
Setting Up Prepaid Balance Management

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JustOn Billing & Invoice Management can generate balance records of the type Prepaid based on specific pre-payment data on invoices.

For information about handling pre-payment balances as retrieved from external systems, see Assigning Pre-Payment Balance to Invoice.

Prepaid balance concepts

JustOn automatically creates a prepaid balance for pre-payments when an invoice that contains specific pre-payment data is finalized. If the pre-payment covers the open invoice amount, the invoice immediately becomes Paid.

The checkbox IsPrepaid marks the balance as a prepaid balance. Consequently, deselecting this checkbox removes the particular treatment of prepaid balances. The balance type is irrelevant with this respect.

The checkbox IsPrepaid is not displayed on the balance layout by default.

Prepaid balances have particular properties:

  • The balance is automatically created when an invoice with specific pre-payment data is finalized.
  • The balance is automatically deleted when the corresponding invoice is canceled. Recreating the (corrected) invoice will immediately recreate the prepaid balance as well – if the pre-payment data is still available on the source record.
  • It is not possible to delete the balance manually.
  • The balance is never split, even on overpayment or when additional payment entries are registered with the invoice.

The pre-payment data is stored in custom fields of an invoice. The API field names must be prefixed with PP_, like, for example, PP_Amount__c. Similar to the ON field mechanism, the field values are copied to the corresponding fields of the prepaid balance.

JustOn usually creates invoices from certain object records in your Salesforce org (subscriptions or arbitrary objects in case of the generic invoice run). Most likely, you therefore prepare these objects to also hold the pre-payment data. Using ON fields makes sure that this information is copied to the invoices on invoice generation.

Transferring prepaid balance data


Your system's environment and setup may require another method to retrieve and populate the pre-payment data to the invoice. For example, this data can as well be part of an invoice import.

Enabling prepaid balance data handling usually involves

Enabling Prepaid Balance Data on Source Objects

To add the pre-payment data fields to the invoice's source object:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the relevant object.
  2. Create the following new fields as required.

    API Name Type Required Description Example
    ON_PP_Amount Formula (Currency) Specifies the amount of the pre-payment. -100,00
    ON_PP_Date Formula (Date) Specifies the effective date of the balance. 2017-11-08
    ON_PP_Type Formula (Text) Specifies the type of the balance. Prepayment

    Once the fields are available and filled, JustOn copies the values to the pre-payment data fields on the invoice upon invoice generation.

Enabling Prepaid Balance Data on Invoices

To add the pre-payment data fields to the Invoice object:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object.
  2. Create the following new fields as required.

    API Name Type Required Description Example
    PP_Amount Currency (16,2) Specifies the amount of the pre-payment. -100,00
    PP_Date Date Specifies the effective date of the balance. 2017-11-08
    PP_Type Text
    Specifies the type of the balance. Prepayment

    Once the fields are available and filled, JustOn triggers the prepaid balance generation upon invoice finalization.


You can add more fields as required, following the naming scheme PP_, like, for example, PP_Reference.