
Enabling Expense Visualization

← Payments in Billing & Invoice Management

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management supports expenses to represent payables and to hold all relevant information.

Users may require to easily assess the relevant information in a graphical representation. To this end, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management can generate a printable view from structured data that is extracted from the original expense source.

When upgrading JustOn Billing & Invoice Management from a pre-2.105 version, you must manually update the Expense layout to support the related functionality. This involves adding

  • the Tax Breakdowns and Expenses related lists
  • the Type field
  • the Display Printable View button

to the Expense layout.

To add the Tax Breakdowns and Expenses related lists to the Expense layout:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Expense object.
  2. Click Page Layouts.
  3. In the Expense Layout row, click to open the action menu, then select Edit.
  4. From the Related Lists palette, drag the Tax Breakdowns and Expenses lists to the Related Lists section.
  5. Click Save.

Adding Type Field

To add the Type field to the Expense layout:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Expense object.
  2. Click Page Layouts.
  3. In the Expense Layout row, click to open the action menu, then select Edit.
  4. From the Fields palette, drag the Type field to the Expense Detail section.
  5. Click Save.

Adding Display Printable View Button

To add the Display Printable View button to the Expense layout:

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the Expense object.
  2. Click Page Layouts.
  3. In the Expense Layout row, click to open the action menu, then select Edit.
  4. From the Mobile & Lightning Actions palette, drag the Display Printable View button to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section.
  5. Click Save.