Combined One-Time and Recurring Donations With Nonprofit Cloud
← Nonprofit Organization Best Practices
As a nonprofit organization, you promote a particular (social) cause. Doing so, you focus on your objective, not on making money. But you need to bring some income to be able to do your work.
A common way of raising money are donations, which involve, however, some management overhead. Larger organizations are likely to manage both one-time and recurring donations using the fundraising solution provided with Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud.
Solution Outline
To support payment management with Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising, you integrate JustOn Cash Management, the app to trigger and process payments.
(1) A donor gives a one-time donation or a recurring donation. Nonprofit Cloud for Fundraising creates a gift transaction record to save the relevant data.
(2) Thanks to the integration with JustOn Cash Management, the system creates an entry record for each generated gift transaction, as well as a payment instrument record for recurring donations.
(3) Based on these entries, your org can either publish the payment page or create direct debit orders.
(4) Then have the donor make the payment via the payment page or send the direct debit orders to your bank – collecting the money yourself.
(5) Optionally, create a donation receipt.
Setup Overview
Setting up the JustOn-relevant part of the outlined solution involves, consequently, at least the following tasks:
Set up JustOn Cash Management in your in your Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud instance.
For details, see Setting Up JustOn Cash Management.
Configure Salesforce flows to create or delete entries and payment instruments.
Make sure to cover these use cases:
- Entry creation on gift transaction creation
- Entry deletion on gift transaction deletion
- Payment instrument creation on recurring donation commitment
- Payment instrument deactivation when a recurring donation ends
Configure the payment solution.
Configure the payment provider integration in JustOn Cash Management.
For details, see Integrating Payment Provider.
Generally, the payment page of JustOn Cash Management leverages all payment methods that you have enabled as part of your account setup with the payment service provider.
Configure the payment page.
For details, see Configuring Payment Page.
For recurring donations, set up the payment run.
For details, see Configuring PSP Payment Run.
Initialize JustOn Cash Management for the operation with banks.
For details, see Initializing Banking Operations.
For recurring donations, set up the payment run.
For details, see Configuring SEPA Payment Run.