
How to control the payment due date?

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Usually, JustOn determines the Payment Due Date of an invoice adding the value of Payment Due (in days) to the set Invoice Date. That is,

Payment Due Date = Invoice Date + Payment Due

The invoice date is set on invoice finalization. For draft invoices, that is, those that are not yet finalized, JustOn displays a preliminary due date based on the current date (Today + Payment Due).

The payment due (the number of days to be added) is fetched – in this order – either from

  • the invoice source record (PaymentDue on the subscription or ON_PaymentDue on another source object)
  • the field Default Payment Due on the account, or
  • the field Default Payment Due on the template.

If you have not set a default payment due on the account or the template, JustOn defaults to 0.

Once the invoice is finalized, you can no longer modify the payment due date. Users can, however, postpone the payment due date for open and draft invoices. Doing so suspends applicable dunning procedures for the specified time.


The service period of an invoice does not affect the payment due date.

Using the Invoice field Payment Due Condition, users can define a custom calculation for the Payment Due Date and for the Payment Due value.

Related information:

How to customize the payment due calculation?
How to control the invoice service period?