
Payment Provider

API Name: PaymentProvider__c

The payment provider represents organisation that accepts and proceeds payments (e.g. Stripe, Mollie, Paypal).

Label API Name Type Description
Name Name Text
Active Active__c Checkbox Specifies whether this payment provider is enabled and thus available on the payment page. The payment provider will be deactivated automatically if the retry threshold set in the Global Configration is exceeded.
Business Entity BusinessEntity__c Lookup(BusinessEntity__c) The legal entity of your organization associated with this payment provider.
Communication Failures CommunicationFailures__c Number(18, 0) Number of errors due to failures in communication with the payment provider.
Provider-Specific Data ProviderSpecific__c LongTextArea(32768) Holds various provider-specific data and settings. The configuration can be edited using the “Configure Payment Provider” button.
Deprecated SecretDataId__c Text(255)
Store Payment Tokens StorePaymentTokens__c Picklist Allows to enable and control the storage of payment tokens as payment instruments on the payment page. The configuration can be edited using the “Configure Payment Provider” button.
Picklist values: Disabled, Explicit Consent, Explicit Opt-out, Indirect Consent
Type Type__c Picklist Lists the names of the supported payment providers.
Picklist values: Mollie, Adyen, JustonTestPayments