
How to move the discount message?

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JustOn supports invoice discounts, a discount type that temporarily reduces the grand total of the invoice. For details, see Invoice Discount.

By default, JustOn prints the discount message (an information you can define to notify your customers about an invoice discount) below the Text 3 block. Your business may, however, require to display this message within one of the other text blocks of the invoice PDF. To this end, you can configure a dedicated discount message placeholder.

Setting up the discount message placeholder involves these tasks:

  • Creating a helper field on the Invoice object
  • Creating the discount message placeholder and two helper placeholders
  • Hiding the standard discount message

Once set up accordingly, you can use the [DiscountMessage] placeholder in any invoice text field. It displays the defined discount message if the discount rate field is not empty or the DiscountMessage__c field is set.

Creating Helper Field

Create a field for a helper placeholder on the Invoice object.

API Name Type Formula
DraftDiscountMessage Formula (Text) IF(ISBLANK(ONB2__DiscountRate__c),'','[TemplateDiscountMessage]')

For help about creating fields, see Managing Object Fields.

Creating Placeholders

Create the discount message placeholder and two helper placeholders.

Placeholder Field Discount Message Placeholder Draft Discount Message Placeholder Template Discount Message Placeholder
Name DiscountMessage DraftDiscountMessage TemplateDiscountMessage
Fallback if fields empty DiscountMessage__c
Fallback rule DraftDiscountMessage
Field DiscountMessage__c DraftDiscountMessage__c DiscountMessage__c
Source Invoice Invoice Template__c

For help about creating placeholders, see Custom Placeholders.

Hiding Standard Discount Message

Add a CSS rule to your template in order to hide the standard discount message block.

.c1 .block_3 {
    display: none;

For help about specifying CSS rules, see Modifying Template CSS.