
Editing Invoices

After creating draft invoices via invoice run or manually, you check them for correctness. If necessary, you must edit the draft invoices.

Editing invoices can involve


You can modify invoice data and invoice line items as long as invoices have the status Draft.

Editing Invoice Information

The most important invoice information include:

Field Description
Invoice Date Specifies the (legally binding) invoice date to be printed on the invoice document.
Invoice No. Specifies the invoice number. In Draft status, the numbers are temporary and of no legal relevance. When finalizing invoices, JustOn creates unique and unalterable numbers based on defined counters.

For a complete list of available invoice information and invoice line item information, see Invoice and InvoiceLineItem.

Modifying General Invoice Data

You can edit basic data, addresses, distribution instructions, etc. of draft invoices.

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click next to the fields to be modified and specify the information as required.

    Alternatively, you can click Edit in the detail view and edit all fields at once.

  3. Click Save.

Modifying Invoice Texts

Usually, the text fields as listed in Template Structure and Building Blocks are empty for draft invoices. The corresponding values are taken from the template when generating the PDF preview or when finalizing the invoice.

Depending on your organization's requirements, you must modify the texts for individual invoices, that is, without applying the changes to the invoice template. To this end, you can copy the text field contents of the template to the draft invoice and then modify the texts as required.

Make sure that the button Copy Text is available on the invoice detail view, see Enabling Template Text Copies.

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Copy Text.

    This copies the contents of the template text fields to the current draft invoice.

  3. In the Texts section, click next to the fields to be modified and specify the information as required.

    Alternatively, you can click Edit in the detail view and edit all fields at once.

  4. Click Save.

Setting Contacts

Certain business use cases may require to define or change the contacts that are assigned to an invoice. To select new contacts for a draft invoice, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Set Contacts.
  3. Specify the contacts as required.
  4. Click Save.

    This sets the selected contacts for the current draft invoice and fills the address fields.

Setting Business Entity

You can define or change the business entity for draft invoices.

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Set Business Entity.
  3. Select a business entity.

    The picklist includes the business entities defined using the corresponding custom setting.

  4. Click Save.

    This sets the selected business entity for the current invoice.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Modifying Invoice Line Items

Invoice line items represent the product information of billable items in an invoice. This information will be part of the invoice PDF copy, and the included pricing details are the base for calculating the invoice total.

Adding Invoice Line Items

There are several ways for creating invoice line items:

  • automatically from corresponding subscription items (see Managing Subscription Items) or, if set up accordingly, custom objects (see Billing Arbitrary Objects) during an invoice run
  • manually from scratch
  • manually cloning an existing invoice line item
  • manually based on products kept in Salesforce pricebooks

To manually add an invoice line item to a draft invoice from scratch:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Open the Invoice Line Items list.
  3. Click New.
  4. Specify the information as required.

    The mandatory information include the product title, unit price, quantity and tax rate.

  5. Click Save.

To clone an invoice line item:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Open the Invoice Line Items list.
  3. Click the number of the invoice line item to be cloned to open its detail view.
  4. Click Clone.

    This displays the product title, unit price, quantity and tax rate of the invoice line item to be cloned.

  5. Click Clone.

    This creates a duplicate of the current invoice line item, including all available information, and adds it to the current invoice.

To manually add an invoice line item to a draft invoice based on a pricebook entry:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Open the Invoice Line Items list.
  3. Click New Line Item from Product.
  4. Select the intended pricebook and pricebook entry.
  5. Specify at least the quantity and the tax rate.
  6. Click Save.

    This saves the new invoice line item and returns you to the invoice detail page.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Editing Invoice Line Items

To modify invoice line item data in a draft invoice:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Open the Invoice Line Items list.
  3. Click Edit in the row of the invoice line item you want to modify.
  4. Modify the data as required.
  5. Click Save.

If set up accordingly (see Setting Up Invoice Line Item Mass Editing), you can edit multiple invoice line items at once:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Open the Invoice Line Items list.
  3. Click Edit All.

    Mass-editing invoice line items

  4. Modify the data as required.

    The data available for editing depends on your configuration. For details, see Configuring Mass Edit Fields.

  5. Click Save.

    This saves the modified invoice line items and returns you to the invoice detail page.

