
Payment Instrument

API Name: PaymentInstrument__c

Payment instruments can be used to collect money from a customer. This can be a SEPA mandate or a credit card handle.

Label API Name Type Description
Payment Instrument Name Name AutoNumber
Account Holder AccountHolder__c Text(255) The registered name of the holder of the payment instrument (such as the bank account holder or credit card holder).
Account Account__c Lookup(Account) The account to which this payment instrument relates.
BIC BIC__c Text(11) The (SWIFT) BIC of the bank of this payment intrument.
Bank Name BankName__c Text(255) The name of the bank of this payment instrument.
Business Entity BusinessEntity__c Lookup(BusinessEntity__c) The legal entity of your organization allowed to use this payment instrument.
Deactivation Reason DeactivationReason__c Picklist The reason for deactivating the payment instrument.
Picklist values: Other
Direct Debit Mandate Granted DirectDebitMandateGranted__c Date The date on which the SEPA direct debit mandate has been granted.
Direct Debit Mandate Reference DirectDebitMandateReference__c Text(255) The unique, autogenerated reference number of the SEPA direct debit mandate.
Direct Debit Mandate Type DirectDebitMandateType__c Picklist The type of the SEPA direct debit mandate (Core or B2B).
Picklist values: Core, B2B
IBAN IBAN__c Text(34) The IBAN (international bank account number) of this payment instrument.
Is Active IsActive__c Checkbox Indicates whether the payment instrument is active, or if it has been deactivated or is expired. To actively deactivate the payment instrument, either specify a deactivation reason, or set “Valid Until” to a past date.
Last Capture Amount LastCaptureAmount2__c Currency(16, 2) The amount of the last capture attempt.
Last Capture Is Success LastCaptureIsSuccess__c Checkbox Indicates if the last capture event has completed successfully.
Last Capture Message LastCaptureMessage__c Text(255) The message as reported by the payment provider or bank at the last capture event.
Last Capture Notification LastCaptureNotification__c LongTextArea(32768) The raw data used to create the notification message sent to the customer at the last capture event.
Last Capture Time LastCaptureTime__c DateTime The date and time of the last capture attempt using this payment instrument.
Last Successful Capture Amount LastSuccessfulCaptureAmount2__c Currency(16, 2) The amount of the last successful capture event using this payment instrument.
Last Successful Capture Time LastSuccessfulCaptureTime__c DateTime The date and time of the last successful capture event using this payment instrument.
Masked PAN MaskedPAN__c Text(255) The masked account number (such as credit card number, IBAN) of this payment instrument.
Money Flow Incoming MoneyFlowIncoming__c Picklist Controls the money flow restriction for incoming money, can be unrestricted (default) or disallowed.
Picklist values: unrestricted, disallowed
Money Flow Outgoing MoneyFlowOutgoing__c Picklist Controls the money flow restriction for outgoing money, can be unrestricted (default), refund-only or disallowed.
Picklist values: unrestricted, refund-only, disallowed
Payment Customer PaymentCustomer__c Lookup(PaymentCustomer__c) The customer of the payment provider who has initiated the payment instrument creation.
Payment Method PaymentMethod__c Text(255) The payment method used for online payments as reported by the payment provider.
Payment Provider Is Active PaymentProviderIsActive__c Checkbox Specifies whether the associated payment provider is active.
Payment Provider PaymentProvider__c Lookup(PaymentProvider__c) The payment provider associated to this payment instrument.
Provider-Specific Data ProviderSpecific__c LongTextArea(32768) Technical data required for the payment provider.
Retry Count RetryCount__c Number(18, 0) Number of unsuccessful capture attempts.
Sequence Sequence__c Number(18, 0) Controls the processing order for payment instruments.
Token Token__c Text(255) The unique identifier of the payment instrument as provided by the payment provider. Must not be modified manually.
Type Type__c Picklist Indicates the type of the payment instrument (such as SEPA Mandate, Bank Account, or Online Payment).
Picklist values: SEPA Mandate, Bank Account, Online Payment
Valid Until ValidUntil__c Date The date until which the payment instrument is valid and can be used for transferring money