Enabling Invoice PDF Regeneration
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Usually, JustOn Billing & Invoice Management generates a PDF file when finalizing an invoice. In certain business use cases, you may need to recreate the PDF file for an already finalized invoice (status Open
). Doing so does not modify any invoice data.
To enable the option for individually recreating a PDF file for an open invoice, add the Recreate PDF button to the invoice detail view.
Regenerating the invoice PDF does not constitute a suitable means to correct an invoice. In case of wrong billing data or formal invoice errors, you usually
- cancel the invoice
- correct the source data as necessary, and
- create a new invoice.
Typical use cases
You usually must correct (cancel and recreate) an invoice if one of the legally required information is wrong or missing, including, among others
- Recipient address
- Seller information like VAT number
- Invoice date
- Invoice line item information
- Invoice amount
- Tax
When correcting any information that does not involve legally binding invoice data, recreating the invoice PDF may be sufficient. Use cases may include, for example
- Correcting typos
Registering a partial payment, which reduces the payment amount
This may be illegal in some jurisdictions.
- Navigate to the object management settings of the Invoice object.
- Click Page Layouts.
- In the Invoice Layout row, click Edit.
- Drag the Recreate PDF button to the Custom Buttons area in the invoice detail section.
Click Save to save the modified page layout.
For help about modifying page layouts, see Managing Pages.