
Connected Bank Account

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JustOn Cash Management directly integrates Salesforce CRM with European banks. Using the secure, EBICS-compliant connection, businesses can directly retrieve and upload relevant payment information.

Prior to using the banking connection of JustOn Cash Management, your business must enter into a (usually chargeable) contract on the intended data access with your bank (see Bank Access Requirements). From a technical perspective, you subscribe to an EBICS-compliant service for exchanging payment information. Hence you may be referred to as the subscriber, with your bank as the other contract party.

How does the EBICS initialization take place?

Generally, EBICS initialization means exchanging public keys: You send your public subscriber keys to your bank, and your bank sends their public bank keys to you. Using the keys, you and your bank can then verify that any sent information – signed using the keys – is genuine.

The initialization procedure includes the following artifacts and procedure steps:

(1) EBICS access information and printed public bank keys


After your organization has requested EBICS access, your bank sends a user letter to you. It includes the user data and other relevant access information for you to create the bank access.

The printed public bank keys are often published on the bank's website or are part of the user letter.

Some banks return a confirmation letter that includes the printed public bank keys only after they have verified your public subscriber keys (step 4).

(2) Electronic public subscriber keys


As part of the bank access configuration, JustOn Cash Management creates your subscriber keys and transfers the public subscriber key electronically to your bank.

(3) Printed public subscriber keys


After adding the bank access, you are prompted to download the initialization letter, which includes your printed public subscriber keys. You send this document to your bank via postal mail or email.

(4) Public subscriber keys validation


Your bank compares the public subscriber keys received electronically with the ones sent with the initialization letter.

(5) Electronic public bank keys


Now you proceed to validate the public bank keys: This makes JustOn Cash Management fetch the public bank keys electronically.

(6) Public bank keys validation


Then you compare the public bank keys received electronically with the printed public bank keys.

Once you confirm the keys' validity, JustOn Cash Management completes the bank access setup. This makes the involved bank accounts ready for the EBICS-based data exchange with your bank.


EBICS keys are valid for one year. If the keys are used (for uploading payment orders or retrieving bank statements) within the last 30 days of their validity, JustOn Cash Management automatically renews these keys, making them available for another year. If the expiry date has passed without renewing the keys, JustOn Cash Management disables the bank access, and users must repeat the EBICS initialization.

For details, see Initializing Banking Operations. In addition, consider the banking-related specifics and conditions summarized in Banking Preconditions.

Payment Workflow via Bank Account

This is the typical lifecycle of a SEPA transaction in JustOn Cash Management:

alt text

User starts SEPA order job

JustOn Cash Management validates the input records (business entities, payment instruments, entries, refunds).

As a result of the job execution, JustOn Cash Management

  • Creates Payment records or updates Refund records with the status Pending
  • Creates Entry Item records with an Expected Amount, which prevents entries from being processed repeatedly
  • Builds SEPA XML files (including a unique end-to-end ID) and sends them to the bank via EBICS (under the EDS class T, see Bank Access Requirements)
Authorized user releases orders

The signature (under the EDS class E or A/B, see Bank Access Requirements) must be given in the banking system.

As a result, the bank processes all payment requests and transfers the money.

User retrieves bank statements

When a matching bank statement item is found (from the original bank account and according to the end-to-end ID), it is automatically associated with the corresponding payment/refund. Consequently, JustOn Cash Management

  • Updates the amount on the Payment/Refund record (as related to entries)
  • Sets the payment status to Collected or refund status to Refunded
  • Adjusts the amount on the Entry Item record, which is transferred to the related Entry record as Assigned Amount

For details, see Using Direct Debit and Using Credit Transfer.


Bank statement items may represent bank transfers initiated by customers. These bank statement items do not originate from SEPA orders produced by JustOn Cash Management, which is why they do not have an end-to-end ID known to JustOn Cash Management. In this case, JustOn Cash Management relates the bank statement items (and payments created from them) with entries by data comparison – based on matching data like the customer number or statement number.

That is, JustOn Cash Management can automatically associate

  • existing payment records that originate from SEPA orders (as related to entries) with corresponding bank statement items (from the original bank account and according to the end-to-end ID), or
  • retrieved bank statement items (and corresponding new payment records) that originate from customer-initiated bank transfers with matching entries through data comparison.

