

API Name: Invoice__c

The invoice repesents the statements that document payment requests. The object holds the relevant account data and payment information.

Label API Name Type Description
Invoice No. Name Text
Order Discount AEDiscount__c Percent(15, 3) The discount in percent to be applied to the total net amount of the invoice.
Account Name AccountName__c Text(255)
Account Tax Class AccountTaxClass__c Text(255) The tax class set for the account.
Account Account__c Lookup(Account) The account that is associated with the invoice.
Balance Assignment Key BalanceAssignmentKey__c Text(255)
Balance Difference BalanceDifference__c Currency(16, 2) The difference between the remaining amount and the balance of the invoice. Negative amounts are considered a payment, positive amounts are considered a payout.
Balance Balance__c Currency(16, 2) The sum of all balances for this invoice. An invoice is considered paid or settled when the balance is zero.
Bank Account Owner BankAccountOwner__c Text(255) The name of the owner of this bank account.
Bank Account BankAccount__c Text(34) The bank account number (IBAN) of the invoice recipient.
Bank Code BankCode__c Text(11) The bank code (BIC) of the invoice recipient.
Billing Address BillingAddress__c LongTextArea(32768) This block will be printed to the invoice (by default at the bottom of the top right header) if the billing address differs from the recipient address.
Billing City BillingCity__c Text(40) The copied city of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Country Code BillingCountryCode__c Text(10) The copied country code of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Country BillingCountry__c Text(80) The copied country of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Postal Code BillingPostalCode__c Text(20) The copied postal code of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing State Code BillingStateCode__c Text(10) The copied state code of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing State BillingState__c Text(80) The copied state of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Street BillingStreet__c Text(255) The copied street of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Buyer Reference BuyerReference__c Text(255) An identifier assigned to the recipient used for internal routing purposes. (For example: Leitweg-ID)
Cancelation Reason CancelationReason__c Picklist The reason why this invoice has been canceled.
Picklist values: Revocation, Duplicate, Invoice incorrect
Canceled with CanceledWith__c Lookup(Invoice__c) The invoice that reverses this canceled invoice.
Class Class__c Text An automatic classification of the invoice: a positive grand total results in an invoice, a negative grand total results in a credit.
Contact Role Criterion ContactRoleCriterion__c Text(255) Condition for controlling the assignment of JustOn contact roles
Contact Contact__c Lookup(Contact) The primary contact to which this invoice will be sent. Can be overridden by the mailing contact and/or the email contact.
Conversion Rate ConversionRate__c Number(13, 5) The conversion rate applied to this invoice. For advanced currency management, this is the conversion rate at the invoice date. This field is automatically updated every time the invoice changes.
Credit Transfer Content Error CreditTransferContentError__c Text(255) Any error that occured when creating the content for the Credit Transfer QR Code.
Credit Transfer Content CreditTransferContent__c Text(255) The content for the Credit Transfer QR Code.
Credit Transfer QR Code CreditTransferQRCode__c Text The credit transfer QR code can be embedded into the invoice PDF.
Date Date__c Date The date to be printed to the invoice PDF as the invoice date.
Days Overdue DaysOverdue__c Number(18, 0) The number of days by which this invoice is overdue with respect to the next payment due date.
Debt Collection Agency DebtCollectionAgency__c Picklist The name of the debt collection agency for further processing.
Picklist values: Default
Deferral in Days DeferralInDays__c Number(3, 0) Deferral in days for the payment due date. This will be reflected in the Next Payment Due Date.
Deposit Amount DepositAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The deposit amount is used at proforma invoices to create a deposit line item. The deposit amout is interpreted as a net value. The deposit amout is preferred over the deposit rate.
Deposit Rate DepositRate__c Percent(3, 2) The deposit rate is used at proforma invoices to create a deposit line item with regard to the total net amount. The deposit amout is preferred over the deposit rate.
Direct Debit Mandate Granted DirectDebitMandateGranted__c Date The date on which the direct debit mandate has been granted.
Direct Debit Mandate Reference DirectDebitMandateReference__c Text(35) Each mandate must contain a unique mandate reference assigned by the creditor. At a maximum length of 35 characters, the number chosen will depend on the capabilities of the mandate database used, and whether the mandates are issued for each contract individually or are instead consolidated per customer. Often, companies use existing customer numbers or contract numbers. Possible characters are A-Z a-z 0-9 / - ? : ( ) . , ‘ + and spaces.
Direct Debit Sequence Type DirectDebitSequenceType__c Picklist First: First direct debit transaction in a series Recurrent: Recurrent direct debit transaction in a series.