    With large data sets, mass editing invoice line items may produce errors because of execution limits. To circumvent these exceptions, we recommend to edit the relevant invoice line items individually.

Invoice line item mass-edit options

The Edit All page provides the following editing options:

Action Description
Edit Opens the current invoice line item in the Edit Invoice Line Item dialog in a new browser tab/window.
Del Removes the current invoice line item.
This immediately deletes the invoice line item after confirming the notice dialog. Clicking Cancel does not undo this action.
New Line Item Adds a new invoice line item, prompting you to provide the mandatory information.
Quick Save Saves your current modifications and leaves you on the Edit All page.
Save Saves your modifications and returns you to the invoice detail page.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Deleting Invoice Line Items

To remove an invoice line item from a draft invoice:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Open the Invoice Line Items list.
  3. Click Delete in the row of the invoice line item you want to remove.

    This displays the product title, unit price, quantity and tax rate of the invoice line item to be deleted.

  4. Click Continue to confirm and complete the operation.

    This removes the invoice line item from the current invoice and updates the invoice information accordingly.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Configuring Payment Due Date Calculation

Usually, JustOn determines the Payment Due Date of an invoice adding the value of Payment Due (in days) to the set Invoice Date.

Payment due date: General concepts

Usually, JustOn determines the Payment Due Date of an invoice adding the value of Payment Due (in days) to the set Invoice Date. That is,

Payment Due Date = Invoice Date + Payment Due

The invoice date is set on invoice finalization. For draft invoices, that is, those that are not yet finalized, JustOn displays a preliminary due date based on the current date (Today + Payment Due).

The payment due (the number of days to be added) is fetched – in this order – either from

  • the invoice source record (PaymentDue on the subscription or ON_PaymentDue on another source object)
  • the field Default Payment Due on the account, or
  • the field Default Payment Due on the template.

If you have not set a default payment due on the account or the template, JustOn defaults to 0.

Once the invoice is finalized, you can no longer modify the payment due date. Users can, however, postpone the payment due date for open and draft invoices. Doing so suspends applicable SEPA order exports and dunning procedures for the specified time.

Your business may, however, require a more flexible way for determining the Payment Due Date – like, for example, you want it always to be set automatically to the last day of the next month. To this end, use the Invoice field Payment Due Condition. It provides a way to define a custom calculation for the Payment Due Date and for the Payment Due value.

JustOn evaluates the Payment Due Condition

  • on invoice creation,
  • when setting a date on (draft) invoices,
  • on invoice finalization.


Each evaluation recalculates the values for Payment Due Date and Payment Due. Hence, do not set Payment Due when using Payment Due Condition.

The following table lists the calculation options for Payment Due Condition and illustrates the behavior:

Pattern Result Example Invoice Date Example Payment Due Condition Calculated Payment Due (Date)
xd Adds x days to the invoice date. 2018-01-01 14d 14 (2018-01-15)
xd eom Adds x days to the invoice date, then goes to the last day of the month. 2018-05-20 14d eom 41 (2018-06-30)
eom Starting from the invoice date, goes to the last day of the month. 2018-02-05 eom 23 (2018-02-28)
xd y Adds x days to the invoice date, then goes to the next yth day of the month. 2018-01-01 14d 10 40 (2018-02-10)
eom y Goes to the last day of the month, then goes to the next yth day of the next month. 2018-02-12 eom 10 26 (2018-03-10)
y Starting from the invoice date, goes to next yth day of the month. 2018-02-12 16 4 (2018-02-16)
xd eom y Adds x days to the invoice date, then goes to the last day of the month, then goes to the next yth day of the next month. 2018-05-20 14d eom 20 61 (2018-07-20)

The spelling of eom in the picklist values does not matter – you can use lowercase, all caps or mixed-case spelling. JustOn converts the letters to lowercase before processing the payment due condition.

To set the payment due condition for a draft invoice:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click next to the Payment Due Condition field and specify the intended calculation condition.
  3. Click Save.


As an alternative to the manual configuration, you can have JustOn set the payment due condition automatically.

