

API Name: ContentVersion

Label API Name Type Description
Amazon S3 Transfer Status AmazonS3TransferStatus__c Picklist The global transfer status regarding the upload to Amazon S3.
Picklist values: New, Partial, Transferred
Basware File Reference BaswareFileReference__c Text(255) The reference of this file in the Basware system.
External Targets ExternalTargets__c LongTextArea(32768) Stores information regarding the transfer status to external cloud storages.
Google Drive Transfer Status GoogleDriveTransferStatus__c Picklist The global transfer status regarding the upload to Google Drive.
Picklist values: New, Partial, Transferred, Redistribute
Related Record RelatedRecord__c Text(18) The id of the record, which is the cause or directly related to this content version.
Type Type__c Picklist The type of this file in the context of JustOn.
Picklist values: Invoice PDF, Dunning PDF, Booking Detail Export, Invoice Export, Balance Export, Template Logo, Liquid Template, E-Invoice, E-Invoice Validation Report