
How to export master data?

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You can use JustOn's invoice CSV export to export master data to your accounting system. Master data refers to account-related data like customer name, address, tax ID, debtor/creditor number, etc. Accounting systems usually handle master data separately and can therefore not import it together with invoicing data. For transferring master data, you produce specifically configured CSV files from invoices.

Data transfer to accounting systems

Irrespective of the bookkeeping data generation features you apply, your organization usually delivers the relevant invoicing data to an (external) accounting system like DATEV, SAP or Microsoft Dynamics. Invoicing data refers to the actual business transactions that state the realized revenues or charged taxes and their corresponding booking accounts, as represented in booking details. Accounting systems expect specifically formatted CSV files in order to import this data. To support this, JustOn provides a flexible CSV export mechanism, which allows you to configure and execute booking details exports according to your needs.

If your target accounting system is DATEV, you may consider using DATEV Unternehmen online. JustOn supports the automatic transfer of invoicing data to this platform.

In addition, your business may require to export master data to your accounting system. Master data refers to account-related data like customer name, address, tax ID, debtor/creditor number, etc. Accounting systems usually handle master data separately and can therefore not import it together with invoicing data. For transferring master data, you use JustOn's export mechanism to produce specifically configured CSV files from invoices.

Delivering bookkeeping data to accounting systems

In broad strokes, here is how to proceed:

  1. If required, add custom fields to relevant objects.

    The target system may expect specific data. To hold this data, create the corresponding fields on the invoice or business entity.

  2. Create a dedicated JSON configuration for your master data exports.

    The JSON configuration must describe the intended structure of the output CSV.

    For details, see Defining CSV File JSON Configuration.

  3. Create a dedicated CSV export configuration for your master data exports.

    Make sure to

    • use a descriptive name
    • set Invoice CSV as the export format
    • specify the Salesforce record ID of the JSON configuration file

    For details, see Defining Export Settings.

As an example, take the master data exchange format for DATEV. In order to generate a CSV export that is compliant to the DATEV CSV format for debtors/creditors, you must

  • Add custom fields to relevant objects
  • Create a specific JSON export configuration
Required fields for DATEV debtors/creditors export configuration

The JSON example configuration requires additional custom fields:

Object Field Data Type Possible Value/Description
Business Entity ClientNumber__c Text (255) The client number (Mandantennummer) for this business entity.
Business Entity ConsultantNumber__c Text (255) The number of this business entity's tax consultant (Beraternummer).
Invoice Export_DebtorNo__c Formula (Text) ONB2__Account__r.DebtorNo__c
Invoice Export_AccountAccountName__c Formula (Text) IF (ONB2__Account__r.IsPersonAccount, ONB2__Account__r.FirstName + " " + ONB2__Account__r.LastName, ONB2__Account__r.Name)
Invoice Export_AccountVATID__c Formula (Text) ONB2__Account__r.VatNumber__c
Invoice Export_AccountBillingStreet__c Formula (Text) ONB2__Account__r.BillingStreet
Invoice Export_AccountBillingPostalCode__c Formula (Text) ONB2__Account__r.BillingPostalCode
Invoice Export_AccountBillingCity__c Formula (Text) ONB2__Account__r.BillingCity
Invoice Export_Account_IBAN__c Formula (Text) ONB2__Account__r.BankAccount__c

For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

JSON export configuration for DATEV debtors/creditors CSV

To produce a DATEV debtors/creditors-compliant CSV file, you can use the following JSON export configuration.

Make sure to set the correct start of the fiscal year (field 13 in headerRow1, 20200101 in this example) as well as the correct G/L account length (field 14 in headerRow1, 4 in this example).

