
Compliance and Maintenance

JustOn Cash Management is part of JustOn's software family for liquidity management, built on trust and security.


JustOn software, like JustOn Billing & Invoice Management or JustOn Cash Management, runs as integrated application on the Salesforce Platform and Heroku, the cloud-based platforms for software development and operation from Salesforce. As JustOn software is developed using the features provided by Salesforce Platform and Heroku, it is completely integrated in these environments with respect to security, availability, confidentiality, processing integrity, and privacy.

Both Salesforce Platform and Heroku are subject to comprehensive compliance audits. Therefore, they verifiably comply with multiple certifications, standards and regulations:

In order to be distributed and operated on these certified platforms, JustOn software must undergo regular security reviews. The Salesforce security reviews test the security of the software, including how well it protects customer data. So you can be sure: as long as the JustOn software is available on Salesforce AppExchange, it has successfully passed the security reviews and fully complies with the platforms' security guidelines.

Software Maintenance

Salesforce updates Salesforce Platform three times per year (Spring, Summer and Winter releases). All updates are applied automatically in a timely and seamless manner. Heroku, too, is continuously updated without interrupting its operation. This way, Salesforce always guarantees a current, secure environment for integrated applications like the JustOn software.

JustOn software is also continuously updated. There are new feature releases at least two to four weeks after Salesforce has updated the Salesforce Platform. If necessary, bugfix releases are published more frequently. Continuous development, update and bug fixing are essential to the legally permissible operation of invoicing, payment or accounting-relevant applications and make sure that the software can be adjusted to changing legal regulations about data protection or tax-relevant data, providing for a seamless and safe operation.


Operators that use JustOn software are responsible for updating the software used to access JustOn software (operating system, web browser, PDF viewer).

Typically, updates to JustOn Cash Management take place automatically. To this end, JustOn makes use of Salesforce's push upgrade mechanism, a means for automatically upgrading installed packages. Generally, push upgrades can make sure that all customer orgs are on the same or latest version of an app. This minimizes the potential risks of running outdated software versions.