
Payments/Payouts in JustOn Cash Management

← About Payments and Payouts

JustOn Cash Management summarizes receivables and payables as entries, based on which you trigger the relevant payment operations. Technically, you process the payments or payouts via

Payment/Payout Processing: General Concepts

In the context of payment or payout processing, the following objects are important:

JustOn Cash Management uses payment records to track a money transfer and its status, see Payment Lifecycle.
Businesses can refund received payments – partially or completely – usually as the result of some corrections. JustOn Cash Management uses refund records to track returned money that is related to a previously received payment.
Payment Notification
A payment notification represents updates (through Webhook notifications, for example) for payments and refunds processed via a payment provider.
Bank statement item
A bank statement item represents the recorded money transfer operation for a payment processed via a bank using EBICS.
Bank statement

A bank statement represents the daily summary of bank statement items for one bank account.

JustOn Cash Management can retrieve banking data up to the day before the current date.

In addition, the following objects are relevant to hold the data that is required for processing collections and payouts:

Business entity
The business entity represents the legal entity or organization "doing business".
Payment instrument
A payment instrument holds online payment, credit card or bank account information, which is used for the automatic payment collection or SEPA payment order export.
Payment provider
The payment provider represents a service provider that executes collections and payouts (accepts and processes payment operations) on behalf of the business entity.
Bank account
Bank account records hold all relevant information on actual bank accounts, through which business entities can execute EBICS-based transactions.
EBICS bank account credential

The EBICS bank account credential wraps your EBICS-based bank access. These records hold the credentials and parameters that are required for interacting with banks via EBICS.

By default, an EBICS bank account credential record is locked to the user who has created it. This prevents other users from changing and using the relevant bank access configuration. Optionally, users who have created them can share EBICS bank account credential records with other users.

For an overview of all objects that are relevant for JustOn Cash Management, see Object Model.

Payment Lifecycle

Payment records track money transfer operations that take place in external systems – banks and payment service providers (PSP). The integration makes sure that externally recorded operations are "translated" to the Payment data model, resulting in updates to the status and amount values. JustOn Cash Management operates on the payment records, which allows to separate the integration from the business logic.


Payment Types

Depending on the intended operation – settling receivables or payables –, payments can be of two types:

  • Payment – intended to settle receivables, recorded amounts with this respect are negative values
  • Payout – intended to settle payables, recorded amounts with this respect are positive values

Payment Statuses

According to the payment operation phases, the payment status changes:


Payment Phase Payment Status Description
No interaction with the bank or PSP
Open Customer has interacted with the payment page
Canceled Business or customer have canceled the payment operation
Request to the bank or PSP is sent, money has not been collected yet
Pending Request has been sent to the PSP or the bank
Canceled Business or customer have canceled the payment operation
Failed Payment has not been accepted by the PSP or bank
Money has been received
Collected Money has been moved from the debtor to the business' bank account or from the business' bank account to the creditor
Late Changes
Refunds, chargebacks or errors may take place
Reversed A chargeback over the complete amount has taken place
Refunded A refund over the complete amount has taken place
Failed Payment error has occurred
No changes to the payment expected
Final The payment is no longer subject to changes.
Future refund operations must be tracked using a new payment record.

Matching and Settlement Statuses

Payments are subject to settlement operations. According to the taken path and its outcome, payments can have various states with this respect – as kept in the field Matching Result.

Matching Result Description
Account matched JustOn Cash Management has found a matching account, but has not completed the settlement. A user must proceed to manually settle the payment.
Manually settled A user has settled the payment manually.
Payment Id matched JustOn Cash Management has found a matching payment based on a unique ID but the current transaction involves an amount with a reversed sign. Usually, this indicates a chargeback.
Settled by Payment Id JustOn Cash Management has completed the settlement based on a matching unique ID.
Settled by automatic match JustOn Cash Management has completed the settlement through data comparison based on active matching configurations.
Unmatched JustOn Cash Management has not found any matching data. A user must review the matching configurations and repeat the automatic settlement, or proceed to manually settle the payment.
Unmatched, multiple results JustOn Cash Management has found multiple possible matches for different accounts or business entities. A user must review the matching configurations and repeat the automatic settlement, or proceed to manually settle the payment.