  • When creating invoices from subscriptions, you can set the Payment Due Condition field on the subscription.
  • When creating invoices from other objects using the generic invoice run, you create the ON field ON_PaymentDueCondition on the source object to have these values set on the resulting invoice.
  • To define payment due conditions on an account-specific basis, you create and set the ON field ON_PaymentDueCondition on the account.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Postponing Payment Due Date

Certain circumstances may require to postpone the payment due date for invoices. This suspends applicable SEPA order exports and dunning procedures for the specified time.

To defer the payment due date for draft or open invoices:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Postpone Due Date.
  3. In the field Deferral in Days, specify the intended number of days.
  4. Click Save.

    This postpones the Next Payment Due Date for the current invoice by the specified number of days.

Next steps:

Canceling Invoices
Managing Dunning Reminders

Applying Order Discount

The order discount reduces to the subtotal net value of an invoice (which represents an order). This percentage-based discount is applied to the sum of the invoice line item prices and, consequently, "distributed" proportionally to the relevant invoice line items. Using this discount type also reduces the tax amount subsequently.

Only invoice items of the type Product are subject to the order discount. In addition, invoice line items with the checkbox Exclude From Order Discount selected are exempt from the order discount calculation.


If you use deposit invoicing or pro forma invoicing, be aware that JustOn does not consider order discounts with the deposit or pro forma invoices, but only when generating the final invoices.


Example calculation for an invoice with 10% order discount and 19% tax rate

Pos Quantity Unit Price Pos Total
(net, no discount)
Pos Total
(net with prorated discount)
1 2 5,00 10,00 9,00
2 5 4,00 20,00 18,00
3 3 10,00 30,00 27,00
Subtotal (net) 60,00
Order Discount (10%) -6,00
Subtotal (discounted) 54,00
Tax (19%) 10,26
Grand Total 64,26

Example calculation for an invoice with 25% order discount and 19% tax rate

Pos Quantity Unit Price Pos Total
(net, no discount)
Pos Total
(net with prorated discount)
1 2 50,00 100,00 75,00
2 2 25,00 50,00 37,50
3 1 25,00 25,00 18,75
Subtotal (net) 175,00
Order Discount (25%) -43,75
Subtotal (discounted) 131,25
Tax (19%) 24,94
Grand Total 159,19

Example calculation for an invoice, including a negative invoice line item, with 10% order discount and 19% tax rate

Pos Quantity Unit Price Pos Total
(net, no discount)
Pos Total
(net with prorated discount)
1 2 5,00 10,00 9,00
2 5 4,00 20,00 18,00
3 3 10,00 30,00 27,00
4 1 -10,00 -10,00 -10,00
Subtotal (net) 50,00
Order Discount (10%) -6,00
Subtotal (discounted) 44,00
Tax (19%) 8,36
Grand Total 52,36

Make sure that the order discount feature is set up accordingly.

To to grant a discount on the subtotal net value of an invoice (which represents an order), proceed as follows:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Set Order Discount.
  3. Specify the (percentage) discount value as required.
  4. Click Save.

    This immediately applies the discount to the invoice and its line items. Consequently, the following subtotal rows will be displayed:

    Row Description
    Subtotal (net) The sum of all total net values of the invoice line items without order discount.
    Order Discount (X.X%) Shows the discount percentage and the discount amount.
    Subtotal (discounted) Subtotal (net) minus order discount amount.

    If there is no order discount defined, the invoice will display only the subtotal (net).

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Applying Invoice Discount

The invoice discount (temporarily) reduces the grand total of the invoice. It is applicable to the total gross value for a defined time frame – usually in order to motivate the buyer to make the payment within this specific time.

The relevant fields on the invoice include:

Field Data Type Default Value Description
Discount Rate Percent(2,1) Specifies the discount percentage by which the grand total is to be reduced. Is the calculation base for all discount-related fields.
Discount Payment Due Number(3,0) 14 Specifies the time (in days) after which the discounted payment is due.


JustOn determines the values for the related fields Discount Amount, Discount Payment Due Date and Discounted Grand Total when the discount rate and the discount payment due are set.

To set an invoice discount for a draft invoice:

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click next to the Discount Rate field and specify the percentage by which the grand total is to be reduced.
  3. Optionally, click next to the Discount Payment Due field and modify the time during which the discounted total is due.

    The default period is 14 days.

