invoice is becomes Paid, if the sum of all balances assigned to it (as kept in the Invoice field Balance) is 0. If the sum is not zero, the invoice is Open.

  • Closed: Deposit invoices or pro forma invoices must be closed before creating the final invoices.

Usual lifecycle of an invoice in JustOn

How to offset open invoices?

In double-entry bookkeeping, open invoices represent bookings for which the corresponding offsetting booking is still missing. Since these bookings affect your cash position, you want them offset (or "cleared").

In JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, you can offset open invoices via different operations, depending on the business use case and the prerequisites.

  • Registering a payment: JustOn can track collections made via the integration with JustOn Cash Management or bank statement imports. These operations create Payment balances on the invoices and set them Paid. When preparing the bookkeeping data, JustOn generates the corresponding offsetting bookings that clear the open invoice bookings.

  • Correcting an invoice: Issuing a credit or canceling an invoice creates a credit with the reversed amount of the original invoice. This way, your reduce or completely void the original claim to your customer. When preparing the bookkeeping data, JustOn generates the according "opposite" booking, offsetting the invoice with the credit.

    For details about correcting invoices, see Invoice Correction.

  • Writing off an invoice: If outstanding payments (which may have already been devalued using individual value adjustments) become uncollectible, you write off the corresponding amount. Doing so creates a balance of the type Write-off, which is immediately assigned to the current invoice. When preparing the bookkeeping data, JustOn generates the according "opposite" booking, offsetting the open invoice with the write-off balance.

    For details about write-offs, see Write-Off.

How do invoices become Paid?

Basically, there are four ways for JustOn to cover open invoice amounts and to set invoices Paid:

  • Registering a payment entry and assigning it to the invoice: This creates a Payment balance on the invoice, which counts against the open amount as recorded in the Invoice balance.
  • Settling the invoice against a credit: This creates a Clearing balance on the invoice, which, again, counts against the open amount.
  • Finalizing an invoice with the payment method Cash: This creates a balance of the type Cash on the invoice, which offsets the open amount.
  • Writing off an invoice: This creates a balance of the type Write-off, which is assigned to the invoice, and sets the invoice status to Paid and the invoice balance to 0.

In addition, you can create and assign balances like Refund or Prepayment, which also reduce an open invoice amount.

If the sum of all balances for the invoice is 0, the invoice is considered Paid.

Invoice Types

Depending on the semantics, there are various types of invoices. They are usually set by JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, but users can select a type when manually creating an invoice.

Invoice Type Description
empty Used for "usual" invoices.
Deposit Used for deposit invoices
Proforma Used for pro forma invoices
Final for deposit invoices Used for final invoices with previous deposit/pro forma invoices
Partial Used for partial invoices
Progress Used for progress invoices
Final for sub invoices Used for final invoices with previous partial/progress invoices

Invoice Payment Methods

Setting a payment method on the invoice, you can control downstream collection-relevant processes. You do not just request how your customers are supposed to pay, but rather determine how JustOn Billing & Invoice Management handles the created invoices.

There are three relevant payment methods:



Use the payment method SEPA to support SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit transfers.

For invoices with the payment method SEPA, you can produce the relevant SEPA XML files to be transferred to and processed by your bank. You can do so either exporting SEPA XML files in JustOn Billing & Invoice Management or directly transferring SEPA orders to your bank via JustOn Cash Management. Using this payment method will apply the payment information Payment Info Direct Debit or Payment Info Credit Transfer, depending on whether producing a direct debit order or a credit order.

To enable the payment method SEPA, you add the picklist value SEPA to the Invoice field Payment Method (see Modifying Picklist Values).

Online Payment

Use the payment method Online Payment to cover all payment methods that are made available through PSP integrations via JustOn Cash Management.

After integrating with JustOn Cash Management, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management retrieves links to the payment page for invoices with the payment method Online Payment. You can then add this link directly to the invoice email or PDF, or have JustOn Billing & Invoice Management create a payment page QR code. Using the payment method Online Payment will apply the payment information Payment Info Online Payment.

To make use of the payment method Online Payment, you must make sure that the picklist value Online Payment is available the Invoice field Payment Method (see Modifying Picklist Values).

Bank Transfer

Use the payment method Bank Transfer to prompt your customers to execute a credit transfer.

For invoices with the payment method Bank Transfer, you can have JustOn Billing & Invoice Management produce QR codes to initialize a SEPA credit transfer using an appropriate online banking application. Using the payment method Bank Transfer will apply the payment information Payment Info Bank Transfer.

