API Name: Expense__c
An expense is any type of costs that a company incurs to do business. Typically, it represents an incoming invoice. The expense holds all relevant information about the payable costs, such as amount, payee, IBAN.
Label | API Name | Type | Description |
Expense Name | Name |
AutoNumber | |
Account Matching Result | AccountMatchingResult__c |
Picklist | Indicates how the expense account (creditor) has been identified. Picklist values: By Sender Address , By Sender Tax ID , By Account Name |
Account | Account__c |
Lookup(Account) | The account that is associated with the expense. Can be a supplier or any other type of creditor. |
Business Entity Matching Result | BusinessEntityMatchingResult__c |
Picklist | Indicates how the related business entity has been identified. Picklist values: By Recipient Address , By Recipient Tax ID , By Recipient Name , By Business Entity Mapping |
Business Entity | BusinessEntity__c |
Text(255) | The legal entity of your organization associated with this expense. |
Buyer Reference | BuyerReference__c |
Text(255) | A unique identifier assigned to the e-invoice recipient or buyer. |
Due Date | DueDate__c |
Date | The date by which the expense must be paid. |
E-Invoice Format | EInvoiceFormat__c |
Picklist | Indicates the format of the received e-invoice. Picklist values: Peppol BIS Billing UBL , XRechnung UBL |
E-Invoice Recipient Address | EInvoiceRecipientAddress__c |
Text(255) | The electronic recipient address for e-invoices. |
E-Invoice Recipient Scheme Id | EInvoiceRecipientSchemeId__c |
Text(255) | The identification scheme identifier of the electronic recipient address. |
E-Invoice Sender Address | EInvoiceSenderAddress__c |
Text(255) | The electronic sender address for e-invoices. |
E-Invoice Sender Scheme Id | EInvoiceSenderSchemeId__c |
Text(255) | The identification scheme identifier of the electronic sender address. |
E-Invoice Status | EInvoiceStatus__c |
Picklist | Indicates the e-invoice validation result. Picklist values: Parsed , Parsed with Warnings |
Final Gross Amount | FinalGrossAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The gross amount used for downstream processes. Transferred Gross Amount if set, otherwise Gross Amount. |
Final Net Amount | FinalNetAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The net amount used for downstream processes. Transferred Net Amount if set, otherwise Net Amount. |
Final Tax Amount | FinalTaxAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The tax amount used for downstream processes. Transferred Tax Amount if set, otherwise Tax Amount. |
Gross Amount | GrossAmount__c |
SUM(ExpenseItem__c.GrossAmount__c) | The total gross amount of the expense including taxes. |
Input Channel | InputChannel__c |
Picklist | Indicates how the expense has been retrieved. Picklist values: Manual Upload , Email , Peppol , E-Invoice Provider |
Net Amount | NetAmount__c |
SUM(ExpenseItem__c.NetAmount__c) | The total net amount of the expense before taxes. |
Open Amount | OpenAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The difference between gross amount and paid amount. An expense is considered paid when the open amount is zero. |
Paid Amount | PaidAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The amount that has been paid to settle the expense. |
Payee BIC | PayeeBIC__c |
Text(11) | The payment recipient's BIC to which the cost must be paid. |
Payee IBAN | PayeeIBAN__c |
Text(34) | The payment recipient's IBAN to which the cost must be paid. |
Payee Name | PayeeName__c |
Text(255) | The payment recipient - the name of the the person or organization to whom the cost must be paid. |
Payment Date | PaymentDate__c |
Date | The date on which the payment for this expense has been completed. |
Payment Method | PaymentMethod__c |
Picklist | The payment method used to pay the expense. Picklist values: Bank Transfer , Cash , Online Payment , SEPA Direct Debit Core , SEPA Direct Debit B2B |
Payment Reference | PaymentReference__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the reference to be used for payments. Will show up on a bank statement. |
Payment Terms | PaymentTerms__c |
LongTextArea(2048) | A textual description of the applicable payment conditions. |