  4. Click Save.


You can also use the Discount Rate and Discount Payment Due fields on the subscription or, with other source objects, corresponding ON fields to have these values set automatically during the invoice run.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Using Installments

To support staged payment plans for invoices, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management allows for setting up installments, which represent models for intended payment plans.

For details, see Enabling Installments.

Installment Examples

This section summarizes some examples for the installment configuration, illustrating its behavior.

Four equally distributed monthly installments


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Installment Type Four by Month

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four by Month
Period 1m(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2017-12-05 25,00
Installment 2 2018-01-05 25,00
Installment 3 2018-02-05 25,00
Installment 4 2018-03-05 25,00
Five equally distributed monthly installments, due end of month, overwritten titles


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-31
Installment Type Five by Month

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Five by Month
Period 1m(5)
Title Installment [PosNo]
Title1__c First Rate
TitleLast__c Last Rate

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
First Rate 2017-12-31 20,00
Installment 1 2018-01-31 20,00
Installment 2 2018-02-28 20,00
Installment 3 2018-03-31 20,00
Last Rate 2018-04-30 20,00
Three installments, distributed by rate, regular period


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Installment Type Three by Two Months

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Three by Two Months
Period 2m(3)
Rate 20,30,50
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2017-12-05 20,00 20
Installment 2 2018-02-05 30,00 30
Installment 3 2018-04-05 50,00 50
Three installments, distributed by rate, irregular dates


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2018-03-15
Invoice Date 2018-03-01
Payment Due 14 (days)
Installment Type Three Irregular

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Three Irregular
Period 17d,103d,0d
Rate 20,30,50
Title Installment [PosNo]

Since the first installment is bound to the payment due date – or, with Date Reference, to a custom date –, the first date definition in Period determines the date of the second installment, the second that of the third, etc. However, you still need as many date definitions as intended installments. We recommend to use 0d as the last one to complete the number.

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-03-15 20,00 20
Installment 2 2018-04-01 30,00 30
Installment 3 2018-07-13 50,00 50
Four installments, irregular dates, with custom date as anchor


Field Value
Grand Total 1000,00
Payment Due Date 2021-07-15
Invoice Date 2021-07-01
Date1__c 2021-07-30
Installment Type Four Irregular

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four Irregular
Period 30d,90d,180d,0d
Date Reference Date1__c(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Since the first installment is bound to the payment due date – or, with Date Reference, to a custom date –, the first date definition in Period determines the date of the second installment, the second that of the third, etc. However, you still need as many date definitions as intended installments. We recommend to use 0d as the last one to complete the number.

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2021-07-30 250,00
Installment 2 2021-08-29 250,00
Installment 3 2021-11-27 250,00
Installment 4 2022-05-26 250,00
Three installments with fixed first amount, regular period


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Installment Type 30 Deposit

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name 30 Deposit
Period 20d(3)
Amount 30
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2017-12-05 30,00
Installment 2 2017-12-25 35,00
Installment 3 2018-08-14 35,00
Existing pre-payment, four equally distributed monthly installments

Invoice with prepaid balance

Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Date 2018-06-01
Payment Due Date 2018-07-31
Prepayment -40,00
Installment Type Four by Month

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four by Month
Period 1m(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Open Payment Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-07-31 25,00 0,00
Installment 2 2018-08-31 25,00 10,00
Installment 3 2018-09-30 25,00 25,00
Installment 4 2018-10-31 25,00 25,00
Four equally distributed installments with custom date as anchor


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Date1__c 2018-02-01
Installment Type Different Anchor

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Different Anchor
Period 1m(4)
Date Reference Date1__c(4)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-02-01 25,00
Installment 2 2018-03-01 25,00
Installment 3 2018-04-01 25,00
Installment 4 2018-05-01 25,00
Four equally distributed installments with custom dates


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2017-12-05
Date1__c 2018-02-03
Date2__c 2018-05-07
Date3__c 2018-11-13
Date4__c 2019-05-19
Installment Type Four custom dates

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Four custom dates
Period 0m(4) or
Date Reference Date1__c,Date2__c,Date3__c,Date4__c
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-02-03 25,00
Installment 2 2018-05-07 25,00
Installment 3 2018-11-13 25,00
Installment 4 2019-05-19 25,00
Four equally distributed installments, first with custom date, others based on payment due date


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2018-03-01
Date1__c 2018-02-03
Installment Type One custom date

