
Global Settings

API Name: GlobalSettings__c

Global settings for bill.ON.

Label API Name Type Description
Name Name Text(255)
Active Subscription Status ActiveSubscriptionStatus__c Text(255) A comma separated list of subscription status which are considered during the invoice run. 'Active' is always considered.
Adjust for Tax Rounding Differences AdjustTaxRounding__c Checkbox Adjust 'Total (Tax)' and 'Grand Total' for tax rounding differences on invoices. Supports multiple tax rates.
Use Advanced Currency Management AdvancedCurrencyManagement__c Checkbox When advanced currency management is enabled, the Conversion Rate stored at the Invoice will be taken from the advanced conversion rate settings instead of the standard conversion rates.
Accounting Gross Taxes on First Month AggregateGrossBookkeepingTaxes__c Checkbox If selected, the taxes for gross values will be aggregated to the first booking detail month.
Allow Invoice Changes in Status Open AllowInvoiceChanges__c Checkbox This allows to change certain fields of invoices, in status 'Open', which are otherwise locked. You may use this to edit fields of imported invoices (e.g. Name). Use with care and keep it unchecked most of the time.
Allow Overpayments AllowOverpayments__c Checkbox Allow overpayments on open invoices and do not split balances.
Allow Pro Forma / Deposit Dunnings AllowProformaDunnings__c Checkbox When checked, dunnings (usually reminders) can be created for Pro Forma and Deposit invoices.
Always create Content Distribution AlwaysCreateContentDistribution__c Checkbox This option forces to always create content distributions for invoice and dunning pdf files.
Attach Invoice PDFs to Account Statement AttachInvoicePdfToAccountStatement__c Checkbox When enabled, the Invoice PDF Attachments are cloned and attached to Account Statements. Note: Large or many PDFs will quickly exceed the heap size limit!
Auto Queue Emails After Finalization AutoQueueEmailsAfterFinalization__c Checkbox Automatically queue emails for sending when invoices or dunnings are finalized.
Base URL BaseURL__c Text(255)
Billed Opportunity Stage Name BilledOpportunityStageName__c Text(40) Completely billed Opportunities will be set to this stage.
Create Bookkeeping Data for Deposit BookingDataDeposit__c Checkbox If activated, bookkeeping data will created for deposit invoices.
Create Bookkeeping Data CreateBookkeepingData__c Checkbox Once this is checked, JustOn will create Booking Periods and Booking Details for finalized invoices.
Decimal Places for Quantity DecimalPlacesForQuantity__c Number(2, 0) The default number of decimal places for the quantity as displayed on the invoice.
Decimal Places for Unit Price DecimalPlacesForUnitPrice__c Number(2, 0) The default number of decimal places for the unit price as displayed on the invoice.
Disable Dunning Fee Balances DisableDunningFeeBalances__c Checkbox Disable the generation of balances for dunning fees. The fees will then not be part of account balances.
Disable Statistic Line Items DisableStatisticLineItems__c Checkbox If checked, the statistics export won't export invoice line item data.
Disable Write-Off Reversal on Payment DisableWriteOffReversal__c Checkbox Assigns payments for written-off invoices to the account and prevents automatic assignment.
Display Quantity DisplayQuantity__c Text(255) API Name field of the transaction object, which is to be accumulated for the display quantity.
Enable Accounting in Gross Values EnableGrossBookkeeping__c Checkbox If checked, JustON will use gross values when creating booking data.
Enable JustOn Cash Management EnableJustOnBankPayments__c Checkbox
Enable Transfer Booking Details EnableTransferBookingDetails__c Checkbox When enabled this will create a transfer booking detail when balances are moved from one account to another. This is useful if you don't want to reverse the booking detail utilizing an intermediate account.
Use End of Month as Booking Date EndOfMonthBookingDate__c Checkbox When checked the Booking Date of Booking Details will be the last day of the month instead.
Grace Period GracePeriod__c Number(3, 0) Grace period in days for subscription renewal, i.e. the subscription renewal date is determined by: subscription end date - cancelation terms + grace period
