
Batch Job Chain

API Name: BatchJobChain__c

Stores information about running batch chains.

Label API Name Type Description
Batch Chain No. Name AutoNumber
Batch Chain BatchChain__c Text(255) Specifies the batch chain which is in scope.
Batches Processed BatchesProcessed__c Number(18, 0) The number of processed batches in this chain.
Batches Total BatchesTotal__c Number(18, 0) The total number of batches in this chain.
Chain Label ChainLabel__c LongTextArea(32768) The label of this chain, to be shown in the user interface.
Current Job Id CurrentJobId__c Text(18) The id of the current running apex job for this batch chain.
Current Message CurrentMessage__c LongTextArea(32768) The message of the current running job for this batch chain.
Failing Job Ids FailingJobIds__c LongTextArea(32768) Contains Job Ids (JSON) where one ore more batch execution failed (First Error).
Hash Hash__c Text(255) The hashed parameters for this batch chain. This is used to prevent parallel execution of identical chains.
Parameter Message ParameterMessage__c LongTextArea(32768) A user friendly description of the parameters, this chain is running on.