
Tax Breakdown

API Name: TaxBreakdown__c

Label API Name Type Description
Tax Breakdown Name Name AutoNumber
Expense RelatedExpense__c MasterDetail(Expense__c) The expense to which this tax breakdown is associated.
Tax Amount TaxAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The total amount of tax to be paid for the particular tax rate.
Tax Category Code TaxCategoryCode__c Text(255) The coded identification of the tax category.
Tax Exemption Reason Code TaxExemptionReasonCode__c Text(255) The code for the reason why the amount is exempt from tax.
Tax Exemption Reason TaxExemptionReason__c Text(255) Reason given in text form why the amount is exempt from tax.
Tax Rate TaxRate__c Percent(16, 2) The applicable tax rate (percentage).
Taxable Amount TaxableAmount__c Currency(16, 2) The net amount total of the related expense items per tax category.
Title Title__c Text(255) The name of the associated tax category.