
What data is transferred to DATEV by default?

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To seamlessly transfer invoice-based bookkeeping data to DATEV, JustOn integrates with JustOn Connector for DATEV. This is an add-on to JustOn that generates DATEV-specific ledger records from booking details (as created from invoices and invoice line items), and transfers them to DATEV Unternehmen online. Once there, these accounting documents and accounting document items can be used by any DATEV application that accesses the DATEV Cloud.

For details, see Data Transfer to DATEV.

The following table shows the default mapping between the relevant Booking Detail fields, the (intermediate) Accounting Document/Accounting Document Item fields and the target DATEV data structure.

Booking Detail Accounting Document Accounting Document Item DATEV
InvoiceNo InvoiceId invoiceId
BookingPeriod DocumentDate date
AccountName CustomerName customerName
BillingCity CustomerCity customerCity
BIC SwiftCode swiftCode
VATId VatId vatId
Amount Amount amount
AccountNo AccountNo accountNo
BookingDate AccountingDate date
DeliveryDate deliveryDate
TaxRate Tax tax

JustOn can copy additional fields from the booking details to the accounting documents and accounting document items. This is done for all additional fields on the booking detail if a field with the same name exists on the corresponding target. For details, see Additional Fields.

Related information:

Enabling Data Transfer to DATEV
What dates are transferred to DATEV?