Payment Amount Values

With respect to the payment lifecycle, the following amount values are important:


Amount Type Description
Initial Amount Shows the original amount. Negative values are payments, positive values are payouts (see Payment Types).
The initial amount never changes.
Collected Amount Shows the amount of the collected payments. Negative values are payments, positive values are payouts.
Collected Amount <= Open Amount
Open Amount Shows the amount to be moved, corresponds to the Open Amount of the entry. Negative values are payments, positive values are payouts.
Assigned Amount Shows the amount assigned to one or more entries (via one or more entry items) used to settle them.
Technically, this is a roll-up summary over the Effective Amount values of all associated entry items.
Available Amount Shows the amount available for being assigned to an entry. The value depends on the payment status.
Open, Canceled, Reversed, Refunded0
Pending → difference between Open Amount and Assigned Amount
Collected, Final → difference between Collected Amount and Assigned Amount
Blocked Amount Shows the sum of any open refund amounts (positive values) for payments of the type Payment.
Technically, this is a roll-up summary over the Open Amount values of all associated refunds.
Initial Amount + Blocked Amount = Open Amount
Refunded Amount Shows the sum of any refunded amounts (positive values) for payments of the type Payment.
Technically, this is a roll-up summary over the Refunded Amount values of all associated refunds.
Initial Amount + Blocked Amount + Refunded Amount = Open Amount

Entry and Payment Lifecycle gives an outline view of how these values change as payment and settlement progress.


Some use cases require merchants or service providers to return money to their customers, like preventing fraud attempts, undoing duplicate or disputed payments, answering specific customer requests, or preventing money laundering attempts. In these cases, businesses refund received payments – either partially or completely. In JustOn Cash Management, specific refund records track money being returned to a payer in connection with a previously received payment using the same payment instrument.

As payments do, refund records track money transfer operations that take place in banks and payment service providers (PSP). The integration makes sure that externally recorded operations are "translated" to the Refund data model, resulting in updates to the status and amount values. JustOn Cash Management operates on the refund records, which allows to separate the integration from the business logic.

Typically, users initialize refunds based on the original payment. To be eligible for refunds, payments must be of the type Payment and have the status Collected or Final.

JustOn Cash Management executes the refund transaction by default using the same payment instrument as used for the original payment. However, if the payment instrument does not allow outgoing money flow or does no longer exist, users can direct the refund to be executed via SEPA Credit Transfer.

In addition, certain circumstances may require refunds to be initialized via a payment service provider. In this case, any transactions will synchronize with JustOn Cash Management via webhook notifications, which will, subsequently, update both payment and refund records accordingly.

Refund Statuses

In accordance with the refund operation phases, the refund status changes:


Refund Phase Refund Status Description
Money has been blocked from the related payment record
Prepared Refund has been created through credit balance strategy or user interaction
User or automated process has approved the refund
Approved Refund has been approved and is ready for payout
Request to bank or PSP is sent, money has not been collected yet
Pending Request has been sent to the bank or PSP
Failed Payout has not been accepted by the bank or PSP
Money has been sent
Refunded Money has been moved to the customer
Late Changes
Payment errors may take place
Failed Payment error has occurred
Refund has been voided
Canceled Refund has been canceled

Refund Amount Values

For refunds, the following amount values are relevant:


Amount Type Description
Open Amount When initialized, shows the amount to be moved.
Is always a positive value.
Refunded Amount Indicates the actually moved amount.
Matches the Open Amount if the refund operation has been executed successfully, otherwise, is 0.


While processing the refund, JustOn Cash Management will reduce the Open Amount and the Collected Amount of the related payment (see Payment Amount Values) and, if applicable, the Assigned Amount of related entry items (see Amount Values and Statuses) in accordance with the refunded amount.

Payment Instrument

A payment instrument is a SEPA mandate, a credit card handle or an online payment handle. It allows the business entity to collect or pay out money from or to a customer via a connected bank account or a payment provider integration, respectively.

Payment instruments can explicitly allow or restrict an incoming or outgoing (from the business's perspective) money flow. This way, your accounts can have dedicated payment instruments for debits, credits or refunds.

Field Description
Money Flow Incoming Money flow restriction for incoming money (→ collecting receivables), can be unrestricted (default) or disallowed
Money Flow Outgoing Money flow restriction for outgoing money (→ settling payables or return claims), can be unrestricted, refund-only or disallowed

To indicate the "health status", JustOn Cash Management saves the last captured amount and the corresponding timestamp to a payment instrument.

Field Description
Last Capture Amount The amount to be captured, is set on direct debit/credit transfer job or on payment initialization via payment provider
Last Capture Time The timestamp of the last initialized capture event, is set on direct debit/credit transfer job or on payment initialization via payment provider
Last Successful Capture Amount The captured amount, is set on successful collection (end-to-end matching for SEPA payments or success message from PSP)
Last Successful Capture Time The timestamp of the last successful capture event, is set on successful collection (end-to-end matching for SEPA payments or success message from PSP)