
Invoice Line Item

API Name: InvoiceLineItem__c

The invoice line item object is used to store information about the billable items in an invoice. Invoice line items are in a master-detail relationship to an invoice.

Label API Name Type Description
No Name AutoNumber
Order Discount Amount AEDiscountAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The order discount amount reduces the invoice line item price by the specified amount.
Account Rule AccountRule__c Text(255) The name of the G/L or Collective Account rule which has been applied. This will be copied to the booking detail in order to be used at the booking text.
Applied Tax Rule AppliedTaxRule__c Text(255) The tax rule identified as applicable for this invoice line item.
Base Quantity BaseQuantity__c Number(13, 5) The original quantity, which has been used to select the price tier.
Billed Opportunity Object BilledOpportunityObject__c Text(18) Holds the ID of an opportunity product or opportunity product schedule to mark them as billed.
Billed Opportunity BilledOpportunity__c Text(18) The ID of the opportunity that has been (partially) billed with this invoice line item.
Billing Factor BillingFactor__c Number(13, 5) Factor resulting from the billing period and the billing unit. The billing unit Month combined with the billing period 3 results in a billing factor of 3, that is, the item is invoiced every 3 months with the price multiplied by 3.
Billing Practice BillingPractice__c Picklist Defines the billing practice for recurring items. Possible values: Empty or 'Advance': This means that items are billed as soon as possible. 'Arrears': This means that items are billed as late as possible.
Picklist values: Advance, Arrears
Billing Unit BillingUnit__c Picklist Defines the time unit for the billing period (Day or Month), which is used for the price calculation of the billing period.
Picklist values: Day, Month, Year
Calculated Billing Factor CalculatedBillingFactor__c Number(13, 5) Corrects the billing factor to 1.0 to avoid multiplication with zero.
Calculated Commission CalculatedCommission__c Percent(16, 2) Corrects the commission to 1.0 to avoid multiplication with zero.
Calculated Factor CalculatedFactor__c Number(13, 5) Corrects the quantity unit factor to 1.0 to avoid division by zero.
Calculated Quantity CalculatedQuantity__c Number(13, 5) Corrects the quantity by the factor of the quantity unit.
Calculated Tax CalculatedTax__c Currency(16, 2) The tax calculated based on the discounted invoice line item price and the tax rate.
Calculated Total Quantity CalculatedTotalQuantity__c Number(13, 5) The calculated quantity multiplied with the calculated billing factor.
Center Center__c Text(255) The cost center or profit center for this invoice line item, used for financial accounting.
Commission Tier Price CommissionTierPrice__c Currency(13, 5) The price (sales volume) that determines the commission tier. Only used for internal purposes during the invoice creation.
Commission Commission__c Percent(3, 2) The commission (percentage value) to apply to the unit price.
Cost Object CostObject__c Text(255) The cost object for this invoice line item, used for financial accounting.
Decimal Places Fallback DecimalPlacesFallback__c Number(18, 0) Sets the number of decimal places used for the invoice calculation to 2 if DecimalPlaces is empty.
Decimal Places for Quantity DecimalPlacesForQuantity__c Number(2, 0) The number of decimal places for the quantity as displayed on the invoice.
Decimal Places for Unit Price DecimalPlacesForUnitPrice__c Number(2, 0) The number of decimal places for the unit price as displayed on the invoice.
Decimal Places DecimalPlaces__c Number(2, 0) The number of decimal places used for the invoice calculation. Is set automatically, do not edit!
Description Description__c LongTextArea(32768) The long description for the invoice line item.
Discount Amount DiscountAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The discount amount reduces the invoice line item price by the specified amount. The discount amount is applied if the discount field is empty.
Discount % Discount__c Percent(3, 2) Specifies a percentage discount rate that is applied to the invoice line item price.
Display Quantity DisplayQuantity__c Number(13, 5) Displays the actual quantity when using scaled prices.
Display Subtotal After This Item DisplaySubtotalAfter__c Checkbox Defines whether a subtotal is displayed after this invoice line item.
