Why might the PDF rendering or invoice finalization fail?
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Under certain circumstances, JustOn produces errors when creating or previewing an invoice PDF, or when finalizing an invoice (which involves generating a PDF file).
The error message on PDF creation may look like
SQLException in Class.ONB2.PlaceholderGenerator.get [...]
Class.ONB2.Tokenizer.getPlaceholders [...]
Class.ONB2.TextRenderer.render [...]
Class.ONB2.TextRenderer.renderWithPlaceholders [...]
Class.ONB2.TextRenderer.renderTextWithPlaceholders [...]
or, when finalizing the invoice, just
SQLException in (ONB2)
Error in expression '{!finalize}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page onb2:finalizeinvoice: (ONB2)
The error indicates that JustOn tries to render a placeholder that does not exist. This is usually the case with square brackets [...]
in texts that do not enclose placeholders.
To prevent this issue, make sure to not use the square bracket characters [
and ]
in invoice line item titles and descriptions, template text blocks, payment information texts, etc., except for placeholders.
If, however, you still want to enclose some information in square brackets, you can use their HTML entities [
and ]
– or just use round brackets instead.