Ignore EInvoice Validation Warnings IgnoreEInvoiceValidationWarnings__c Checkbox If set, validator warnings are not reported.
Ignore Invoices for MRR Metrics IgnoreInvoicesForSubscriptionMetrics__c Checkbox If set, item price/quantity changes update MRR metrics starting from the relevant start date, irrespective of already produced invoices.
Invoice PDF URL InvoicePdfUrl__c Url Define a custom URL for Invoice PDFs. This might point to a site. The URL may contain placeholders (e.g.[InvoiceId
Late Fee Rate LateFeeRate__c Percent(15, 3) Defines the monthly interest rate for calculating the late fees for invoices. This value will be used if the rate is empty at the dunning level setting.
Log Level LogLevel__c Text(7) The cutoff for logging. Log-Statements below this level are not logged. Possible Values and their order: NONE, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO.
Merge Items on Renewal MergeItemsOnRenewal__c Checkbox Merge multiple items with the same criteria into a single item during subscription renewal.
Move Tax Booking Details to Payment Date MoveTaxBookingDetailsToPaymentDate__c Checkbox
Multiple Draft Invoices MultipleDraftInvoices__c Checkbox Allow multiple draft invoices per subscription for different invoice runs.
Multiple Draft Statements MultipleDraftStatements__c Checkbox Allow to create more than one statement (Account, Dunning) for the same period and filter.
Not Billed Opportunity Stage Name NotBilledOpportunityStageName__c Text(40) Partly or not billed Opportunities will be set to this stage.
Notification Level NotificationLevel__c Text(7) The cutoff for notifications. Notifications at the end of batch chains will only be sent, if the level has been reached. Possible Values and their order: NONE, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO.
Notification Target NotificationTarget__c Text(255) Send notifications for finished batches via EMAIL. No notifications will be sent if empty.
Pricebook Fields PricebookFields__c Text(255) Allows to define a comma separated list of pricebook entry fields in order to customize the picklist at the New Item From Product page. Defaults to 'Name'.
Rewrite InvoicePDF URL RewriteInvoicePDFURL__c Text(255)
Rewrite Invoice URL RewriteInvoiceURL__c Text(255)
Rewrite PaypalBuyerReturn URL RewritePaypalBuyerReturnURL__c Text(255)
Rewrite PaypalIPN URL RewritePaypalIPNURL__c Text(255)
Rewrite QpayBuyerReturn URL RewriteQpayBuyerReturnURL__c Text(255)
Separate Contra Account Booking Details SeparateBookingDetails__c Checkbox Create separate contra account booking details.
Settle Credits SettleCredits__c Checkbox Settle open credit memos with the next finalize invoice batch. This has no effect to manual settlement.
Settle Invoices SettleInvoices__c Checkbox Settle open invoices with the next finalize invoice batch. This has no effect to manual settlement.
Subscription Metrics Scope SubscriptionMetricsScope__c Text(255) Defines the scope that is considered for the subscription metrics creation, can be one of 'Subscription', 'Account' or 'Subscription, Account'. Fallback is "Subscription".
Track E-Mail TrackEMail__c Checkbox Create a task if an invoice email is send successfully.
Unbilled Revenue Tax UnbilledRevenueTax__c Text(255) Defines the tax handling for unbilled revenue. Can be one of 'Net', 'Gross' or 'Net+Tax'. Fallback is 'Net'.
Use Billing Address for Tax UseBillingForTax__c Checkbox Define the invoice address to use for tax calculation: unchecked -> shipping, checked -> billing.
Use Debtor No for Deferred Revenue UseDebtorNoForDeferredRevenue__c Checkbox Prefer the debtor no from the account for the BP AccountNo of deferred booking details instead of a collective account.
Write-Off Cap Amount WriteOffCapAmount__c Number(13, 5) The cap for the amount of write-off balances. Write-off balances are created when a payment is registered at the invoice, but only if the cap amount is not exceeded.
Write-Off Currency WriteOffCapCurrency__c Text(3) The currency ISO code for the Write-Off Amount fields.
Finalization Write-Off Amount WriteOffFinalizationAmount__c Number(15, 3) The upper limit that triggers the write-off balance creation when finalizing an invoice.
Write-Off Threshold WriteOffThreshold__c Percent(13, 5) The threshold (in percent) for the creation of write-off balances during payment creation.