Exclude From Order Discount ExcludeFromOrderDiscount__c Checkbox Determines whether to exclude the invoice line item from the order discount calculation.
Factor Factor__c Number(13, 5) The factor is provided by the quantity unit (custom setting). The actual quantity is divided by the factor.
Filter Suffix FilterSuffix__c Text(255)
Filter Filter__c Text(255) The name of the filter based on which this invoice line item has been created.
GL Account 2 GLAccount2__c Text(255) Additional general ledger account for this invoice line item, used for financial accounting. The usage depends on the business process.
GL Account GLAccount__c Text(255) The general ledger account for this invoice line item, used for financial accounting.
Gross Line Item GrossInvoice__c Checkbox Controls whether the unit price is considered a gross value (checked) or net value (unchecked). This affects the invoice line item values for net, tax and gross amounts.
Has Precalculated Tax HasPrecalculatedTax__c Checkbox Determines whether the precalculated tax field is filled.
Ignore Placeholders IgnorePlaceholders__c Checkbox When checked the rendering of placeholders will be disabled for this line item.
Invoice Criterion InvoiceCriterion__c Text(255) Defines the criterion for distributing the invoice line item to multiple invoices.
Invoice Type InvoiceType__c Text Specifies the invoice type
Invoice Invoice__c MasterDetail(Invoice__c) The invoice to which this invoice line item is associated.
Invoicing Engine InvoicingEngine__c Text(10) Specifies the version of the invoice creation engine.
Discount Empty IsDiscountEmpty__c Checkbox Determines whether the discount percentage field is filled.
Is Final IsFinal__c Checkbox Controls whether the invoice line item is set final. If so, it is not touched by the continuous invoice run.
Is Tax Delta IsTaxDelta__c Checkbox Determines whether this line item is a tax delta item used to clear tax rounding differences when calculating invoice line item totals.
Item Item__c Lookup(Item__c) The item based on which this invoice line item has been created.
Margin Tax Rate MarginTaxRate__c Percent(3, 5) The tax rate that applies to the margin of the invoice line item as defined via tax rules.
Margin Margin__c Currency(13, 5) The margin for the invoice line item. Can be used instead of the Pos. Total (net) to calculate the tax (margin scheme).
Parent Source Id ParentSourceId__c Text(255) The Id of the source records parent record. The field is set during the generic invoice run.
Partial Credit Type PartialCreditType__c Picklist Shows whether the partial credit has been created based on a specified invoice line item quantity or a specified amount.
Picklist values: By Quantity, By Refund
Pos Price Calculated PosPriceCalc__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross invoice line item price multiplied with the calculated total quantity.
Pos Price Discounted (w/o Order Disc.) 1 PosPriceDiscountedNoAE1__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross invoice line item price corrected by all discount values, except for the order discount (Invoicing Engine 1).
Pos Price Discounted (w/o Order Disc.) 2 PosPriceDiscountedNoAE2__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross invoice line item price corrected by all discount values, except for the order discount (Invoicing Engine 2).
Pos Price Discounted (w/o Order Disc.) PosPriceDiscountedNoAE__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross invoice line item price corrected by all discount values, except for the order discount.
Pos Price Discounted PosPriceDiscounted__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross invoice line item price corrected by all discount values.
Pos. Total (gross) PosTotalGross__c Currency(16, 2) The invoice line item total gross value including all discounts.
Pos. Total (net, w/o Order Discount) PosTotalNetNoAE__c Currency(16, 2) The invoice line item total net value without the order discount.
Pos. Total (net) PosTotalNet__c Currency(16, 2) The invoice line item total net value including all discounts.
Pos. Total (tax) PosTotalTax__c Currency(16, 2) The final tax amount.
Precalculated Tax PrecalculatedTax__c Currency(16, 2) The absolute tax amount calculated internally or by a third party system.
Price Tier Base Quantity PriceTierBaseQuantity__c Number(15, 3) The quantity of the determined price tier.