        "headerRow1": [
        "headerRow2": [
            "Name (Adressattyp Unternehmen)",
            "Name (Adressattyp natürl. Person)",
            "Vorname (Adressattyp natürl. Person)",
            "Name (Adressattyp keine Angabe)",
            "Titel/Akad. Grad",
            "Abweichende Anrede",
            "Abw. Zustellbezeichnung 1",
            "Abw. Zustellbezeichnung 2",
            "Kennz. Korrespondenzadresse",
            "Adresse Gültig von",
            "Adresse Gültig bis",
            "Bemerkung (Telefon)",
            "Telefon GL",
            "Bemerkung (Telefon GL)",
            "Bemerkung (E-Mail)",
            "Bemerkung (Internet)",
            "Bemerkung (Fax)",
            "Bemerkung (Sonstige)",
            "Bankleitzahl 1",
            "Bankbezeichnung 1",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 1",
            "Länderkennzeichen 1",
            "IBAN-Nr. 1",
            "IBAN1 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 1",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 1",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 1",
            "Bankverb 1 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 1 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 2",
            "Bankbezeichnung 2",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 2",
            "Länderkennzeichen 2",
            "IBAN-Nr. 2",
            "IBAN2 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 2",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 2",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 2",
            "Bankverb 2 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 2 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 3",
            "Bankbezeichnung 3",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 3",
            "Länderkennzeichen 3",
            "IBAN-Nr. 3",
            "IBAN3 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 3",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 3",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 3",
            "Bankverb 3 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 3 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 4",
            "Bankbezeichnung 4",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 4",
            "Länderkennzeichen 4",
            "IBAN-Nr. 4",
            "IBAN4 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 4",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 4",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 4",
            "Bankverb 4 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 4 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 5",
            "Bankbezeichnung 5",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 5",
            "Länderkennzeichen 5",
            "IBAN-Nr. 5",
            "IBAN5 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 5",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 5",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 5",
            "Bankverb 5 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 5 Gültig bis",
            "Kreditlimit (Debitor)",
            "Fälligkeit in Tagen (Debitor)",
            "Skonto in Prozent (Debitor)",
            "Kreditoren-Ziel 1 Tg.",
            "Kreditoren-Skonto 1 %",
            "Kreditoren-Ziel 2 Tg.",
            "Kreditoren-Skonto 2 %",
            "Kreditoren-Ziel 3 Brutto Tg.",
            "Kreditoren-Ziel 4 Tg.",
            "Kreditoren-Skonto 4 %",
            "Kreditoren-Ziel 5 Tg.",
            "Kreditoren-Skonto 5 %",
            "Mahntext 1",
            "Mahntext 2",
            "Mahntext 3",
            "Mahnlimit Betrag",
            "Mahnlimit %",
            "Mahnzinssatz 1",
            "Mahnzinssatz 2",
            "Mahnzinssatz 3",
            "Indiv. Feld 1",
            "Indiv. Feld 2",
            "Indiv. Feld 3",
            "Indiv. Feld 4",
            "Indiv. Feld 5",
            "Indiv. Feld 6",
            "Indiv. Feld 7",
            "Indiv. Feld 8",
            "Indiv. Feld 9",
            "Indiv. Feld 10",
            "Indiv. Feld 11",
            "Indiv. Feld 12",
            "Indiv. Feld 13",
            "Indiv. Feld 14",
            "Indiv. Feld 15",
            "Abweichende Anrede (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Adressart (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Straße (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Postfach (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Postleitzahl (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Ort (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Land (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Versandzusatz (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Adresszusatz (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Abw. Zustellbezeichnung 1 (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Abw. Zustellbezeichnung 2 (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Adresse Gültig von (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Adresse Gültig bis (Rechnungsadresse)",
            "Bankleitzahl 6",
            "Bankbezeichnung 6",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 6",
            "Länderkennzeichen 6",
            "IBAN-Nr. 6",
            "IBAN6 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 6",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 6",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 6",
            "Bankverb 6 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 6 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 7",
            "Bankbezeichnung 7",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 7",
            "Länderkennzeichen 7",
            "IBAN-Nr. 7",
            "IBAN7 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 7",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 7",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 7",
            "Bankverb 7 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 7 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 8",
            "Bankbezeichnung 8",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 8",
            "Länderkennzeichen 8",
            "IBAN-Nr. 8",
            "IBAN8 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 8",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 8",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 8",
            "Bankverb 8 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 8 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 9",
            "Bankbezeichnung 9",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 9",
            "Länderkennzeichen 9",
            "IBAN-Nr. 9",
            "IBAN9 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 9",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 9",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 9",
            "Bankverb 9 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 9 Gültig bis",
            "Bankleitzahl 10",
            "Bankbezeichnung 10",
            "Bank-Kontonummer 10",
            "Länderkennzeichen 10",
            "IBAN-Nr. 10",
            "IBAN10 korrekt",
            "SWIFT-Code 10",
            "Abw. Kontoinhaber 10",
            "Kennz. Hauptbankverb. 10",
            "Bankverb 10 Gültig von",
            "Bankverb 10 Gültig bis",
            "Nummer Fremdsystem",
            "Mandatsreferenz 1",
            "Mandatsreferenz 2",
            "Mandatsreferenz 3",
            "Mandatsreferenz 4",
            "Mandatsreferenz 5",
            "Mandatsreferenz 6",
            "Mandatsreferenz 7",
            "Mandatsreferenz 8",
            "Mandatsreferenz 9",
            "Mandatsreferenz 10",
            "Verknüpftes OPOS-Konto",
            "Mahnsperre bis",
            "Lastschriftsperre bis",
            "Zahlungssperre bis",
            "Mahngebühr 1",
            "Mahngebühr 2",
            "Mahngebühr 3",
            "Verzugspauschale 1",
            "Verzugspauschale 2",
            "Verzugspauschale 3"
    "columns": {
        "headerRow1": {
            "index": {
        "invoiceRow": {
            "index": {

    "fileName": "EXTF_Export_[SettingName]_[Today].csv",