For details, see Settlement Approaches.

Eligible entries for SEPA Direct Debit

To collect an entry successfully via SEPA Direct Debit, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Account The associated account for the debtor
Type The type of the entry, must be Debit
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
Must match the business entity of the payment instrument to be used.
Open Amount The overall open amount
For a debit, it must be a positive amount.
Payable Amount The amount to pay (before a related payment is requested)
Must be larger than 0 for the entry to be considered on direct debit order creation.
Statement Date The effective date of the (legally binding) original statement
Statement Payment Due Date The payment due date of the statement, that is, the agreed collection date
Requested Payment Method The requested payment method for the entry, must be SEPA
Using the integration with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the value is taken from the invoice, so the invoice payment method must already be set to SEPA.
Requested Payment Instrument Optionally, allows to select a particular active payment instrument according to the selected account. Falls back to the first active payment instrument of the account if empty.
Requested Bank Account Your (the creditor's) bank account – the target of the collection. Falls back to the Preferred Bank Account of the business entity if empty.
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the bank account statements.

The key date for SEPA transactions is the Statement Payment Due Date of the entry. Entries are eligible if the date is not empty and not beyond the next 14 days from today. If the date is in the past, JustOn Cash Management corrects it to TODAY + 1 for it to be accepted by the bank.

Eligible entries for SEPA Credit Transfer

For an entry to be processed successfully via SEPA Credit Transfer, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Account The associated account for the creditor
Type The type of the entry, must be Credit
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
Must match the business entity of the payment instrument.
Credit Approval (Optional) approval status, used to build approval processes for outgoing money transfers
Must be restricted or approved. Empty values are handled like approved.
Open Amount The overall open amount
For a credit, it must be a negative amount.
Payable Amount The amount to transfer (before a related payout is requested)
Must be less than 0 for the entry to be considered on credit order creation.
Statement Date The effective date of the (legally binding) original statement
Statement Payment Due Date The payment due date of the statement, that is, the agreed payout date
Requested Payment Method The requested payment method for the entry, must be SEPA
Using the integration with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the value is taken from the invoice, so the invoice payment method must already be set to SEPA.
Requested Payment Instrument Optionally, allows to select a particular active payment instrument according to the selected account. Falls back to the first active payment instrument of the account if empty.
Requested Bank Account Your (the debtor's) bank account – the source of the payout. Falls back to the Preferred Bank Account of the business entity if empty.
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the bank account statements.

The field Statement Payment Due Date is used as a reference when selecting entries for credit transfer jobs. Entries are eligible if the date is not empty and not beyond the next 14 days from today, like Statement Payment Due Date <= TODAY + 14d.


The Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS) is a transmission protocol for sending payment information between clients and banks as well as between banks over the Internet. It uses established standards for securely transmitting encrypted data. For details, see EBICS.

All German banks that are associated with the German Banking Industry Committee (Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft/DK) support EBICS and therefore allow exchanging payment information using JustOn Cash Management.

JustOn Cash Management supports EBICS 3.0 (Rev. 3.0.2). EBICS 3.0 has introduced standardized Business Transaction Formats (BTF), which allow for working with German and other European banks – including French, Swiss and Austrian banks.

JustOn Cash Management supports CAMT.053 messages (see Bank Access Requirements). That is, it can retrieve banking data for completed bookings up to the day before the current date. Fetching interim transactions during the same day (CAMT.052 messages) is currently not possible.

Other important concepts related to EBICS-compliant banking operations include

Public bank key
Your bank publishes the public bank key – a string to be used by your JustOn Cash Management instance to decode and encode the encrypted communication. You must validate it as part of the subscriber confirmation before using the bank access.
Subscriber keys

Your JustOn Cash Management instance creates your subscriber keys. The public subscriber key is to be used by your bank to decode and encode the encrypted communication. Your bank must validate it as part of the subscriber initialization.

