
Managing Payment Entries

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management registers invoice-relevant payment transactions that have occurred in external systems as payment entries. Each payment entry record represents a payment operation registered at a bank. See the payment entry as a "container" for external payment information, which must finally be saved as a balance record.

To acquire payment entries, JustOn imports specifically configured CSV files.

Matching payments

Users assign the payment entries to invoices, which creates corresponding balance records of the type Payment and associates them with both the (converted) payment entry and the target invoice. The payment entry itself is not directly linked to the invoice. It is the balance association, which reduces the payment amount of the invoice, or, if balanced out completely, sets the (open) invoice Paid.


Using the integration with JustOn Cash Management, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management directly creates payment balance records for the captured amount.

In addition, you can manually set an invoice Paid using the function Register Payment, which also directly creates a payment balance record.

This article covers

For explanatory information about payment entry matching and assignment, see Payment Entry Matching and Assignment.

Importing CSV Payment Data


Make sure that the CSV file import is configured according to your CSV file format. For details, see CSV Import Configuration.

  1. Open the Payment Entries tab.
  2. Click Import CSV File.

    Selecting a CSV file for a payment data import

  3. Select the CSV file to be uploaded, and select the corresponding CSV import configuration.

    Optionally, specify the rows to be skipped during the import.

    CSV files to be imported must have a unique name.

  4. If applicable, select Import as Chargeback.

    This option forces all imported payment entries to become chargebacks, bypassing the automatic chargeback detection, which works only if the conditions for the automatic chargeback detection are met.

    Select this option only if you are sure that all entries of the selected CSV file are chargebacks.

    If a CSV file contains chargebacks and other entries, you can set a Filter Expression in the CSV Import Configuration to selectively import the chargeback rows only.

  5. Click Upload File.

    This starts the import process. The Info section shows the process progress.

    After the import is completed, JustOn displays the list of payment entries.

    JustOn writes the name of the original CSV file into the Info field of the produced payment entry. This helps avoid importing the same file twice.

Import configuration example

The following examples illustrate possible import configurations. To understand the examples, make sure you are familiar with JustOn's approach to the payment amount calculation.

Be aware that the CSV structure and the corresponding import configuration depend on your environment.

Assume a simple CSV file with just four columns: date, invoice number, credit (absolute amount), debit (absolute amount).


Note that the first two entries represent payments, but the third entry represents a payout. So you need this field mapping to correctly set the corresponding payment entry fields:

1 BookingDate__c;2 Reference__c;3 Credit__c;4 Debit__c

This creates the following payment entries on import:

# Booking Date Reference Credit Debit
1 2019-10-12 201900023 150,00
2 2019-10-13 201900045 260,00
3 2019-10-16 201900078 80,00

Now assume the same payment operations (two payments and one payout) in a more complex CSV file with headers and more information (which you may not need). Note that there is only one column for the amount with both positive and negative values. So you will, consequently, fill one field with these values – namely the one that handles the same positive or negative values with the same payment or payout effect.

2019-10-12;standing order;201900023;Firma;DE75512108001245126199;150,00;EUR
2019-10-13;direct debit;201900045;Individuel;FR7630006000011234567890189;260,00;EUR

To extract the information to produce the same payment or payout effect, you need this field mapping:

Date BookingDate__c;Reference Reference__c;Amount Credit__c

This creates the following payment entries on import:

# Booking Date Reference Credit Debit
1 2019-10-12 201900023 150,00
2 2019-10-13 201900045 260,00
3 2019-10-16 201900078 -80,00

Matching Payment Entries

For explanatory information about the matching logic, see Matching Logic.

Executing Matching Procedure


Make sure that the matching fields are configured according to your payment data and target object. For details, see Payment Matching Fields.

To trigger the automatic matching process:

  1. Open the Payment Entries tab.
  2. From the list view picklist, select New.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the payment entries you want to match to target objects.

    Not explicitly selecting payment entries includes all listed payment entries.

  4. Click Match.

  5. Select the checkboxes next to the targets to which you want to match the selected payment entries.
  6. Click Continue.

    This executes the automatic matching process.

Executing Assignment Procedure


The assignment procedure requires a matching process before actually assigning the payment entries to invoices.

If matches are not created as intended, modify the reference and repeat the matching process. Once all matches are created correctly, you can proceed to the assigning process.

To finally assign matched payment entries to target objects:

  1. In the Payment Entries tab, select Matched from the list view picklist.
  2. Review the matches.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the payment entries you want to assign to target objects.

    Not explicitly selecting payment entries includes all listed payment entries.

  4. Click Assign.

  5. Select the checkboxes next to the targets to which you want to assign the selected payment entries.
  6. Click Continue.

    This creates balance records of the type Payment, assigned to the corresponding target objects, and sets the selected payment entries to the status Converted.

Assigning batch bookings

Customers may use batch bookings (or consolidated payments) to pay for multiple invoices at once.

Assume the following example: There are three invoices for an account, INV001, INV002 and INV003, with an open amount of 100 € each. Now the customer pays 300 € in one transaction, specifying the reference INV001, INV002, INV003. Settling the three invoices involves three steps:

(1) Applying the usual matching and assignment procedure, you have JustOn match the payment entry with the oldest invoice (INV001) and split the 300 € payment, creating a 100 € payment balance on the invoice and a 200 € payment balance on the account.

(2) Now you manually set the second invoice Paid using the function Register Payment, which assigns another 100 € of the available balance amount on the account to the current invoice (INV002).

(3) Finally, you repeat the operation Register Payment for the third invoice, manually assigning the remaining 100 € to INV003.

That is, when handling consolidated payments or batch bookings, JustOn can only settle one of the involved invoices automatically using the matching and assignment procedure. The remaining invoices must be set Paid manually using the Register Payment operation.