How many decimal places does JustOn use?
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When calculating invoices, JustOn uses best-practice, sensible defaults for decimal places.
(1) First, JustOn multiplies the unit price with the provided quantity information and, in case of recurring items, with the billing factor. This makes up the position price. The corresponding fields have five decimal places.
(2) After the position price is determined, JustOn deducts the applicable discounts. This results in the position price discounted, which is rounded to two decimal places.
(3) JustOn then adds the applicable taxes. You can either feed a precalculated tax from an external system, or have JustOn internally determine the calculated tax based on the discounted position price and one or more tax rates (as defined by tax rules). The tax values are input with two decimal places.
This calculation produces the position total gross price with two decimal places.
(4) Finally, JustOn sums the position total gross prices, producing the invoice's grand total, which also has two decimal places.
This calculation is independent of the configured decimal places display on PDF files.
There are several settings that control the number of displayed decimal places. JustOn applies the settings in the following order:
Decimal Places
on the templateDecimal Places for Unit Price
andDecimal Places for Quantity
on the invoice line itemDecimal Places for Unit Price
andDecimal Places for Quantity
in the global settings- Global default: two decimal places for all numeric values
If one setting is not set or not found, JustOn falls back to the next one.
Related information:
How does JustOn calculate the invoice line item price?
Invoice Line Item Fields and Formulas
Tax Calculation - Tax Rounding
How to control decimal places on PDF files?