Be aware that as opposed to SEPA or Online Payment, the payment method Bank Transfer puts your customers in charge of the payment execution.


You can use the ON field mechanism, Salesforce flows or other automation tools to have the payment method set automatically, based on your conditions, when generating invoices.

This is the order of priority in which JustOn Billing & Invoice Management determines the applicable payment method:

ON_PaymentMethod field on the invoice source record (for the generic invoice run)
ON_PaymentMethod field on the account
     ↳ Invoice Payment Method field on the subscription

Service Period

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management automatically determines the service period of an invoice based on various conditions:

Generally, the earliest service period start date of all included invoice line items defines the service period start of the invoice. Consequently, the latest service period end date of all included invoice line items defines the service period end of the invoice.

Invoice Service Period Condition
Start The earliest (minimum) service period start date of all invoice line items.
End The latest (maximum) service period end date of all invoice line items.

The dates are recalculated when invoice line items are inserted, updated or deleted. Empty date fields on line items are ignored.

If set, the subscription end date forces the service period end of the invoice.

With respect to invoice line items, the billing type of the item usually determines how the service period is calculated.

Item Billing Type Service Period Start/Service Period End
One-Time/Recurring The start date/end date of the invoice run period.
The start date/end date of the item controls whether it is subject to the invoice run, see Start Date and End Date | Subscription.
Recurring with Billing Factor Start date: Next Service Period Start
End date: Next Service Period Start + Billing Period - 1 day
Transactional Start date: earliest (minimum) service period start date of the transactions
End date: latest (maximum) service period end date of the transactions

For recurring items, the start date and end date set as the invoice run period usually represent their service period. If, however, JustOn determines a billing factor (as given by a billing period and a billing unit), the service period start of the invoice line item is set using the subscription item's Next Service Period Start field. The service period end is then calculated as follows: Next Service Period Start + Billing Period - 1 day.

If Next Service Period Start is not set, JustOn uses the invoice run start date instead.

Other settings that force an item's service period end include:

  • the subscription item's activation end date, and
  • the end date of the last price tier defined for the subscription item.

Using the custom placeholders ServicePeriodStart and ServicePeriodEnd, you can display the items' service period in the invoice PDF. For details, see Adjusting Invoice Line Item Table.

Payment Due Date

Usually, JustOn determines the Payment Due Date of an invoice adding the value of Payment Due (in days) to the set Invoice Date. That is,

Payment Due Date = Invoice Date + Payment Due

The invoice date is set on invoice finalization. For draft invoices, that is, those that are not yet finalized, JustOn displays a preliminary due date based on the current date (Today + Payment Due).

The payment due (the number of days to be added) is fetched – in this order – either from

  • the invoice source record (PaymentDue on the subscription or ON_PaymentDue on another source object)
  • the field Default Payment Due on the account, or
  • the field Default Payment Due on the template.

If you have not set a default payment due on the account or the template, JustOn defaults to 0.

Once the invoice is finalized, you can no longer modify the payment due date. Users can, however, postpone the payment due date for open and draft invoices. Doing so suspends applicable SEPA order exports and dunning procedures for the specified time.


The service period of an invoice does not affect the payment due date.

Your business may, however, require a more flexible way for determining the Payment Due Date – like, for example, you want it always to be set automatically to the last day of the next month. To this end, use the Invoice field Payment Due Condition. It provides a way to define a custom calculation for the Payment Due Date and for the Payment Due value.

JustOn evaluates the Payment Due Condition

  • on invoice creation,
  • when setting a date on (draft) invoices,
  • on invoice finalization.


Each evaluation recalculates the values for Payment Due Date and Payment Due. Hence, do not set Payment Due when using Payment Due Condition.

The following table lists the calculation options for Payment Due Condition and illustrates the behavior:

Pattern Result Example Invoice Date Example Payment Due Condition Calculated Payment Due (Date)
xd Adds x days to the invoice date. 2018-01-01 14d 14 (2018-01-15)
xd eom Adds x days to the invoice date, then goes to the last day of the month. 2018-05-20 14d eom 41 (2018-06-30)
eom Starting from the invoice date, goes to the last day of the month. 2018-02-05 eom 23 (2018-02-28)
xd y Adds x days to the invoice date, then goes to the next yth day of the month. 2018-01-01 14d 10 40 (2018-02-10)
eom y Goes to the last day of the month, then goes to the next yth day of the next month. 2018-02-12 eom 10 26 (2018-03-10)
y Starting from the invoice date, goes to next yth day of the month. 2018-02-12 16 4 (2018-02-16)
xd eom y Adds x days to the invoice date, then goes to the last day of the month, then goes to the next yth day of the next month. 2018-05-20 14d eom 20 61 (2018-07-20)

The spelling of eom in the picklist values does not matter – you can use lowercase, all caps or mixed-case spelling. JustOn converts the letters to lowercase before processing the payment due condition.