The EBICS subscriber keys produced by JustOn Cash Management are valid for one year. If the subscriber keys are used (for uploading payment orders or retrieving bank statements) within the last 30 days of their validity, JustOn Cash Management automatically renews these keys, making them available for another year. If the expiry date has passed without renewing the keys, JustOn Cash Management disables the bank access, and users must repeat the EBICS initialization.

SEPA Operations

SEPA Direct Debit

The European Payments Council (EPC) has established the single euro payments area (SEPA) to standardize cashless euro payments across Europe. It defines, among others, SEPA Direct Debit schemes (SDD): one primarily designed for B2C businesses (SDD Core), and one exclusively for B2B businesses (SDD B2B). The two schemes set common rules for transferring money from a debtor to a creditor, but vary in details (see SEPA Direct Debit).

SEPA Direct Debit is centered around a mandate, which allows the creditor to prove their request for collecting money. The collection is initiated by the creditor, submitting the order to their bank. The order includes information like mandate ID, amount, collection date and debtor IBAN. The bank then executes the order, withdrawing the money from the debtor's account and putting it to the creditor's account.

The common rules include:

  • The mandate is signed by the debtor before the first transaction (typically 14 days before the first collection).
  • The mandate allows one-off or recurrent collections and can be revoked by the debtor at any time.
  • The due date of a collection must not be more than 14 days in the future.

Depending on the scheme (Core or B2B), various timeframes and rules apply for the debtor to object to the money transfer and to order a reverse transaction.

The SEPA Direct Debit Core scheme is mandatory for transactions with consumers (B2C) and optional for transactions with businesses (B2B). Under SDD Core, a debtor can request a refund ("no-questions-asked") within eight weeks of the collection date. In case of an unauthorized transaction – which must be proven –, a debtor can ask for a refund within 13 months of the collection date.

The SEPA Direct Debit B2B scheme is exclusively for businesses. Under SDD B2B, the debtor is not entitled to obtain a refund for an authorized transaction. The debtor's bank, however, may still return a transaction under certain circumstances within three days. To ensure that a transaction is authorized under SDD B2B, the debtor's bank must check whether there is a valid mandate before executing the collection.

Unless specifically agreed with the bank, JustOn Cash Management uses the basic character set defined by the European Payment Council when creating SEPA payment orders. For details, see SEPA Requirements for an Extended Character Set (UNICODE Subset) - Best Practices.

Eligible entries for SEPA Direct Debit

To collect an entry successfully via SEPA Direct Debit, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Account The associated account for the debtor
Type The type of the entry, must be Debit
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
Must match the business entity of the payment instrument to be used.
Open Amount The overall open amount
For a debit, it must be a positive amount.
Payable Amount The amount to pay (before a related payment is requested)
Must be larger than 0 for the entry to be considered on direct debit order creation.
Statement Date The effective date of the (legally binding) original statement
Statement Payment Due Date The payment due date of the statement, that is, the agreed collection date
Requested Payment Method The requested payment method for the entry, must be SEPA
Using the integration with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the value is taken from the invoice, so the invoice payment method must already be set to SEPA.
Requested Payment Instrument Optionally, allows to select a particular active payment instrument according to the selected account. Falls back to the first active payment instrument of the account if empty.
Requested Bank Account Your (the creditor's) bank account – the target of the collection. Falls back to the Preferred Bank Account of the business entity if empty.
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the bank account statements.

The key date for SEPA transactions is the Statement Payment Due Date of the entry. Entries are eligible if the date is not empty and not beyond the next 14 days from today. If the date is in the past, JustOn Cash Management corrects it to TODAY + 1 for it to be accepted by the bank.

SEPA Credit Transfer

The European Payments Council (EPC) has established the single euro payments area (SEPA) to standardize cashless euro payments across Europe. It defines, among others, the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme (SCT). It defines a set of rules, practices and standards to achieve interoperability for SEPA payment instruments between participating banks and payment service providers in 36 European countries.

As opposed to SEPA Direct Debit, SEPA Credit Transfer does not require a mandate. For details, see SEPA Credit Transfer on the EPC website.

The payout is initiated by the debtor, submitting the order to their bank. The order includes information like amount, payout date and creditor IBAN. The bank then executes the order, withdrawing the money from the debtor's account and putting it to the creditor's account.

