
Invoice Finalization

← Invoice Finalization

New invoices have the status Draft. You can check draft invoices for correctness and edit them as necessary. If you approve of a draft invoice, you Finalize it. This process

  • sets the status to Open, making the invoice legally and fiscally effective, that is, due for payment (and unalterable),
  • sets the invoice date (if not defined beforehand on invoice creation or using Preferred Invoice Date on subscriptions),
  • sets a unique final invoice number based on the configured invoice counter (see Counters and Number Ranges), and
  • creates printable PDF documents and, if set up accordingly, electronic invoice XML files.

    Find the produced files on Salesforce's Files tab in the group Owned by me, if not configured otherwise (see File Distribution).

    For accessing and using file-related JustOn features, make sure that the Salesforce features Content Deliveries and Salesforce CRM Content are enabled.

In order to apply the correct tax, make sure that the invoice line items have set a correct service period or, as a fallback, the invoice has set a correct date.


Once an invoice is finalized, you can no longer change it.

Finalization Approaches

You can set up JustOn to finalize draft invoices automatically during an invoice run when certain conditions become true. for details, see Automating Finalization on Invoice Run and Automating Finalization With Flow.

Otherwise, users can finalize

  • a single invoice individually from its detail view,
  • selected invoices from the invoice list view (on the Invoices tab or the invoice run detail view), or
  • all listed draft invoices at once.

for details on user-initiated finalization, see Finalizing Invoices.


Integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with JustOn Cash Management requires users who finalize invoices are assigned the permission set JustOn Payments Read/Write.

Involved Processing Steps

By default, the invoice finalization involves the following processing steps (see FinalizeInvoiceChain):

  • Retrieve external taxes
  • Build transaction tables (for missing records)
  • Settle (non-related) invoices and credits
  • Finalize invoices
  • Finalize external taxes
  • Create installments
  • Create entries

    Is executed after integrating with JustOn Cash Management.

  • Assign (free) payment balances

  • Settle entries

    Is executed after integrating with JustOn Cash Management.

  • Get payment links

    Is executed after integrating with JustOn Cash Management and a payment service provider for invoices with the payment method Online Payment.

  • Create PDFs

  • Create e-invoice

    Is executed after enabling e-invoices and for invoices with the e-invoice formats XRechnung UBL or Peppol BIS Billing UBL.

  • Cancel related entries

    Is executed after integrating with JustOn Cash Management to cancel entries that originate from invoices being canceled.

  • Create transaction CSVs

  • Send email

    Is executed if the email auto send option is enabled.