Price Tier Quantity PriceTierQuantity__c Number(15, 3) The quantity that determines the price tier. Only used for internal purposes during the invoice creation.
Price Tier PriceTier__c Lookup(Price__c) Links to the Price Tier that has been selected by the quantity and is in effect for this line item.
Product Code ProductCode__c Text(255) The product code of the applicable pricebook entry for the product based on which this invoice line item has been created.
Product Group ProductGroup__c Text(255) The product group of this invoice line item.
Product Tax Class ProductTaxClass__c Text(255) Corresponds to the custom field ON_TaxClass__c of a Product2, like (tax)free / reduced / full / luxury.
Product Tax Rate ProductTaxRate__c Percent(3, 5) Corresponds to the custom field ON_TaxRate__c of a Product2.
Quantity Quantity__c Number(13, 5) The quantity to be billed for this invoice line item.
Quota Quantity QuotaQuantity__c Number(13, 5) The minimum quota.
Recognition Rule RecognitionRule__c Picklist Specifies how line items are distributed onto different booking periods.
Picklist values: Default, Shortfall, Service Period, Margin Scheme, Booking Month, Service Month, Calendar Year, Permanent Month, Permanent Quarter
Related Invoice RelatedInvoice__c Lookup(Invoice__c) Shows the specific invoice to which this invoice line item is related.
Related Line Item RelatedLineItem__c Lookup(InvoiceLineItem__c) Shows the related line item, used to determine the refundable amount for credit memos.
Sequence Sequence__c Number(18, 0) Determines the position of this invoice line item in the invoice line item table.
Serialized Transaction SerializedTransaction__c LongTextArea(32768) The serialized transaction that has been used to create this invoice line item. Is reused during the continuous invoice run.
Service Period End ServicePeriodEnd__c Date Specifies the end date of the service period (billing cycle).
Service Period Start ServicePeriodStart__c Date Specifies the start date of the service period (billing cycle).
Source Id SourceId__c Text(18) The Id of the source object. The field is set during the generic invoice run.
Status Status__c Text Specifies the main invoice status, either Draft, Open, Paid or Settled.
Tax Code TaxCode__c Text(255) The tax code of the applied tax rule.
Tax Provider TaxProvider__c Picklist The provider that calculates the tax detail.
Picklist values: Internal
Tax Rate TaxRate__c Percent(3, 5) The tax rate that applies to this invoice line item as defined via tax rules. Can be overwritten manually.
Tax Recognition Rule TaxRecognitionRule__c Picklist Specifies how tax booking data is is distributed onto different booking periods.
Picklist values: Default, Sync With Revenue
Tax Type TaxType__c Text(255) The type of the tax rate (e.g., VAT, HST). Only applicable if there are no tax details.
Taxation Rule TaxationRule__c Picklist The taxation rule which is applied when working with internal taxes.
Picklist values: Booking Date, End of Monthly Service Period, End of Service Period, Service Period
Title Title__c Text(255) The name or short description of the invoice line item.
Transaction Criterion TransactionCriterion__c Text(255) The criterion for aggregating transactions to create a single invoice line item.
Type Type__c Picklist Specifies the invoice line item type, which is relevant for subtotals, e.g., Product, Shipping Fees, Handling Fees.
Picklist values: Product, Shipping Fees, Handling Fees, Information, Tax Delta, Sub Invoice
Unit Code UnitCode__c Text(255) The code for the unit of measurement applicable to the quantity invoiced.
Unit Price UnitPriceCalc__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross unit price multiplied with the commission.
Unit Price UnitPrice__c Currency(13, 5) The net or gross price (depending on the gross invoice setting of the invoice) of one unit of this item.
Unit Unit__c Picklist The invoiced unit that applies for this invoice line item, like h (hours), pc (pieces), etc.
Picklist values: Default
VAT Category Code VATCategoryCode__c Text(255) Code for categorizing VAT regulations. Necessary for E-Invoices.