Unless specifically agreed with the bank, JustOn Cash Management uses the basic character set defined by the European Payment Council when creating SEPA payment orders. For details, see SEPA Requirements for an Extended Character Set (UNICODE Subset) - Best Practices.

Eligible entries for SEPA Credit Transfer

For an entry to be processed successfully via SEPA Credit Transfer, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Account The associated account for the creditor
Type The type of the entry, must be Credit
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
Must match the business entity of the payment instrument.
Credit Approval (Optional) approval status, used to build approval processes for outgoing money transfers
Must be restricted or approved. Empty values are handled like approved.
Open Amount The overall open amount
For a credit, it must be a negative amount.
Payable Amount The amount to transfer (before a related payout is requested)
Must be less than 0 for the entry to be considered on credit order creation.
Statement Date The effective date of the (legally binding) original statement
Statement Payment Due Date The payment due date of the statement, that is, the agreed payout date
Requested Payment Method The requested payment method for the entry, must be SEPA
Using the integration with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the value is taken from the invoice, so the invoice payment method must already be set to SEPA.
Requested Payment Instrument Optionally, allows to select a particular active payment instrument according to the selected account. Falls back to the first active payment instrument of the account if empty.
Requested Bank Account Your (the debtor's) bank account – the source of the payout. Falls back to the Preferred Bank Account of the business entity if empty.
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the bank account statements.

The field Statement Payment Due Date is used as a reference when selecting entries for credit transfer jobs. Entries are eligible if the date is not empty and not beyond the next 14 days from today, like Statement Payment Due Date <= TODAY + 14d.

SEPA Batch Booking

SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer allow to combine multiple transactions using a Batch Booking parameter. This setting controls how the combined transactions are displayed on bank statements – usually, batched transactions appear as one entry. Organizations use this option to avoid information disclosure.

Be aware that banks still process batched transactions individually. The subsequent handling does not change: each transaction results in a single payment, whether it is part of a batch or not.


If you enable batch booking for your SDD or SCT orders, you must still explicitly request your bank to break down all batch bookings into individual transactions in the CAMT.053 bank statement files. This enables JustOn Cash Management to correctly process the resulting bank statement items on automatic settlement.

JustOn Cash Management allows for enabling SEPA batch bookings for a specific bank account. The following settings control the behavior:

SEPA Direct Debit Batch Booking

Controls the batch booking mode for direct debit transactions.

Value Description
off No batch booking (default)
on Forced batch booking
SEPA Credit Transfer Batch Booking

Controls the batch booking mode for credit transfer transactions.

Value Description
off No batch booking (default)
on Forced batch booking
Initial Payment Status

Optionally, controls the initial status of the produced payment.

Value Description
Pending Default value, indicates that the request has been sent to the bank, sets open amount
Collected Indicates that the money has been moved, sets both open amount and collected amount

Use Collected as the initial payment status only if your bank does not produce individual transaction records for batch bookings (which would not allow automatic settlement), because this will immediately balance out the related entries.

SEPA Chargebacks

When using SEPA Direct Debit or SEPA Credit Transfer, return debits or other chargeback operations may occur if a direct debit or credit transfer cannot be carried out or is rejected by the business partner. In this case, the other party's bank will reverse the original direct debit or credit transfer – returning the corresponding amount to the payer:

  • For direct debit chargebacks, this produces a credit to the debtor's account and a debit to the creditor's account.
  • For credit transfer chargebacks, this produces a credit to the debtor's account.

Any banking fees will usually be charged to the party who has initiated the SEPA request.

JustOn Cash Management uses specific amount fields to indicate the instructed (originally initiated) amount, the transaction amount, cumulated charges and the effective amount on bank statement items.

Field Description
Cumulated Charges Sum of charges that are included in the current banking transaction.
Effective Amount The absolute amount without charges and interests.
If set, will be used for further processing instead of Total Amount.
Instructed Amount The originally initiated amount before charges deduction.
The currency may differ from the reported currency.
Transaction Amount The amount of money moved in the current banking transaction plus internal charges. External charges are not included.

A SEPA chargeback can have different reasons. The following table lists the most common reason codes that you may come across. There are more, however, they are rarely used.

