
Number Range

API Name: NumberRange__c

Number ranges for invoice, subscription and dunning run counters.

Label API Name Type Description
# Name AutoNumber
Account Account__c Lookup(Account) The number range is an account counter, if the relationship is set.
Counter Name CounterName__c Text(255) Name of the custom invoice counter, this number range relates to.
Counter Counter__c Number(18, 0) The current counter for this particular number range.
Day Day__c Number(2, 0) The day, this number range relates to.
Last Generated Name LastGeneratedName__c Text(255) The last generated counter name.
Month Month__c Number(2, 0) The ordinal number (1 - 12) of the month, this number range relates to.
Target Id TargetId__c Text(18) Salesforce record id where the counter has been used the last time (e.g. invoice, dunning).
Timestamp Timestamp__c DateTime The timestamp of the last counter increase.
Year Year__c Number(4, 0) The year, this number range relates to.