
Which fonts can be used in PDF files?

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Generally, it is the template that defines how the PDF copy of an invoice, dunning reminder or account statement is rendered, defining its contents and layout.

The available fonts depend on the template mechanism you use:

Standard Templates and Visualforce PDF

Salesforce's built-in PDF rendering service generates downloadable, printable PDF files of specifically prepared Visualforce pages – in JustOn, for invoices and statements. Using Visualforce PDF rendering is the standard approach on the Salesforce platform and works for the most use cases. Templates and template details as well as their contents are easy to handle without expert knowledge.

There may, however, apply some limitations. For details, see Visualforce PDF Rendering Considerations and Limitations in the Salesforce Help.

The available fonts include Arial Unicode MS, Helvetica, Times and Courier (see Fonts Available When Using Visualforce PDF Rendering in the Salesforce Help). To use one of these fonts in your template – for example, Times – add the following CSS code to the Custom CSS field:

body {
  font-family: "Times";

For details, see Modifying Template CSS.


If you need to print characters beyond the (standard) Latin characters, you must select the checkbox Use Unicode Font (see Adjusting Invoice Formatting). This immediately enables the font Arial Unicode MS, which is the only font that supports extended character sets and multibyte characters.

Be aware that using the Unicode font impedes bold and italic text formatting.

Liquid Templates and JustOn PDF Service

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management has added support for invoice and statement templates using the Liquid template language. To render the files and to produce the corresponding PDF output, JustOn uses a dedicated service based on the Chromium PDF engine.

Use this approach if your business requires sophisticated PDF customizations that are difficult or impossible to implement with Visualforce PDF rendering, like, for example, custom fonts or QR codes.

That is: The JustOn PDF service allows embedding and using any font and style you want, see Embedding Assets.


Be aware that creating and modifying Liquid templates requires profound skills in web development techniques, in particular, Liquid template language and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Creating and maintaining Liquid templates constitutes custom development. Related issues are therefore not covered by the general maintenance and support contract for JustOn.