Reason Code Description
AC01 The IBAN is incorrect or unknown.
AC04 The account holder has closed the account.
AC06 Direct debit is not allowed on the account.
AM04 The account has insufficient funds.
MD01 There is no mandate or an invalid mandate.
MD06 The direct debit has been reversed by the account holder.
SL01 The bank refused the direct debit (due to daily limits, for example).

A SEPA chargeback appears as a separate item on the bank account statement. The return reason and any incurred fees are shown separately on the item.

If the original SEPA transaction has used an end-to-end ID, the SEPA chargeback will also have the same end-to-end ID. JustOn Cash Management then uses this ID to identify the originally generated payment or refund and, consequently, sets the payment/refund status to Failed and withdraws the assigned amount.

Note that the corresponding payment record does not track any fees that may have been incurred. It is the creditor's responsibility to deal with these fees separately.

SEPA Payment Run

JustOn Cash Management can automate the SEPA order creation, executing SEPA payment runs. This allows for automatically initiating payments based on SEPA mandates via the EBICS-based banking connection on a regular basis.

To this end, JustOn Cash Management provides two dedicated Apex classes

  • DirectDebitPaymentRunJob for SEPA Direct Debit, and
  • CreditTransferPaymentRunJob for SEPA Credit Transfer.

These Apex classes are to be scheduled using the standard Salesforce Schedule Apex functionality. For details on setting up the SEPA payment run, see Configuring SEPA Payment Run.

For the SEPA payment run to work, it requires accessible EBICS bank account credentials. The scheduled job can access the EBICS bank account credentials if the user who has scheduled the job is either the same user who has created the relevant EBICS bank account credential record, or the relevant EBICS bank account credential record is not locked to the user who has created it (see How to share bank access configurations with other users?).

In addition, the SEPA payment run requires an eligible entry as well as an eligible payment instrument. Generally, the same conditions apply as for the manual SEPA order creation (see Using Direct Debit and Using Credit Transfer).

Eligible entries for SEPA Direct Debit

To collect an entry successfully via SEPA Direct Debit, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Account The associated account for the debtor
Type The type of the entry, must be Debit
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
Must match the business entity of the payment instrument to be used.
Open Amount The overall open amount
For a debit, it must be a positive amount.
Payable Amount The amount to pay (before a related payment is requested)
Must be larger than 0 for the entry to be considered on direct debit order creation.
Statement Date The effective date of the (legally binding) original statement
Statement Payment Due Date The payment due date of the statement, that is, the agreed collection date
Requested Payment Method The requested payment method for the entry, must be SEPA
Using the integration with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the value is taken from the invoice, so the invoice payment method must already be set to SEPA.
Requested Payment Instrument Optionally, allows to select a particular active payment instrument according to the selected account. Falls back to the first active payment instrument of the account if empty.
Requested Bank Account Your (the creditor's) bank account – the target of the collection. Falls back to the Preferred Bank Account of the business entity if empty.
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the bank account statements.

The key date for SEPA transactions is the Statement Payment Due Date of the entry. Entries are eligible if the date is not empty and not beyond the next 14 days from today. If the date is in the past, JustOn Cash Management corrects it to TODAY + 1 for it to be accepted by the bank.

Eligible entries for SEPA Credit Transfer

For an entry to be processed successfully via SEPA Credit Transfer, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Account The associated account for the creditor
Type The type of the entry, must be Credit
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
Must match the business entity of the payment instrument.
Credit Approval (Optional) approval status, used to build approval processes for outgoing money transfers
Must be restricted or approved. Empty values are handled like approved.
Open Amount The overall open amount
For a credit, it must be a negative amount.
Payable Amount The amount to transfer (before a related payout is requested)
Must be less than 0 for the entry to be considered on credit order creation.
Statement Date The effective date of the (legally binding) original statement
Statement Payment Due Date The payment due date of the statement, that is, the agreed payout date
Requested Payment Method The requested payment method for the entry, must be SEPA
Using the integration with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management, the value is taken from the invoice, so the invoice payment method must already be set to SEPA.
Requested Payment Instrument Optionally, allows to select a particular active payment instrument according to the selected account. Falls back to the first active payment instrument of the account if empty.
Requested Bank Account Your (the debtor's) bank account – the source of the payout. Falls back to the Preferred Bank Account of the business entity if empty.
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the bank account statements.

