API Name: Template__c
The template object is used to define the contents and layout of invoices. It is the model based on which the PDF copies of invoice etc. are rendered.
Label | API Name | Type | Description |
Name | Name |
Text | |
Add QR Code | AddQRCode__c |
Picklist | Enables data creation for QR codes in a particular format. Must be used together with a corresponding liquid template. Picklist values: Swiss QR Code , SCT QR Code |
Balance Columns | BalanceColumns__c |
Text(255) | Defines which balance fields are to be displayed as columns in the balance table. |
Balance Types | BalanceTypes__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines (in JSON notation) which balance types are to be displayed on the rendered invoice together with their title text. |
Billing Address | BillingAddress__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines an area for printing the billing address (by default at the bottom of the top right header), which is printed if it differs from the recipient address. |
Category Criterion | CategoryCriterion__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the name of an invoice line item field, e.g., ProductGroup__c. Each time the field value changes, a category header row is generated in the invoice table. |
Category Label | CategoryLabel__c |
Text(255) | Defines the display of the category header, which is rendered as category header above the invoice line items. Can contain placeholders, like "Group: [ProductGroup]". |
Counter | Counter__c |
Text(255) | |
Custom CSS | CustomCSS__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies custom CSS code used to define and overrule the default layout and styling of an invoice PDF. |
Date Format | DateFormat__c |
Picklist | Picklist values: dd.MM.yyyy , dd/MM/yyyy , MM/dd/yyyy , yyyy.MM.dd , yyyy/MM/dd , yyyy-MM-dd , dd. MMMM yyyy |
Decimal Places | DecimalPlaces__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines (in JSON notation) the configuration for custom decimal places. |
Decimal Separator | DecimalSeparator__c |
Picklist | Picklist values: . , , |
Deposit Description | DepositDescription__c |
LongTextArea(2000) | The description is used for deposit line items at proforrma invoices. |
Deposit Grand Total Label | DepositGrandTotalLabel__c |
Text(255) | Defines the display of the grand total label in case of final invoices with deposit payments. Can contain placeholders. If empty, defaults to standard invoice behavior. |
Deposit Title | DepositTitle__c |
Text(255) | The title is used for deposit line items at proforrma invoices. |
Disable Global Email Signature | DisableGlobalEmailSignature__c |
Checkbox | Disable the Salesforce User Signature to keep only a signature on the Template. |
Discount Message | DiscountMessage__c |
LongTextArea(5000) | |
Display Type | DisplayType__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the type of the invoice to be printed to the PDF, like Invoice, Credit Memo, Reminder. |
Dunning Description | DunningDescription__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the description for line items of the type Dunning. |
Dunning Fee Description | DunningFeeDescription__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the description for line items of the type Dunning Fee. |
Dunning Fee Title | DunningFeeTitle__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the title for line items of the type Dunning Fee. |
Dunning Title | DunningTitle__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the title for line items of the type Dunning. |
Attach Files To Outgoing Email | EmailAttachPDF__c |
Checkbox | Controls whether attached files are included in any outgoing email. |
Email Body | EmailBody__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines the plain text body for the email. Can include placeholders, and line breaks are considered. Note that Email Body is ignored if there is content in Email HTML Body. |
Email File Types | EmailFileTypes__c |
Text(255) | Defines which file types will be attached to emails (comma separated list of Content Version types). If empty (default), all files files are attached except for transaction table HTMLs. |
Email HTML Body | EmailHtmlBody__c |
Html(32768) | Defines a rich HTML body text for the email. The editing area of this field includes an inline HTML editor. Note that Email Body is ignored if there is content in Email HTML Body. |
Email Sender | EmailSender__c |
Defines an email sender address. Note that this address must be available as an organization-wide email address. | |
Email Subject | EmailSubject__c |
TextArea | |
Footer | Footer__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines an area for a running footer printed on the bottom of each page of the invoice. May contain information such as address details, bank account, and other contact information, like phone numbers, email addresses, links to web sites, etc. |
Grouping Separator | GroupingSeparator__c |
Picklist | Picklist values: SPACE , . , , |
Header | Header__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | |
Info Left | InfoLeft__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines the left part of the information block above the atual invoice text. |
Info Right | InfoRight__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines the right part of the information block above the atual invoice text. |
Installment Columns | InstallmentColumns__c |
Text(255) | Defines which installment fields are to be displayed as columns in the installment table. Defaults to "Title__c;Date__c;Amount__c". |
Installments Text | InstallmentsText__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies the text to be printed above the installment table. |
Deprecated | InvoiceType__c |
Text(255) | |
Language | Language__c |
Picklist | Picklist values: en , de , fr , es , it |
Leading Currency | LeadingCurrency__c |
Checkbox | |
Month Format | MonthFormat__c |
Picklist | Picklist values: yyyy/MM , MM/yyyy |
No Subtotal Discount | NoSubtotalDiscount__c |
Checkbox | If checked, discount information is only displayed for the entire invoice amount, not for subtotals. |
No Subtotal Tax | NoSubtotalTax__c |
Checkbox | If checked, tax information is only displayed for the entire invoice amount, not for subtotals. |
Outstanding Invoices Text | OutstandingInvoicesText__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies the text to be printed above the table of outstanding invoices. |
Outstanding Invoices | OutstandingInvoices__c |