Up to version 2.79, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management shipped the default custom placeholder [PaymentDueDate] to retrieve the Payment Due Date. Starting with version 2.79.1, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management provides the built-in placeholder [PaymentDueDate], which is more reliable when using a Payment Due Condition.

Be aware that when upgrading from a version prior to 2.79.1, the existing default custom placeholder [PaymentDueDate] is not deleted. Since custom placeholders always take precedence over built-in placeholders with the same name, you must delete the existing default custom placeholder manually if you use a Payment Due Condition.

Note, however, that it is still possible to overwrite the built-in placeholder using a custom placeholder in order to apply some custom retrieval logic.

Gross Invoicing

Depending on your business or legal requirements, the nature of your products, etc., you must create net invoices, gross invoices or both of them. This behavior is controlled using the specific checkbox field GrossInvoice__c on the invoice line item.

You can set the checkbox individually on each invoice line item. This allows to specify whether to generate net invoices, gross invoices or mixed net/gross invoices.

If the checkbox is selected (the value set true), the unit prices of the invoice line items are considered gross prices. That is, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management deducts any applicable taxes from the unit prices.


Use the ON field mechanism, Salesforce flows or other automation tools to have this checkbox set automatically when generating invoices and invoice line items. When doing so, make sure to use the correct API name for the ON field ON_GrossInvoice.

Some jurisdictions, like France, or use cases, like e-invoices, require buyer-specific, purchase-related information on the invoice. To this end, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management provides the following fields on the Invoice object:

Field Description
Purchase Order No. Represents the reference to the purchase order on which the invoice is based.
Seller ID Specifies a buyer-specific identifier of the vendor.

This information is usually given by buyers. They use it to track the progress of an order or purchase in their system, and to facilitate the communication with the seller in case of need.

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management can acquire the purchase order number and the seller ID from the source data based on which invoices are built. Assume the following scenario:

(1) You use contracts to track your purchases. Using the generic invoice run, you create invoices from the contracts.

(2) You keep the purchase order number and the seller ID in the custom Contract fields ON_PurchaseOrderNo__c and ON_SellerId__c. JustOn Billing & Invoice Management copies the given information to the relevant target fields on the invoice during the invoice run – applying the ON field mechanism.

(3) Once available on the invoice records, this information

Invoice Rounding

Some countries, like Switzerland or Sweden, have removed low-denomination coins from circulation. In these countries, payable amounts are rounded to the nearest multiple of the minimum currency unit available – either for cash transactions only, or for both cash and electronic transfers.

If your business requires invoice rounding, you can define rounding rules for a currency using the custom setting Currency Mapping.

Each record can hold the following information:

Field Data Type Description
Name Text (3) Specifies the ISO currency code.
Currency Sign Text (5) Specifies the currency symbol.
Activate Rounding Checkbox Controls whether the grand total of invoices in this currency is to be rounded.
Rounding Method Text (128) The method used for rounding the grand total of invoices. Available values include NONE, FLOOR, CEILING, DOWN, UP, HALF_DOWN, HALF_UP, HALF_DOWN_ZERO, HALF_UP_ZERO, HALF_EVEN.
The default rounding method is NONE.
For details, see, for example, RoundingMode.
Rounding Precision Number (13,5) Controls the precision for the rounding difference.
0.05 rounds to 5 cents, 1.00 rounds to whole euros.
Example configuration for Swiss currency rounding

In Switzerland, invoice amounts are rounded to 0,05 francs according to the following common rounding rules:


That is, to support the invoice rounding for Switzerland, you need the following currency mapping setting:

Field Value Description
Name CHF The ISO currency code for Swiss francs.
Currency Sign SFr. The currency symbol for Swiss francs.
Active Rounding Activates the invoice rounding.
Rounding Method HALF_UP Rounds towards the nearest neighbor according to the defined precision, unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case rounds up.
Rounding Precision 0.05 Rounds to 5 rappen.

When applying invoice rounding, JustOn automatically creates a special invoice line item of the type Rounding Difference. This line item contains the value needed to round the grand total according to the rules defined in the currency mapping. On the invoice PDF, the rounding difference is printed between the tax rates and the grand total.


Depending on your locale or your business, you may need to modify the display name for the rounding difference. To do so, edit the custom label Rounding Difference.

Enabling Invoice Rounding