The field Statement Payment Due Date is used as a reference when selecting entries for credit transfer jobs. Entries are eligible if the date is not empty and not beyond the next 14 days from today, like Statement Payment Due Date <= TODAY + 14d.

Payment instruments must meet the following conditions to be used for the SEPA payment run:

Field Description
Business Entity Lookup to the related business entity
A SEPA mandate cannot be used for different business entities or SEPA Creditor Identifiers.
Account Holder The name of the bank account holder (debtor)
IBAN The bank account number
BIC The SWIFT BIC of the bank account
Required if the debtor's or the creditor's bank is located in non-EEA SEPA countries Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, United Kingdom or Vatican City State.
Bank Name The name of the debtor's bank
Direct Debit Mandate Type The type of the direct debit mandate, either Core or B2B
Direct Debit Mandate Granted The date on which you received the debtor's SEPA mandate
Direct Debit Mandate Reference A unique string that identifies the SEPA mandate
Money Flow Incoming Must be unrestricted, is treated as unrestricted if empty
Type Must be SEPA Mandate (allows for direct debits and credit transfers)

As opposed to SEPA Direct Debit, SEPA Credit Transfer does not require a mandate. Nevertheless, you still need a payment instrument to hold the payment-relevant data for credit transfers.

Field Description
Business Entity The related business entity
Must match the business entity of the entry.
Account Holder The name of the PI holder, used to address the creditor by name
Type Must be SEPA Mandate (allows for direct debits and credit transfers) or Bank Account (allows for credit transfers only)
Money Flow Outgoing Must be refund-only or unrestricted, is treated as unrestricted if empty
IBAN The target bank account
BIC Required if the debtor's or the creditor's bank is located in non-EEA SEPA countries Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, United Kingdom or Vatican City State.
Is Active Must be true

Refund via SEPA Credit Transfer

JustOn Cash Management allows for issuing SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) orders based on approved refunds, which, on their part, are usually the result of a credit balance.

For the SCT order creation based on refunds to work, JustOn Cash Management requires an eligible refund record and an eligible payment instrument.

Eligible refunds

For a refund to be processed successfully via SEPA Credit Transfer, make sure that the following information is set accordingly:

Field Description
Payment Reference Describes the purpose of the payment, a human-readable description for the money transfer. Will be displayed in the creditor's bank account statements.
Payment Method Must be SEPA Credit Transfer
Status Must be Approved
Refund Date Must be empty or <= TODAY + 14d
Open Amount Must be a positive value, larger than 0
Refunded Amount Must be 0
Bank Account Optionally, may restrict the SCT order creation to the given bank account.
Eligible payment instruments

For a payment instrument to be eligible for the SCT creation, it must meet the following conditions:

Field Description
Business Entity The related business entity
Must match the business entity of the entry.
Account Holder The name of the PI holder, used to address the creditor by name
Type Must be SEPA Mandate (allows for direct debits and credit transfers) or Bank Account (allows for credit transfers only)
Money Flow Outgoing Must be refund-only or unrestricted, is treated as unrestricted if empty
IBAN The target bank account
BIC Required if the debtor's or the creditor's bank is located in non-EEA SEPA countries Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, United Kingdom or Vatican City State.
Is Active Must be true

In addition, certain fields on the relevant business entity and bank account are required.

Required business entity information
Field Description
Company Name The legal name of the business entity
Preferred Bank Account The (source) bank account for the money transfer
Required bank account information
Field Description
Access Method Must be EBICS
IBAN The (source) bank account for the money transfer
BIC Required if the debtor's or the creditor's bank is located in non-EEA SEPA countries Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, United Kingdom or Vatican City State.

Bank Data Download

Using EBICS, banks provide both machine-readable end-of-day bank statement data to be used for automatic payment or refund reconciliation, as well as human-readable documents for regulatory reasons. JustOn Cash Management can, consequently

  • Request bank statements in the (structured) CAMT.053 format to be used for payment matching and settlement
  • Optionally, request and store bank statements in PDF format
  • Optionally, request and store other bank-related documents (like clearings, account balances, balance confirmations, etc.) in PDF format


To retrieve PDF files, you must specifically request the corresponding EBICS order types with your bank (see Bank Access Requirements).