Checkbox | Controls whether to append a table of outstanding invoices (other open invoices for the corresponding account) to the current invoice. |
Override Labels | OverrideLabels__c |
LongTextArea(16384) | Defines (in JSON notation) the configuration for custom label overrides. |
Page Header | PageHeader__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines the page header, which is displayed at the top of each page except for the first one. It can be used to display a page counter (default). |
Default Payment Due | PaymentDue__c |
Number(3, 0) | Specifies the default payment due period (in days). |
Payment Info Bank Transfer | PaymentInfoBankTransfer__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for bank transfers. |
Payment Info Credit Card | PaymentInfoCC__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for credit card payments. |
Payment Info Credit Transfer | PaymentInfoCT__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for credit transfers. |
Payment Info Direct Debit | PaymentInfoDD__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for direct debit payments. |
Payment Info Online Payment | PaymentInfoOnlinePayment__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for online payments (via payment service provider). |
Payment Info Paid | PaymentInfoPaid__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for a fully paid invoice. |
Payment Info PayPal | PaymentInfoPaypal__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies an information text for PayPal payments. |
Payment Reference | PaymentReference__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the reference to be used for SEPA payments. May contain placeholders. |
PDF Name | PdfName__c |
Text(255) | |
PDF Options | PdfOptions__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | This field contains a JSON configuration for additional options for the PDF renderer v2. |
PDF Renderer | PdfRenderer__c |
Picklist | The version of the PDF renderer. If empty, defaults to v1. For v2 liquid template files are required. Picklist values: v1 , v2 |
Recipient Address | RecipientAddress__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies the pattern for printing the address of the invoice recipient. Contains placeholders and line breaks as necessary. |
Reverse Charge Text EU | ReverseChargeTextEU__c |
LongTextArea(4096) | Specifies an optional reverse charge text to be printed below text 3. This is only visible when the invoice field ShowReverseCharge__c is 'EU'. |
Tax Information Non-EU | ReverseChargeTextNonEU__c |
LongTextArea(4096) | Specifies an optional tax infornation text to be printed below text 3. This is only visible when the invoice field ShowReverseCharge__c is 'Non-EU'. |
Reverse Charge Text | ReverseChargeText__c |
LongTextArea(4096) | Specifies an optional reverse charge text to be printed below text 3. This is only visible when the invoice field ShowReverseCharge__c is 'RC'. |
Sender Address | SenderAddress__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the pattern of the sender address, which is printed above the recipient address by default. |
Order Discount Label | SubTotalDiscountLabel__c |
Text(255) | If an order discount is used, defines the display of the order discount label. Can contain placeholders, like "Discount [ProductGroup] ([OrderDiscount])". If empty, defaults to the custom label SubTotalAEDiscount. |
Subtotal Discounted (net) Label | SubTotalNetDiscountedLabel__c |
Text(255) | If an order discount is used, defines the display of the discounted subtotal (net) label. Can contain placeholders, like "Subtotal discounted [ProductGroup]". If empty, defaults to the custom label SubTotalNetDiscounted. |
Subtotal Criterion | SubtotalCriteria__c |
Text(255) | Specifies the name of an invoice line item field, e.g., TaxRate__c or ProductGroup__c. Each time the field value changes, a subtotal row is generated in the invoice table. |
Subtotal (gross) Label | SubtotalGrossLabel__c |
Text(255) | Defines the display of the subtotal (gross) label. Can contain placeholders, like "Subtotal [ProductGroup] (gross)". If empty, defaults to the custom label SubTotalGross. |
Subtotal (net) Label | SubtotalNetLabel__c |
Text(255) | Defines the display of the subtotal (net) label. Can contain placeholders, like "Subtotal [ProductGroup]". If empty, defaults to the custom label SubTotalNet. |
Subtotal Without Discount (net) Label | SubtotalNetNoDiscountLabel__c |
Text(255) | If an order discount is used, defines the display of the subtotal (net) label without the discount. Can contain placeholders, like "Subtotal [ProductGroup]". If empty, defaults to the custom label SubTotalNetNoDiscount. |
Table Columns | TableColumns__c |
Text(255) | Defines the columns and their sequence in the invoice detail table, separated by semicolon. When blank, defaults to: "PosNo; Title__c+Description__c; UnitPriceCalc__c; Quantity__c+Unit__c; TaxRate__c; DiscountAmount__c; PosTotalNet__c". |
Tax Label | TaxLabel__c |
Text(255) | |
Tax Table Columns | TaxTableColumns__c |
Text(255) | Defines which tax detail fields are to be displayed as columns in the tax table. Defaults to "Name;AppliedTaxRule__c;Rate__c;Amount__c". If there is no tax detail, the invoice line item values are used. |
Tax Table Text | TaxTableText__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies the text to be printed above the tax table. |
Tax Table | TaxTable__c |
Checkbox | Controls whether to append a table that lists detailed tax information to the current invoice. |
Text 1 | Text1__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies a text to be rendered above the invoice line item table. Can be used, for example, to edit a letter-like text introducing the invoice that follows. |
Text 2 | Text2__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies a text to be rendered below the invoice line item table, can be used, for example, to add notes or payment terms. |
Text 3 | Text3__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Specifies text to be rendered below the Text 2 block by default. |
Time Format | TimeFormat__c |
Picklist | Specifies the format for displaying time values. Picklist values: HH:mm , HH:mm:ss , hh:mm a , hh:mm:ss a |
Transaction Csv | TransactionCsv__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines (in JSON notation) the configuration for transaction record CSV files to be appended to the invoice. |
Transaction Records | TransactionRecords__c |
LongTextArea(32768) | Defines (in JSON notation) the configuration for transaction record HTML files to be appended to the invoice. |
Use Unicode Font | UseUnicodeFont__c |
Checkbox |