
CPQ Billing

This JustOn Configurator package adds a standard configuration for integrating JustOn Billing & Invoice Management with Salesforce CPQ. It configures the standard objects Asset and CPQ Subscription to be invoiced with JustOn Billing & Invoice Management.

For details, see Best Practice: JustOn for Salesforce CPQ.


System preconditions:

Deploying package

To deploy a configurator package:

  1. Log in your target Salesforce org.
  2. In the same browser session, open the JustOn Configurator.

    If the link does not work, copy the URL

  3. Click Salesforce OAuth2.

    This connects the JustOn Configurator with your current Salesforce session using your current credentials. Make sure that you are connected with the intended user and org.


  4. Open the relevant tab.

  5. Scroll down the list to find the relevant package.
  6. Click Deploy.

    This deploys the configuration as described to your org.

    Back in your Salesforce org, make sure to add the deployed components to permission sets as necessary.

Deployed Artifacts

The package adds the following artifacts:

  • Invoicing fields on Asset and CPQ Subscription
  • Field set for the New Invoice page (on Order Product)
  • Permission set for all fields
  • New Invoice buttons on Account and Contract
  • GIR filters for assets and CPQ subscriptions
Asset configuration
Field Data Type Description Content
ON_Account Formula(Text) Specifies the Salesforce account ID or external ID. The formula uses the API name of the field that links the object to the account. AccountId
ON_InvoiceBuildError Text(255) Shows errors that occurred during the last invoice run.
ON_Invoice Lookup(Invoice) The invoice that resulted from this record.
ON_IsItem Checkbox Forces JustOn to use this object as the source for both the invoice and the invoice line items. True
ON_LastInvoiceRun Lookup(InvoiceRun) Shows the last invoice run that has processed this object.
ON_Quantity Formula(Number) The quantity to be billed for this invoice line item. Quantity (standard Asset field)
ON_ServiceDate Formula(Date) The record will be invoiced when the date is null or within the service period of the invoice run. SBQQ__QuoteLine__r.SBQQ__StartDate
ON_Template Formula(Text) Specifies the Salesforce ID of the related template. ID of the template to use
ON_Title Formula(Text) The name or short description of the invoice line item. Name (standard Asset field)
ON_UnitPrice Formula(Currency) Either the net or gross price of one unit of this item. Price (standard Asset field)
CPQ Subscription configuration
Field Data Type Description Content
ON_Account Formula(Text) Specifies the Salesforce account ID or external ID. The formula uses the API name of the field that links the object to the account. SBQQ__Account__c
ON_BillingPeriod Formula(Number) Defines the time interval (in days, months or years) after which the item is considered in the invoice run. SBQQ__QuoteLine__r.SBQQ__Quote__r.SBQQ__SubscriptionTerm__c
ON_BillingType Formula(Text) Specifies the billing behavior. Supported values for recurring items include Recurring or Recurring Prorated. If the field does not exist or is empty, it defaults to the billing type One-Time. Recurring
ON_BillingUnit Formula(Text) Defines the time unit for the billing period to be displayed on the invoice and which is used for the price calculation of the billing period. Supported values are Day, Month and Year. Month
ON_InvoiceBuildError Text(255) Shows errors that occurred during the last invoice run.
ON_Invoice Lookup(Invoice) The invoice that resulted from this record.
ON_IsItem Checkbox Forces JustOn to use this object as the source for both the invoice and the invoice line items. True
ON_LastInvoiceRun Lookup(InvoiceRun) Shows the last invoice run that has processed this object.
ON_NextInvoice Date Specifies the next billing date. If no value is defined, it will be substituted by the maximum of the invoice run start date, subscription start date or item start date.
ON_Quantity Formula(Number) The quantity to be billed for this invoice line item. SBQQ__Quantity__c
ON_ServiceDate Formula(Date) The record will be invoiced when the date is null or within the service period of the invoice run. null
ON_StartDate Formula(Date) The start date from which this item is active (may be empty). SBQQ__StartDate__c
ON_EndDate Formula(Date) The date until which this item is active (may be empty). null or
ON_Template Formula(Text) Specifies the Salesforce ID of the related template. ID of the template to use
ON_Title Formula(Text) The name or short description of the invoice line item. SBQQ__QuoteLine__r.SBQQ__ProductName__c
ON_UnitPrice Formula(Currency) Either the net or gross price of one unit of this item. SBQQ__NetPrice__c / SBQQ__ProrateMultiplier__c
or monthly unit price
Permission Set
  • Account.New_Invoice
  • Contract.New_Invoice
Field Set on Order Product
Name Target Parent Relationship Use Case
Asset Asset {"AccountId": "Account"} Generic
CPQ Subscription SBQQ__Subscription__c {"ON_Account__c": "Account" , "SBQQ__Contract__c": "Contract"} Generic

Post-Deployment Tasks

  1. Assign the permission set JustOn_CPQ_Permissions to all relevant users.

    Alternatively, you can enable Edit access to all new fields via the permission set JustOn Additional Fields.

  2. Modify the formulas in ON_Quantity and ON_UnitPrice to cover the correct credit calculation.

    For details, see Configuring Asset and Configuring CPQ Subscription.

  3. Modify the ON_Template formula on Asset and CPQ Subscription to specify the Salesforce ID of the relevant template.

    In the simplest use case, you just name the template to use. If necessary, however, you use a formula that returns a dedicated template according to your specific criteria – target region, business entity, product group, etc.