Picklist values: First, Recurrent
Discount Amount DiscountAmount__c Currency(16, 2)
Discount Message DiscountMessage__c LongTextArea(5000) A text message to be printed to the invoice PDF if a discount is applied.
Discount Payment Due Date DiscountPaymentDueDate__c Date
Discount Payment Due DiscountPaymentDue__c Number(3, 0) The time in days after which the discounted payment is due.
Discount Rate DiscountRate__c Percent(2, 1) The discount rate (percentage value), which is the calculation base for all discount fields.
Deprecated DiscountedNextPaymentDue__c Currency(16, 2)
Discounted Grand Total DiscountedTotalGross__c Currency(16, 2) The grand total after deducting the discount amount. It is automatically calculated.
Display Transaction Tables DisplayTransactionTables__c Checkbox Specifies whether to display the transaction tables on the invoice PDF.
Display Type DisplayType__c Text(255) A type label to be printed to the invoice PDF, like Invoice, Credit Memo.
Dunning Level Name DunningLevelName__c Text(255) The name of the last applied dunning level.
Dunning Level DunningLevel__c Number(18, 0) The dunning level of the invoice, increased by 1 each time a new dunning letter/email is sent.
E-Invoice Recipient Legal ID Scheme EInvoiceBuyerLegalRegIdSchemeId__c Text(255) The codified scheme identifier that indicates the type of the used e-invoice recipient legal identifier, must correspond to the ISO/IEC 6523 identifier scheme code list, like 0002 for SIREN or 0192 for Organisasjonsnummer.
E-Invoice Recipient Legal Identifier EInvoiceBuyerLegalRegId__c Text(255) An identifier issued by an official registration authority that uniquely identifies the e-invoice recipient or buyer as a legal entity. Required in some jurisdictions, like France (SIREN, SIRET) or Norway (Organisasjonsnummer).
E-Invoice Distribution Channel EInvoiceDistributionChannel__c Picklist The distribution channel for the e-invoice.
Picklist values: Email, Peppol
E-Invoice Error EInvoiceError__c LongTextArea(32768) Contains details regarding errors during e-invoice generation.
E-Invoice Format EInvoiceFormat__c Picklist Specifies the target format for E-Invoices.
Picklist values: Peppol BIS Billing UBL, XRechnung UBL
Deprecated EInvoiceProviderMessages__c LongTextArea(32768) Holds information regarding the status of the E-Invoice in the provider queue.
E-Invoice Provider Status EInvoiceProviderStatus__c Picklist Reports the lifecycle of the E-Invoice with the provider.
Picklist values: Queued, Validation Error, Conversion Error, Send Error, Sent, Receiver Error, Received
E-Invoice Recipient Address EInvoiceRecipientAddress__c Text(255) The electronic recipient address to which an e-invoice should be delivered.
E-Invoice Recipient Scheme Id EInvoiceRecipientSchemeId__c Text(255) The identification scheme identifier for the recipient address.
E-Invoice Status EInvoiceStatus__c Picklist The status of the E-Invoice.
Picklist values: Not Created, Validation Error, Created, Created With Warnings, Distribution Error, In Peppol Queue
Email BCC EmailBCC__c LongTextArea(1000) Comma-separated list of email addresses that will receive the invoice PDF as BCC (blind carbon copy).
Email Contact EmailContact__c Lookup(Contact) The contact that provides the primary email address. The email address will be copied from the contact when the invoice is created or when the contact is changed.
Email Error EmailError__c LongTextArea(32768) Displays error messages that occurred during mass mailing. Only valid if the email status is set to Error.
Email First Name EmailFirstName__c Text(40)
Email CC EmailInvoiceCc__c LongTextArea(1000) Comma-separated list of email addresses that will receive the invoice PDF as CC (carbon copy).
Email Invoice EmailInvoice__c Checkbox Determines whether this invoice is to be sent via email.
Email Last Name EmailLastName__c Text(80)
Email Salutation EmailSalutation__c Text(20)
Email Status EmailStatus__c Picklist The status of the email for this invoice.
Picklist values: Unsent, Queued, Sent, Error
Email Email__c Email The primary email address to which this invoice is to be sent. It is copied from the email contact only when the invoice is created.
Expected Dunning Fee ExpectedDunningFee__c Currency(16, 2) The cumulative amount of all dunning fees for this invoice. This field is used when dunning fee balances are disabled.
Expected Dunning Late Fee ExpectedDunningLateFee__c Currency(16, 2) The amount of the dunning late fee for this invoice. This field is used when dunning fee balances are disabled.
Exported (Deprecated) Exported__c Text(255) This has been used to mark invoices as exported. Used up to release 2.62. This is left here to stay backwards compatible. See the releated list 'Invoice Export Histories'.