Purchase Order No. | PurchaseOrderNo__c |
Text(255) | Contains additional information about the order, usually given by the buyer. |
Receipt Date | ReceiptDate__c |
Date | The effective date of the expense origin (for example, the incoming invoice date). |
Receipt No. | ReceiptNo__c |
Text(255) | The unique identifier of the expense origin, specified by the payee (for example, the incoming invoice number). |
Recipient City | RecipientCity__c |
Text(255) | The city of the e-invoice recipient’s or buyer’s postal address. |
Recipient Country Code | RecipientCountryCode__c |
Text(255) | The country code of the e-invoice recipient’s or buyer’s postal address. |
Recipient Id | RecipientId__c |
Text(255) | A unique identifier for the e-invoice recipient or buyer used by the seller. |
Recipient Legal Identifier | RecipientLegalRegistrationId__c |
Text(255) | An identifier issued by an official registration authority that uniquely identifies the e-invoice recipient or buyer as a legal entity. |
Recipient Name | RecipientName__c |
Text(255) | The name of the e-invoice recipient or buyer. |
Recipient Postal Address | RecipientPostalAddress__c |
LongTextArea(1024) | The postal address of the e-invoice recipient or buyer. |
Recipient Postal Code | RecipientPostalCode__c |
Text(255) | The postal code of the e-invoice recipient’s or buyer’s postal address. |
Recipient Tax Id | RecipientTaxId__c |
Text(255) | The VAT ID or Tax ID of the e-invoice recipient. |
Registered Date | RegisteredDate__c |
Date | The date on which the expense has been registered by the payer. |
Related Expense | RelatedExpense__c |
Lookup(Expense__c) | Shows the superordinate expense for the current expense. |
Reporting Category | ReportingCategory__c |
Picklist | A user-definable grouping attribute used to cluster expenses. Typical values include, for example, Rent, Tax Counseling, Marketing, Education. Picklist values: Default |
Sender City | SenderCity__c |
Text(255) | The city of the e-invoice sender’s or seller’s postal address. |
Sender Country Code | SenderCountryCode__c |
Text(255) | The country code of the e-invoice sender’s or seller’s postal address. |
Sender Id | SenderId__c |
Text(255) | A unique identifier of the e-invoice sender or seller, provided by the buyer or the bank. |
Sender Legal Registration Id | SenderLegalRegistrationId__c |
Text(255) | An identifier issued by an official registration authority that uniquely identifies the e-invoice sender or seller as a legal entity. |
Sender Name | SenderName__c |
Text(255) | The name of the e-invoice sender or seller. |
Sender Postal Address | SenderPostalAddress__c |
LongTextArea(1024) | The postal address of the e-invoice sender or seller. |
Sender Postal Code | SenderPostalCode__c |
Text(255) | The postal code of the e-invoice sender’s or seller’s postal address. |
Sender Tax Id | SenderTaxId__c |
Text(255) | The VAT ID or Tax ID of the e-invoice sender. |
Service Period End | ServicePeriodEnd__c |
Date | The end date of the service period. |
Service Period Start | ServicePeriodStart__c |
Date | The start date of the service period. |
Status | Status__c |
Picklist | Indicates the lifecycle state of the expense from the receipt to the payment. Allows to track future expenses for reporting purposes. Picklist values: Planned , Accrued , Approved , Paid , Unapproved , Canceled |
Summary | Summary__c |
Text(255) | A meaningful name or short description of the expense, summarizing its contents. |
Tax Amount | TaxAmount__c |
SUM(ExpenseItem__c.TaxAmount__c) | The total tax amount of the expense. |
Transferred Gross Amount | TransferredGrossAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The gross amount as taken from the retrieved e-invoice. |
Transferred Net Amount | TransferredNetAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The net amount as taken from the retrieved e-invoice. |
Transferred Tax Amount | TransferredTaxAmount__c |
Currency(16, 2) | The tax amount as taken from the retrieved e-invoice. |
Type | Type__c |
Picklist | Indicates the nature of the expense. Picklist values: Invoice , Credit , Partial Credit , Cancellation , Partial Invoice , Progress Invoice , Final Invoice , Undefined |