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name One custom date
Period fix,15d(3)
Date Reference Date1__c
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-02-03 25,00
Installment 2 2018-03-01 25,00
Installment 3 2018-03-16 25,00
Installment 4 2018-03-31 25,00
Four installments, distributed by rate, last with custom date, others based on payment due date


Field Value
Grand Total 100,00
Payment Due Date 2018-03-01
Date1__c 2019-12-31
Installment Type Last custom date

Installment custom setting

Field Value
Name Last custom date
Period 1m(3),fix
Date Reference PaymentDueDate__c(3),Date1__c
Rate 20(3)
Title Installment [PosNo]

Resulting payment plan

Title Date Amount Rate
Installment 1 2018-03-01 20,00
Installment 2 2018-04-01 20,00
Installment 3 2018-05-01 20,00
Installment 4 2019-12-31 40,00
Installments created per service month from invoice line item service periods

Assume an invoice (with a payment due of 10) created for a recurring item with a billing factor of 12.

# Quantity Unit Price Billing Factor Service Period Start Service Period End Tax Rate Pos Total (net)
1 1 100,00 12 2019-04-15 2020-04-14 19% 1200,00
Subtotal Net 1200,00
Tax 228,00
Grand Total 1428,00

For service month-based installments to work with one-time items, the billing factor and the billing unit must be empty.

Applying this installment custom setting

Field Value
Period Service Month
Title Installment [PosNo]

Produces the following payment plan (note that the installment date is calculated using ServicePeriodStart + PaymentDue):

Title Service Period Start Service Period End Date Amount
Installment 1 2019-04-15 2019-05-14 2019-04-25 119,00
Installment 2 2019-05-15 2019-06-14 2019-05-25 119,00
Installment 3 2019-06-15 2019-07-14 2019-06-25 119,00
Installment 12 2020-03-15 2020-04-14 2020-03-25 119,00

To display the service period in the installment table on the invoice PDF, specify the following configuration in the Installment Columns Template field: Title__c;ServicePeriodStart__c;ServicePeriodEnd__c;Date__c;Amount__c.

Installments created per service quarter from invoice line item service periods (using a JSON configuration)


Field Value
Grand Total 166,00
Installment Type Custom
CustomInstallment__c {
  "period":"Service Quarter",
      "default":"Installment [PosNo]"

Invoice line items

# Quantity Price Service Period Start Service Period End
1 1 120,00 2019-04-01 2019-09-31
2 1 46,00 2019-04-01 2019-05-31

The service period of the first invoice line item spans two quarters, so the price of 120,00 will be distributed over two installments of 60,00 each. The service period of the second invoice line item is within the first quarter, so the complete price of 46,00 is added to the first installment, which results in 106,00:

Title Service Period Start Service Period End Amount
Installment 1 2019-04-01 2019-06-30 106,00
Installment 2 2019-07-01 2019-09-31 60,00

To display the service period in the installment table on the invoice PDF, specify the following configuration in the Installment Columns Template field: Title__c;ServicePeriodStart__c;ServicePeriodEnd__c;Amount__c.

Defining Installment Type

If installments are set up accordingly, you can define an installment type for an invoice.

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click next to the Installment Type field and select the intended payment plan from the drop-down list.

    Alternatively, you can click the invoice number to open the invoice, click Edit in the detail view, and then select the payment plan from the Installment Type picklist.

  3. Click Save.

    This activates the selected installment type for the invoice.


This triggers the automatic payment plan generation when selecting the invoice in the list view and finalizing it or when re-generating it in the continuous invoice run.

Manually Creating Payment Plan

If installments are set up accordingly, you can manually create a payment plan for invoices in the statuses Draft or Open.

Make sure that the Installments button is available in the invoice layout.

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Installments.

    The invoice needs a date set to complete the operation.

  3. Select the intended installment type.

  4. Click Continue.

    This creates the payment plan, applying the selected installment type.

    You can overwrite existing payment plans selecting and applying another installment type.

    Creating or modifying installments will not update the invoice PDF file. To this end, recreate the PDF.


After integrating with JustOn Cash Management, changing the installments of a finalized invoice will cancel all existing related entries and create new entries based on the new installments. As a consequence, the payment page links on the invoice and installments, which relate to the deleted entries, become invalid and will therefore be deleted and replaced by valid payment links for the new entries.