Final Invoice FinalInvoice__c Lookup(Invoice__c) Indicates the associated final invoice. Is automatically set after generating the final invoice.
Footer Footer__c LongTextArea(32768) A long text area for a footer.
Grand Total GrandTotal__c SUM(InvoiceLineItem__c.PosTotalGross__c) The total gross amount of the invoice. Includes shipping and handling.
Deprecated GrossInvoice__c Checkbox Controls whether this invoice is considered a gross invoice. If checked, all invoice prices are calculated from gross values. If unchecked, all invoice prices are calculated from net values.
Header Header__c LongTextArea(32768) The header area as copied from the invoice template.
IVA Balance Difference IVABalanceDifference__c Currency(16, 2) The difference between the current invoice balance and the last invoice balance when the IVA booking detail was set. (For internal use only)
IVA Balance IVABalance__c Currency(16, 2) The invoice balance when the IVA percentage changed for the last time. (For internal use only)
Current IVA Percentage IVAPercentage__c Percent(13, 5) The current percentage of the IVA (Individual Value Adjustment) booking detail.
Info Left InfoLeft__c LongTextArea(32768) Left part of the information block above the invoice text. Copied from the template.
Info Right InfoRight__c LongTextArea(32768) Right part of the information block above the invoice text. Copied from the template.
Installment Type InstallmentType__c Picklist The name of the installment (custom setting).
Picklist values: Default
Deprecated Installment__c Currency(16, 2) Deprecated
Installments Text InstallmentsText__c LongTextArea(32768) The text that is printed to the invoice above the installment table. It is pre-filled from the same field of the template.
Invoice Run InvoiceRun__c Lookup(InvoiceRun__c) The invoice run that created the invoice.
Last Dunning Date LastDunningDate__c Date The date on which a dunning letter/email has last been created/sent.
Last Dunning LastDunning__c Lookup(Dunning__c) The last created dunning.
Last IVA Date LastIVADate__c Date The date on which the IVA percentage changed for the last time.
Last Payment Instrument LastPaymentInstrument__c Lookup(PaymentInstrument__c) The payment instrument which has been used recently for this invoice.
Mailing City MailingCity__c Text(40) The city of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Country MailingCountry__c Text(80) The country of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing First Name MailingFirstName__c Text(40)
Mailing Last Name MailingLastName__c Text(80)
Mailing Postal Code MailingPostalCode__c Text(20) The postal code of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Salutation MailingSalutation__c Text(20)
Mailing State MailingState__c Text(80) The state of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Street MailingStreet__c Text(255) The street of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Next Payment Due Date NextPaymentDueDate__c Date The date on which the full payment amount or the next installment is due to be received or refunded.
Next Payment Due NextPaymentDue__c Currency(16, 2) The amount that is expected to be received or refunded on the next payment due date.
Outstanding Invoices Text OutstandingInvoicesText__c LongTextArea(32768) The text to be displayed above the outstanding invoices table on the invoice PDF.
PDF PDF__c Url The link to the invoice PDF.
Page Header PageHeader__c LongTextArea(32768) This block defines the page header of the invoice PDF. Copied from the template.
Payment Cycle Period PaymentCyclePeriod__c Picklist Defines the interval (time in months) between two installments.
Picklist values: 1, 3
Payment Cycles PaymentCycles__c Number(2, 0) The number of staged payments into which the invoice amount is divided. For example, a yearly invoice is divided in 12 monthly payments.
Payment Date PaymentDate__c Date The date on which the payment for this invoice has been received completely.
Payment Due Condition PaymentDueCondition__c Picklist The condition for the calculation of the payment due days. Its format is: xd EoM yth: x = add x days, EoM = end of month, yth = the y day of the month.
Picklist values: EoM, EoM 15
Payment Due Date PaymentDueDate__c Date
Payment Due PaymentDue__c Number(3, 0)
Payment Info PaymentInfo__c LongTextArea(32768) The specific payment information for the selected payment method of the invoice.
Payment Method PaymentMethod__c Picklist
Picklist values: Bank Transfer, Cash, Direct Debit, Online Payment
Payment Page URL Error PaymentPageUrlError__c LongTextArea(4096) Shows errors produced when creating the payment page URL
Payment Page URL QR Code PaymentPageUrlQrCode__c Text QR code containing the link to the payment page URL.
Payment Page URL PaymentPageUrl__c Url Specifies the link to the payment page exposed by JustOn Cash Management
Payment Reference PaymentReference__c LongTextArea(8192) Specifies the reference to be used for payments. Establishes a link between the payment and the Invoice.
