
Enabling Deferred Revenue Bookings

← Bookkeeping Data Creation

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management can create booking details for deferred revenue, distributing the revenue of an invoice to one or multiple future booking periods.


For JustOn Billing & Invoice Management to generate a booking detail for the deferred revenue, you must create a corresponding Collective Accounts custom setting of the type Deferred, and where the field Account specifies the dedicated deferred revenue account number (like for the German SKR 04, for example, 3900 "Passive Rechnungsabgrenzung").

Assuming two applicable tax rates (19% and 7%), the following settings are required:

Object Field Value
Global Settings Create Bookkeeping Data true
Assignment Rules - G/L Account G/L Account 4400
Tax Code DE_19
Business Entity business entity name
Assignment Rules - G/L Account G/L Account 4300
Tax Code DE_7
Business Entity business entity name
Collective Account Booking Account 3806
Tax Code DE_19
Type Tax
Collective Account Booking Account 3801
Tax Code DE_7
Type Tax
Collective Account Booking Account 3900
Type Deferred
Account |
debtor account number
Invoice Line Item Revenue Recognition Rule Booking Month|
Calendar Year

Enabling the bookkeeping data generation for deferred revenue generally involves the following configuration steps:

Activating Booking Data Creation

In order to globally enable the creation of bookkeeping data, the feature must be activated in the global settings.

  1. Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.

    In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.

  2. Click Manage in the row of Global Settings.

  3. Click Edit in the Default row.
  4. Select the checkbox Create Bookkeeping Data.
  5. Click Save.

    Once enabled, the bookkeeping data is generated automatically upon invoice finalization.


Once created, the booking details can no longer be modified or deleted. In case of errors, however, you can regenerate booking details for invoices.

Enabling Booking Accounts

To provide for the correct booking account allocation, you create dedicated G/L Account Assignment Rules and Collective Account settings.

Booking revenue and taxes including deferred revenue usually requires the following booking accounts:

Account name Account no.
SKR 04
Revenue 19% 4400 G/L Account
Taxes 19% 3806 Collective Account
Revenue 7% 4300 G/L Account
Taxes 7% 3801 Collective Account
Deferred 3900 Collective Account
Debtor 10000 Debtor number

Remember that depending on your accounting system, the booking account numbers may differ.

  1. Create Assignment Rules - G/L Account settings to book the revenue.

    To cover the minimum use cases for revenues with 19% VAT and for revenues with 7% VAT, you need at least the following settings:

    Name G/L Account Tax Code Business Entity
    Revenue 19% 4400 DE_19 business entity name
    Revenue 7% 4300 DE_7 business entity name

    For details, see Configuring G/L Account.

  2. Create Collective Account settings for the tax bookings.

    To cover the outlined use cases, you need at least the following settings:

    Name Booking Account Tax Code Type
    Tax 19% 3806 DE_19 Tax
    Tax 7% 3801 DE_7 Tax

    Depending on your requirements, your Collective Account settings may, in addition, need to define the Business Entity.

    For details, see Configuring Collective Accounts.

  3. Create a Collective Account setting for the deferred revenue bookings.

    To cover the outlined use cases, you need at least this setting:

    Name Booking Account Business Partner Account Type
    Deferred 3900 10000 Deferred

    Depending on your requirements, your Collective Account setting may, in addition, need to define the Business Entity.

    Account debtor no for deferred revenue

    By default, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management fills the field Contra Booking Account in booking details for deferred revenue using the value of the Business Partner Account field of the corresponding Collective Accounts custom setting record. Your business use case, however, may require to use the value of the custom field ON_DebtorNo on the account instead. To support this scenario, activate the corresponding global setting Use Debtor No for Deferred Revenue.

    1. Click to enter Setup, then open Custom Settings.

      In Salesforce Lightning, navigate to Custom Code > Custom Settings.

      In Salesforce Classic, navigate to Develop > Custom Settings.

    2. Click Manage in the row of Global Settings.

    3. Click Edit in the Default row.
    4. Select the checkbox Use Debtor No for Deferred Revenue.
    5. Click Save.

    For details, see Configuring Collective Accounts.

  4. Enable the debtor account number.

    Depending on your requirements, the way to define the debtor account number differs:

    For customer-specific debtor numbers, you use the Account field ON_DebtorNo.

    1. Navigate to the fields list of the Account object.
    2. Create the following new field.

      API Name Data Type Description Example Values
      ON_DebtorNo Text (255)
      Specifies the contra account number for booking details. If configured as a formula, it can determine the value based on other fields. 10000

    To support collective debtors (or debtor groups), you use the Invoice field DebtorNo.

    Using a collective debtor number via the Invoice field DebtorNo does not require a collective account setting. Instead, you just set the intended booking account number to be transferred to the booking detail.

    1. Navigate to the fields list of the Invoice object (ONB2__Invoice__c).
    2. Create the following new field.

      API Name Data Type Description Example Values
      DebtorNo Text (255)
      Specifies the contra account number for booking details. If configured as a formula, it can determine the value based on other fields. 10000

    If the field is configured as a text, you can use the ON field mechanism to have it set using values from invoice source objects. Be aware, however, that if the field is configured as a formula, the ON field mechanism will not overwrite the DebtorNo value.


    When creating booking details, the Invoice field DebtorNo takes precedence over the Account field ON_DebtorNo. If the Invoice field DebtorNo is empty or does not exist, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management uses the Account field ON_DebtorNo to set Contra Booking Account in the booking detail.

Setting Revenue Recognition Rule

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management writes deferred revenue bookings according to the revenue recognition rule set in the invoice line item field Recognition Rule.

The ON field mechanism is a likely option for having the revenue recognition rule specified automatically on the invoice line item when generating invoices. Alternatively, you can use Salesforce flows or other automation tools.

To make use of the ON field mechanism, you set the field ON_RecognitionRule on the invoice line item source object:

  1. Navigate to the fields list of the corresponding object.
  2. Create the following new field.

    API Name Data Type Description
    ON_RecognitionRule Text (255)
    Formula (Text)
    Specifies the revenue recognition rule to be applied, is copied to the invoice line item during the invoice run.
    Common options include Booking Month or Calendar Year.

    For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.