Deleting Payment Plan

You can delete an existing payment plan.

  1. Open the invoice you want to modify.
  2. Click Installments.
  3. In the Installment Type picklist, select None.
  4. Click Continue.

    This deletes the installments from the invoice.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Cloning an Invoice

Certain business use cases require an invoice to be cloned. Cloning an invoice creates a copy of the current invoice in the status Draft. By default, the copied data includes:

  • the account,
  • the invoice template,
  • contact data (if available) and
  • the invoice line items.

Upon cloning, you can modify this data as required.

To clone an invoice:

  1. Open the invoice you want to clone.
  2. Click Clone.
  3. Modify the data as required.

    The mandatory information include the account to which the new invoice will be related and the invoice template used to render the PDF copy.

  4. Optionally, select/deselect the invoice line items.

  5. Click Clone.

    This creates a cloned draft copy of the current invoice, opening it in the detail view, ready for being edited as required.

    Note that cloning an invoice does not consider the tax delta.

Next steps:

Finalizing Invoices
Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Recreating Invoice PDF

Usually, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management generates a PDF file when finalizing an invoice. In certain business use cases, you may need to recreate the PDF file for an already finalized invoice (status Open). Doing so does not modify any invoice data.


Regenerating the invoice PDF does not constitute a suitable means to correct an invoice. In case of wrong billing data or formal invoice errors, you usually

  • cancel the invoice
  • correct the source data as necessary, and
  • create a new invoice.

For details, see Invoice Correction.

To recreate the PDF file of a finalized invoice from its detail view:

  1. Open the finalized invoice for which you want to regenerate the PDF file.

    Make sure that the option for recreating PDF files is enabled for your org.

  2. Click Recreate PDF, then click Continue to confirm and complete the operation.

    This creates a new version of the PDF file.

    Note that this operation does not update text blocks with placeholders.

Next steps:

Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices

Creating New Transaction Tables

When billing usage data, you can configure JustOn Billing & Invoice Management to attach transaction tables to the invoice, either

In certain cases (like layout errors, text typos etc.) you may have to regenerate the transaction table for open invoices. Depending on whether you print the table to the PDF or attach a CSV to the invoice, the steps to do so differ.

Recreating Invoice Transaction Table


Make sure that the checkbox field ON_AddToTransactionTable on the source object is selected.

  1. Open the invoice for which you want to create a new transaction table.
  2. In the Notes & Attachments section, delete the attached transaction table.

    This is not necessary with draft invoices.

  3. Open an appropriate invoice list view.

  4. In the invoice list, select the checkbox next to the invoice for which you want to create a new transaction table.
  5. On top of the invoice list, click to open the list view actions, then select Rebuild Transaction Tables.
  6. Open the invoice for which you want to create a new transaction table.
  7. Click Recreate PDF, then click Continue to confirm and complete the operation.

    This creates a new version of the PDF file, which includes the new transaction table.

    This is not necessary with draft invoices.

Recreating Transaction CSV Attachment


Make sure that the checkbox field ON_AddToCsv on the source object is selected.

  1. Open the invoice for which you want to create a new transaction CSV file.
  2. In the Notes & Attachments section, delete the attached transaction CSV.
  3. Open an appropriate invoice list view.
  4. In the invoice list, select the checkbox next to the invoice for which you want to create a new transaction CSV file.
  5. Click to open the action menu, then select Finalize.

    This repeats the batch finalization for the selected invoice, which involves creating a new transaction CSV file.

Recreating transaction CSV using Apex

Instead of rerunning the invoice finalization, you can use Apex to recreate transaction CSV files. In the Execute Anonymous Apex tool of the Developer Console, execute the following code, applying your details:

Set<Id> invoiceIds = new Map<Id, sObject>([SELECT Id FROM ONB2__Invoice__c WHERE <invoice condition>]).keySet();

new ONB2.ChainRunner().execute(
        new ONB2.ChainFactory().getForBatchNames(new List<String>{'TransactionCsvBatchRenderHelper'})
                new Map<String, Object>{'invoiceIds' => invoiceIds}

This creates new transaction CSV files for the selected invoices.

Next steps:

Distributing Invoices
Canceling Invoices