Predefined Center Split PredefinedCenterSplit__c LongTextArea(32768) Contains an optional center split configuration in JSON format: Defines how revenue booking details of this invoice are split automatically during finalize.
Mailing Contact PrintContact__c Lookup(Contact) The contact that provides the mailing address. The mailing address will be copied from the contact when the invoice is created or when the contact is changed.
Print Invoice PrintInvoice__c Checkbox Determines whether this invoice is to be printed.
Purchase Order No. PurchaseOrderNo__c Text(255) Contains additional information about the order, usually given by the buyer.
Recipient Address RecipientAddress__c LongTextArea(32768) Address information of the invoice recipient.
Region Region__c Text(255) The economic region, e.g., EU, EMEA.
Related With RelatedInvoice__c Lookup(Invoice__c) Links to the related invoice (source invoice for credit memo or proforma invoice).
Remaining Amount (net) RemainingAmountNet__c Currency(16, 2) The sum of all initial invoice line items minus paid sub invoices, excluding taxes.
Remaining Amount (tax) RemainingAmountTax__c Currency(16, 2) The tax on the remaining amount.
Remaining Amount RemainingAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The sum of all initial invoice line items minus paid sub invoices.
Reverse Charge Text ReverseChargeText__c LongTextArea(4096) Specifies an optional reverse charge text to be printed below text 3. This is only visible when the invoice field ShowReverseCharge__c is true.
Review Review__c Picklist Determines whether an invoice needs to be reviewed. The picklist holds a list of review reasons.
Picklist values: Review
Scope Scope__c Text(255) A UUID for grouping invoices without invoice run.
Seller Id SellerId__c Text(255) Contains a identifier of the seller, usually given by the buyer.
Sender Address SenderAddress__c Text(255) The sender address to be printed to the invoice PDF above the recipient address.
Sepa Validation Error SepaPaymentError__c Text(255) Contains a list of SEPA-related fields that are not valid and prevent the invoice from being exported as SEPA XML.
Service Period End ServicePeriodEnd__c Date The end date of the service period.
Service Period Start ServicePeriodStart__c Date The start date of the service period.
Shipping City ShippingCity__c Text(40) The city of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Shipping Country Code ShippingCountryCode__c Text(10) The country code of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Shipping Country ShippingCountry__c Text(80) The country of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Shipping Postal Code ShippingPostalCode__c Text(20) The postal code of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Shipping State Code ShippingStateCode__c Text(10) The state code of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Shipping State ShippingState__c Text(80) The state of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Shipping Street ShippingStreet__c Text(255) The street of the shipping address as copied from the related account.
Status Status__c Picklist The main invoice status, either Draft, Open, Paid or Settled.
Picklist values: Draft, Open, Paid, Settled, Canceled, Closed, Pre-Draft, Pre-Open
Sub Invoice Assignment Key SubInvoiceAssignmentKey__c Text(255) A unique key used to associate sub invoices with the intended final invoice.
Sub Invoice Payment Taxes SubInvoicePaymentTaxes__c Currency(16, 2) The total tax amount from paid sub invoices
Sub Invoice Payments SubInvoicePayments__c Currency(16, 2) The sum of payments received for involved sub invoices.
Subscription Subscription__c Lookup(Subscription__c) The subscription based on which this invoice has been created.
External Tax Provider Error TaxError__c Text(255) Contains error messages that happened during communication with the external tax provider.
External Tax Status TaxStatus__c Picklist The status of the external tax provider.
Picklist values: Draft, Final, Skip
Template Template__c Lookup(Template__c) The template that is used to render this invoice.
Business Entity Tenant__c Text(255) The business entity to which the invoice relates.
Text 1 Text1__c LongTextArea(32768) The text that is printed to the invoice as an introduction. It is pre-filled from the same field of the template.
Text 2 Text2__c LongTextArea(32768) The text that is printed to the invoice below the detail table. It is pre-filled from the same field of the template.
Text 3 Text3__c LongTextArea(32768) A third text block that can be printed to the invoice above or below the detail table, copied from the same field of the template.
Times Exported TimesExported__c COUNT() Holds the number of times, this invoice has been exported. Can be used in list view filters and reports.
Total (net) TotalNet__c SUM(InvoiceLineItem__c.PosTotalNet__c) The total net amount of the invoice before taxes. Includes shipping and handling.
Total (tax) TotalTax__c SUM(InvoiceLineItem__c.PosTotalTax__c)
Type Type__c Picklist
Picklist values: Proforma, Deposit, Final, Progress, Partial
UUID UUID__c Text(255)
VAT Breakdown VATBreakdown__c LongTextArea(8192) Contains a JSON of the tax breakdown table.