

API Name: Dunning__c

The statement object stores payment reminders, dunning letters and account statements.

Label API Name Type Description
Statement Name Name Text
Account Name AccountName__c Text(255) The copied account name, used for the recipient address.
Account Account__c Lookup(Account) The account that is associated with the statement.
Billing Address BillingAddress__c LongTextArea(32768) This block will be printed to the statement (by default at the bottom of the top right header) if the billing address differs from the recipient address.
Billing City BillingCity__c Text(40) The copied city of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Country Code BillingCountryCode__c Text(10) The copied country code of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Country BillingCountry__c Text(80) The copied country of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Postal Code BillingPostalCode__c Text(20) The copied postal code of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing State Code BillingStateCode__c Text(10) The copied state code of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing State BillingState__c Text(80) The copied state of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Billing Street BillingStreet__c Text(255) The copied street of the billing address, used for the recipient address.
Contact Contact__c Lookup(Contact) The primary contact to which this statement will be sent. Can be overridden by the mailing contact and/or the email contact.
Criterion Criterion__c Text(255) Specifies the criterion for this dunning. Invoices with the same criterion are aggregated to the same dunning.
Date Date__c Date The date to be printed to the statement PDF as the statement date.
Display Type DisplayType__c Text(255) A type label to be printed to the statement PDF, like Reminder, Dunning.
Statement Run DunningRun__c Lookup(DunningRun__c) The statement run that has created this statement.
Email BCC EmailBCC__c LongTextArea(1000) Comma-separated list of email addresses that will receive the statement PDF as BCC (blind carbon copy).
Email CC EmailCC__c LongTextArea(1000) Comma-separated list of email addresses that will receive the statement PDF as CC (carbon copy).
Email Contact EmailContact__c Lookup(Contact) The contact that provides the primary email address. The email address will be copied from the contact when the statement is created or when the contact is changed.
Email Statement EmailDunning__c Checkbox Determines whether this statement is to be sent via email.
Email Error EmailError__c Text(255) Displays error messages that occurred during mass mailing. Only valid if the email status is set to Error.
Email First Name EmailFirstName__c Text(40) The first name for the email conversation.
Email Last Name EmailLastName__c Text(80) The last name for the email conversation.
Email Salutation EmailSalutation__c Text(20) The salutation for the email conversation.
Email Status EmailStatus__c Picklist The status of the email for this statement.
Picklist values: Unsent, Queued, Sent, Error, Do not send
Email Email__c Email The primary email address to which this statement is to be sent. It is copied from the email contact only when the statement is created.
End Date EndDate__c Date The end date of the reminder period.
Flat Fee FlatFee__c SUM(DunningDetail__c.Amount__c) Shows the dunning flat fee.
Footer Footer__c LongTextArea(32768) A long textarea for a footer.
Grand Total GrandTotal__c SUM(DunningDetail__c.DunningAmount__c) Shows the total dunning amount, i.e., the sum of the prices of all dunning details.
Header Header__c LongTextArea(32768) The header area as copied from the template.
Info Left InfoLeft__c LongTextArea(32768) Left part of the information block above the text. Copied from the template.
Info Right InfoRight__c LongTextArea(32768) Right part of the information block above the text. Copied from the template.
Late Fee LateFee__c SUM(DunningDetail__c.LateFee__c) Shows the dunning late fee.
Level Level__c Number(18, 0) Shows the dunning level, which finally determines which invoices are in the scope of this dunning.
Mailing City MailingCity__c Text(40) The city of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Contact MailingContact__c Lookup(Contact) The contact that provides the mailing address. The mailing address will be copied from the contact when the statement is created or when the contact is changed.
Mailing Country MailingCountry__c Text(80) The country of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing First Name MailingFirstName__c Text(40) The first name of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Last Name MailingLastName__c Text(80) The last name of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Postal Code MailingPostalCode__c Text(20) The postal code of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Salutation MailingSalutation__c Text(20) The salutation of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing State MailingState__c Text(80) The state of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Mailing Street MailingStreet__c Text(255) The street of the mailing address of the associated contact.
Max. Sequence MaxSequence__c MAX(DunningDetail__c.Sequence__c) Shows the greatest sequence number of the related dunning details.
PDF PDF__c Url The link to the statement PDF.
Page Header PageHeader__c LongTextArea(32768) This block defines the page header of the statement PDF.
Payment Due Date PaymentDueDate__c Date Shows the date until which the dunning needs to be settled by the recipient.
Payment Due PaymentDue__c Number(3, 0) The payment due period of the dunning in days. Defaults to 0 if left empty.
Print Dunning PrintDunning__c Checkbox Determines whether this statement is to be printed.
Recipient Address RecipientAddress__c LongTextArea(32768) Address information of the statement recipient.
Sender Address SenderAddress__c Text(255) The sender address to be printed to the statement PDF above the recipient address.
Start Date StartDate__c Date The start date of the reminder period.
Status Status__c Picklist The main statement status, either Draft or Closed.
Picklist values: Draft, Closed
Template Template__c Lookup(Template__c) The template that is used to render this statement.
Business Entity Tenant__c Text(255) The business entity to which the statement relates.
Text 1 Text1__c LongTextArea(32768) The text that is printed to the statement as an introduction. It is pre-filled from the same field of the template.
Text 2 Text2__c LongTextArea(32768) The text that is printed to the statement below the detail table. It is pre-filled from the same field of the template.
Text 3 Text3__c LongTextArea(32768) A third text block that can be printed to the statement above or below the detail table, copied from the same field of the template.
Type Type__c Text(255) Specifies the type of the statement. It is set to the name of the used dunning level.
UUID UUID__c Text(255) Random UUID for secure URL generation.