Once agreed upon with the bank, each EBICS data download involves different files. JustOn Cash Management relates the files to the relevant Salesforce records, and, optionally if set up accordingly, saves the files in a dedicated library/folder structure (named by BIC/IBAN) in Salesforce Files.

     ↳ IBAN – separate folder for each accessible IBAN
          ↳ XML – contains bank statement CAMT.053 files
          ↳ Statements – contains bank statement PDF files
          ↳ Misc – contains other bank information PDF files (related to a single bank account)
     ↳ Misc – contains other bank information PDF files
     ↳ ZIP – contains transaction ZIP files

Bank statement CAMT.053

Contains all relevant information about executed payment/refund transactions in a machine-readable form. JustOn Cash Management parses the provided data and stores the information in bank statements and bank statement items for further processing.

Remember that bank statements contain general information for a fixed period of time – the banking day – like opening balance, closing balance, etc., whereas bank statement items contain detailed information about each bank account transaction like amount, debtor, creditor, etc.

For archival purposes, the downloaded file is assigned to the relevant bank statement and bank account records and, optionally, saved to the corresponding BIC/IBAN/XML folder in Salesforce Files.

Bank statement PDF
Contains all relevant information about executed payment/refund transactions in a human-readable form. JustOn Cash Management relates the PDF file with the relevant bank statement and bank account records and, optionally, saves it to the corresponding BIC/IBAN/Statements folder in Salesforce Files.
Other bank information PDF
Can contain other banking-related information (like clearings, account balances, balance confirmations, etc.) in a human-readable form. If the given PDF file is related to a specific bank account, JustOn Cash Management associates it with the relevant bank account record and saves it to the corresponding BIC/IBAN/Misc folder in Salesforce files. Otherwise, it is just stored to the relevant BIC/Misc folder in Salesforce Files.
Transaction ZIP
Contains all files involved in one download transaction. JustOn Cash Management relates the ZIP file with the relevant job record for troubleshooting purposes and, optionally, saves it to the relevant BIC/ZIP folder in Salesforce Files.

For details on the bank data download configuration, see Enabling Bank Statement Download.

Automatic Bank Data Download

JustOn Cash Management can automatically download bank data on a regular basis.

To this end, JustOn Cash Management provides the dedicated Apex class DownloadBankStatementsJob, which is to be scheduled using the standard Salesforce Schedule Apex functionality.

For the automatic bank data download to work, it requires accessible EBICS bank account credentials. The scheduled job can access the EBICS bank account credentials if the user who has scheduled the job is either the same user who has created the relevant EBICS bank account credential record, or the relevant EBICS bank account credential record is not locked to the user who has created it (see How to share bank access configurations with other users?).

The automatic bank data download determines the date range for the bank data to fetch automatically for each EBICS bank account credential record. When determining the start date, the software makes sure that the bank data for each involved bank account is as complete as possible.

Start date

The start date will be the day after the oldest of the latest bank statements retrieved for all involved bank accounts, but not older than 7 days.

Think of the following example: an EBICS bank account credential involves two IBANs, A and B. The latest bank statement retrieved for A is dated 2024-02-27, and the latest bank statement retrieved for B is dated 2024-02-24. Assuming the next retrieval takes place on 2024-02-29, the day after 2024-05-24 (→ 2024-02-25) will be the start of the involved date range. If, however, the next retrieval is on 2024-03-08, the start date will be 2024-03-01. The gap between 204-02-25 and 2024-03-01 cannot be closed automatically, so a user must fetch the corresponding bank data manually. Be aware, though, that banks usually provide data for a limited period only, like 14 days.

We recommend a daily interval for the automatic download so that there will be no gaps in the bank data.

End date
The end date will always be yesterday.

If an error occurs during the automatic bank data download, JustOn Cash Management writes an individual error report for each EBICS bank account credential.

For details on automating the bank data download, see Configuring Automatic Bank Data Download.