
Managing Buttons or Links

In order to cover certain business use cases, administrators must create new buttons or links or edit existing buttons or links.


The page customization, including the button and link management, differs between Salesforce Classic and Salesforce Lightning.

Managing Page Components in Salesforce Lightning

  1. Open a record detail page of the corresponding object.

    1. Navigate to an opportunity, order, invoice, subscription etc. as required.
    2. Click to open the Setup menu, then select Edit Page.
  2. Modify the page layout as necessary.

    Add, edit or remove components.

    Reorder components by dragging them to the intended region of the record page.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Activate.

    This makes the customized record page available to users.


When you save the customized record page for the first time, you can activate it from the Save dialog. Later, you can use the Activation... dialog.

For more details about editing Lightning pages, see Create and Configure Lightning Experience Record Pages in the Salesforce Help.

There are two ways for managing Lightning Experience action buttons:

Actions in Page Layouts

In an object's page layout definition, you define action buttons using the Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions category on the palette.

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the corresponding object.

    Click to open the Setup menu and select Setup, then open Objects and Fields > Object Manager > Object.

  2. Click Page Layouts.

  3. Click Edit in the row of the layout you intend to modify.
  4. In the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section, modify the buttons as necessary.

    To hide buttons, drag them to the palette.

    To add buttons, drag them from the palette to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section.

  5. Click Save.

    For more details, see Customize Detail Page Buttons in the Salesforce Help.

Dynamic Actions in Lightning App Builder

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management already uses dynamic actions for invoices and statements by default. This way, it can show or hide actions depending on the record's status.

Dynamic invoice buttons

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management uses dynamic actions for invoices by default. This way, it can show or hide actions depending on the record's status or type.

You can add, rearrange or remove actions according to your business requirements. For details, see Dynamic Actions in Lightning App Builder.

Action / Invoice Status →
Draft Pre-Draft
Open Paid Settled Canceled
Only for invoice types
Deposit / Proforma
Not available for invoice types
Proforma / Cancelation
Create Credit
Not available for invoice types
Deposit / Proforma
Postpone Due Date
Register Payment
New Dunning
Write Off
Manage IVA
Set Order Discount
Set Business Entity
Set Contacts
Recreate PDF
Copy Text
Create E-Invoice
Dynamic statement buttons

JustOn Billing & Invoice Management uses dynamic actions for statements (dunning reminders and account statements) by default. This way, it can show or hide actions depending on the record's status.

You can add, rearrange or remove actions according to your business requirements. For details, see Dynamic Actions in Lightning App Builder.

Action / Statement Status →
Draft Closed
Send Dunning
Copy Text
Recreate PDF

You may want to use the Lightning App Builder instead of the Page Layout editor for other objects as well. To manage the action buttons in the Lightning App Builder, you must explicitly enable dynamic actions.

Once enabled, you add, rearrange or remove actions according to your business requirements – including the default actions for invoices and statements.


Be aware of the following specifics:

  • Enabling dynamic actions applies to the current record page.
  • Once you have enabled dynamic actions for a record page, actions configured in the object's page layout will no longer have any effect.
  1. Open the record detail page of the relevant object in the Lightning App Builder.

    1. Navigate to an opportunity, order, invoice, subscription etc. as required.
    2. Click to open the Setup menu, then select Edit Page.
  2. Select the top panel ("Highlights").

  3. In the panel's properties, click Upgrade Now to enable dynamic actions.
  4. Add, rearrange or remove actions as necessary.
  5. Click Save.

    For more details, see Create Dynamic Actions in Lightning App Builder in the Salesforce Help.

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the corresponding object.

    Click to open the Setup menu and select Setup, then open Objects and Fields > Object Manager > Object.

  2. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.

  3. Click New Buttons or Link.
  4. Specify the button or link details as necessary.

    Mandatory details include the label, name, display type, behavior, content source and content. The description is optional.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Add the button to the intended page layout.

    See Managing Page Layouts in Salesforce Lightning.

  1. Navigate to the object management settings of the corresponding object.

    Click to open the Setup menu and select Setup, then open Objects and Fields > Object Manager > Object.

  2. Click Buttons, Links, and Actions.

  3. Click Edit in the row of the button or link you intend to edit.
  4. Modify the details as necessary.
  5. Click Save.
  1. Navigate to the Buttons, Links, and Actions page for the corresponding object.

    For standard Salesforce objects, open, for example, Setup > Customize > Opportunities > Buttons, Links, and Actions.

    For JustOn objects, open, for example, Setup > Create > Objects > Invoice > Buttons, Links, and Actions.

  2. Click New Button or Link.

  3. Specify the button or link details as necessary.

    Mandatory details include the label, name, display type, behavior, content source and content. The description is optional.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Add the button to the intended page layout.

    See Managing Page Layouts in Salesforce Classic.

  1. Navigate to the Buttons, Links, and Actions page for the corresponding object.

    For standard Salesforce objects, open, for example, Setup > Customize > Opportunities > Buttons, Links, and Actions.

    For JustOn objects, open, for example, Setup > Create > Objects > Invoice > Buttons, Links, and Actions.

  2. Click Edit in the row of the button or link you intend to edit.

  3. Modify the details as necessary.
  4. Click Save.

    For more details, see Define Custom Buttons and Links in the Salesforce Help.